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Randolph (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
of abolition and incendiary publications; by Mr. Magruder, of amending the 8th section, chapter 200, of the new edition of the Code; by Mr. Alderson, of making an appropriation on the two and three-fifths principle to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha, in Braxton county. Petitions, &c., Presented and Referred.--By Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of certain citizens of Henrico against the extension of the corporate limits of Richmond; by Mr. Bassel, the petition of citizens of Randolph and upshur, praying an appropriation for the construction of a road on State account; by Mr. McKenzie, the petition of citizens of Alexandria in favor of repealing that portion of the tax law which makes vessels retailing wood take out a license. Adverse Reports.--The Committee on Finance reported adversely to the petition of Robert Alexander and others, to release John Ray of a fine. The Committee on Schools and Colleges, adversely on the resolution for paying to J. T. Irving, a sum
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
or the relief of Richard H. Horner, of Fauquier county; amending the 39th chapter of the Code, concerning taxes on Bank dividends, collateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville Manufacturing Company; changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums — that at Williamsburg to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, that at Staunton to the Central Lunatic Asylum, and that at Weston to the Northwestern Lunatic Asylum. Coercion Resolutions of the Ohio Legislature. The Speaker laid before the House the following communication from Gov. Letcher, which was accompanied by a letter from the Governor of Ohio, transmitting certain coercion resolutions adopted on the 12th inst, by the Black Republican Legislature of that State. Being read by the Clerk, they were afterwards,
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
me; incorporating the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company; amending and re-enacting the charter of the town of Guyandotte, in Cabell county; for the relief of the administrator of John W. Moore, late Sheriff of Jefferson county; for the relief of Richard H. Horner, of Fauquier county; amending the 39th chapter of the Code, concerning taxes on Bank dividends, collateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville Manufacturing Company; changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums — that at Williamsburg to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, that at Staunton to the Central Lunatic Asylum, and that at Weston to the Northwestern Lunatic Asylum. Coercion Resolutions of the Ohio Legislature. The Speaker laid before the House the following communication from Gov. Letc
Guyandotte (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
House of Delegates. Tuesday, Jan. 22d, 1861. Speaker Crutchfield called the House to order at 12 o'clock M. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the Third Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from standing committee, as follows: Authorizing the trustees of Easter's Meeting-House, in Morgan county, to sell and convey the same; incorporating the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company; amending and re-enacting the charter of the town of Guyandotte, in Cabell county; for the relief of the administrator of John W. Moore, late Sheriff of Jefferson county; for the relief of Richard H. Horner, of Fauquier county; amending the 39th chapter of the Code, concerning taxes on Bank dividends, collateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville
Fauquier (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the Third Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from standing committee, as follows: Authorizing the trustees of Easter's Meeting-House, in Morgan county, to sell and convey the same; incorporating the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company; amending and re-enacting the charter of the town of Guyandotte, in Cabell county; for the relief of the administrator of John W. Moore, late Sheriff of Jefferson county; for the relief of Richard H. Horner, of Fauquier county; amending the 39th chapter of the Code, concerning taxes on Bank dividends, collateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville Manufacturing Company; changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums — that at Williamsburg to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, that at
United States (United States) (search for this): article 10
59 to 57. Gov. Letcher's message reads as follows: Executive Department, January 21, 1861. Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: I have received from His Excellency, Wm. Dennison, Governor of the State of Ohio, a communication enclosing resolutions passed by the General Assembly of that State on the 12th inst. These resolutions express a desire for the preservation of the Union. To give effect to this patriotic desire, they tender to the President of the United States "the entire power and resources of the State of Ohio," to be employed in the coercion and subjugation of the seceding States, as they express it, in "the maintenance of the Constitution and laws of the General Government, by whomsoever administered." Such a policy can never accomplish the object desired. Such resolutions, sent to the slaveholding States, can have no other effect than to excite resentment and to inflame prejudice, to increase existing difficulties, and to embarrass,
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 10
House of Delegates: I have received from His Excellency, Wm. Dennison, Governor of the State of Ohio, a communication enclosing resolutions passed by the General Assembly of that State on the 1re, they tender to the President of the United States "the entire power and resources of the State of Ohio," to be employed in the coercion and subjugation of the seceding States, as they express it,om justice. I would suggest the propriety of such a rebuke from the General Assembly of the State of Ohio at its present session. Such a rebuke would furnish a proper sequel to this resolution. I would further suggest that as "no enactment of the State of Ohio has clothed the Governor with authority to surrender to another State fugitives from its justice," seeking refuge in Ohio, it would betent thereof." Virginia has good ground for complaint against the present authorities of the State of Ohio on this score, and I earnestly hope they will carry out their declaration, as expressed in t
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
hosen, for a period of not less than twenty years after he or she becomes a slave. Bills Passed.--Amending the 4th section of an act incorporating £88 Jefferson Insurance Company of Albemarle; providing for taking the sense of the people of Henrico upon giving authority to the County Court to raise by loan $2,500 for arming the county: authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, dec'd, late Sheriff of