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Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905.

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Nashua (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Middlesex Village, adjoining Lowell, and which flourished before the latter was thought of, furnishes subjects for contemplation. In the now quiet hamlet, where trade was once active and manufacturing kept many busy, still stands the office of the collector of the old Middlesex canal. It is a very small structure, and in very good repair, and is surrounded by traces of the enterprise that called it into being. (A few rods away to the north runs the Merrimac river, skirted by the Lowell & Nashua railroad—now a part of the Boston & Maine. The latter stands like a sentry, as it were, forbidding the corpse of the old canal it has slain to rise again; yet, even in death, the old Middlesex canal is remembered by its ancient friend, the Merrimac, whose waters ebb and flow in a narrow culvert connecting the river with the shrub-grown valley which marks the bed of the almost forgotten canal.) The door of this office is unlocked by a huge key, suggestive of other days. The interior is divi
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
mford Baldwin, son of Loammi Baldwin, to convey a farm road over the canal, and considered by engineers to be one of the most graceful structures of the sort in New England. It is plainly visible as one is journeying along by the Brooks farm in the electric cars. The line of the old canal is where Boston avenue is now situated,of Mystic pond. Instead of a foreground of blurred landscapes, vanishing ghostlike, ere its features could be fairly distinguished, soft bits of characteristic New England scenery, cut clear as cameos, lingered caressingly on his vision. A large amount of lumber was being used during this period by the ship-yards on the Mystic Horn Pond House in Woburn was the most important house on the route of the canal. The proprietor was the famous Robert McGill, and had a reputation throughout New England. It was the summer resort of Boston and the surrounding country, and on a summer's day the business done was enormous, people coming by boat and carriages, and
Roxbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
pen sewers. Mr. Eddy's plan consisted in abolishing the levels betwen Billerica and Middlesex Village and Woburn and Charlestown, conducting the water of the canal from Woburn by thirty-inch iron pipes to a reservoir on Mount Benedict in Somerville, thence to be distributed over Boston, and possibly Charlestown and Cambridge. The water from the Concord river was analyzed by Dr. Charles T. Jackson, Professor John W. Webster, of Harvard University, S. L. Dana, of Lowell, and A. A. Hayes, of Roxbury, and by all declared to be pure, soft, and eminently suitable for the purpose. The scheme was, however, not successful, and in 1845 Caleb Eddy resigned his position. Stock fell to $150, and in 1846 the canal was abandoned and the property was sold for $130,000, and the amount divided among the stockholders. On April 4, 1852, the last canal-boat was run on the canal by Joel Dix, of Billerica. By conveyances made in 1832, the company reserved the right to use the land for canaling purpo
Merrimack (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Historical Sketch of the old Middlesex canal. By Herbert Pierce Yeaton. [Concluded.] the canal began at Middlesex Village, on the Merrimac river in the town of Chelmsford, and was lifted through a connected flight of three locks, passing under the main street over an aqueduct across the brook-near which are some quaint ol diameter, and shed at one end with a long iron point), completed the propelling outfit. The crew consisted of a skipper and two bowmen. In going down the Merrimac river the scull oars were used, and when there was a fair wind a sail was hoisted. In going down the river, the bowmen took positions close to either side of the bery small structure, and in very good repair, and is surrounded by traces of the enterprise that called it into being. (A few rods away to the north runs the Merrimac river, skirted by the Lowell & Nashua railroad—now a part of the Boston & Maine. The latter stands like a sentry, as it were, forbidding the corpse of the old cana
Mystic Pond (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
n to this day in a fair state of preservation. In Winchester the canal passed through Gardner locks, located at the West side of the village, and on through to Mystic pond, crossing the narrow upper arm of the pond over a stone aqueduct. The bed of the canal is plainly visible here, and it is hoped the bed will remain untouched while the March of Progress is still moving on, converting the shores of Mystic pond into a beautiful boulevard. For something over a mile the canal lay within the grounds of the Brooks estate in West Medford. Here stands a beautiful monument, that of the handsome elliptical stone arch, built by George Rumford Baldwin, son of Loam ample time for observation and reflection. Seated in summer under a spacious awning, he traversed the valley of the Mystic, skirting the picturesque shores of Mystic pond. Instead of a foreground of blurred landscapes, vanishing ghostlike, ere its features could be fairly distinguished, soft bits of characteristic New England sc
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e centre of the Broadway park; around the base of Mount Benedict,—now nearly dug away,—across the foot of Austin street, where the gate-house may still be seen; then nearly parallel to Main street, Charlestown, to the Neck, where it passed under Main street, through a lock and into the millpond. Most of the cargoes were loaded here, but for those wishing carriage to Boston there was a lock with double gates working either way, according to the state of the tide, for admission into, the Charles river. Once in the river, it was an easy matter to reach any of the city wharves; but there was also an extension of the canal through what is now Haymarket square-Canal street being directly alongside—following nearly the lines of Blackstone street to the harbor, near what is now North Market street. Nearly all of the stone for Quincy market was brought over this route. On the map of 1812, in the Old State House in Boston, the canal can be traced under Cross, Hanover, and Ann—now North str
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
use of their employes —and through the long swamp to River Meadow brook, also crossed by aqueduct. Thence it was continued to Billerica, where it entered the Concord river by a stone guard lock, with a floating tow path, and passed out on the southern side through another stone guard lock. The canal is still used by the Talbot mhey have retained one of the lock gates, thus saving for us one of the best preserved and most interesting features of the old canal. On the south bank of the Concord river an extensive cutting through rocks was necessary. The Shawsheen river flows through a deep and narrow valley, and the stone work for the aqueduct constituted ch iron pipes to a reservoir on Mount Benedict in Somerville, thence to be distributed over Boston, and possibly Charlestown and Cambridge. The water from the Concord river was analyzed by Dr. Charles T. Jackson, Professor John W. Webster, of Harvard University, S. L. Dana, of Lowell, and A. A. Hayes, of Roxbury, and by all declar
Mystick River (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Brooks farm in the electric cars. The line of the old canal is where Boston avenue is now situated, passing through Gibson's lock and the aqueduct over the Mystic river, at a point where the new stone bridge now is, then turning to the east the canal passed under the bridge of the Lowell road,—the wing walls of this bridge are the Mystic trotting park to the base of Winter hill, Somerville. From this point the canal followed the line of the high land around to the short bend in the Mystic river, where Dunning's coal wharf is at present located; then to the south, through nearly the centre of the Broadway park; around the base of Mount Benedict,—now nengland scenery, cut clear as cameos, lingered caressingly on his vision. A large amount of lumber was being used during this period by the ship-yards on the Mystic river, and nearly all of it being rafted down the canal. By the regulations, these rafts could not be larger than seventy-five feet by nine and one-half feet; but a
Shawsheen (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ed the Concord river by a stone guard lock, with a floating tow path, and passed out on the southern side through another stone guard lock. The canal is still used by the Talbot mills at North Billerica for the supply of water for power, and in this connection they have retained one of the lock gates, thus saving for us one of the best preserved and most interesting features of the old canal. On the south bank of the Concord river an extensive cutting through rocks was necessary. The Shawsheen river flows through a deep and narrow valley, and the stone work for the aqueduct constituted perhaps the most imposing structure on the canal. Two end abutments and a central pier, all stone, supported a wooden truck or box about 180 feet long, elevated thirty feet above the river, and of sufficient width and depth. The abutments and pier remain undisturbed to this day, with some decaying fragments of the oaken truck still clinging to the pier. The highway and electric car line pass withi
River Meadow Brook (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Historical Sketch of the old Middlesex canal. By Herbert Pierce Yeaton. [Concluded.] the canal began at Middlesex Village, on the Merrimac river in the town of Chelmsford, and was lifted through a connected flight of three locks, passing under the main street over an aqueduct across the brook-near which are some quaint old houses erected by the proprietors for the use of their employes —and through the long swamp to River Meadow brook, also crossed by aqueduct. Thence it was continued to Billerica, where it entered the Concord river by a stone guard lock, with a floating tow path, and passed out on the southern side through another stone guard lock. The canal is still used by the Talbot mills at North Billerica for the supply of water for power, and in this connection they have retained one of the lock gates, thus saving for us one of the best preserved and most interesting features of the old canal. On the south bank of the Concord river an extensive cutting through rocks
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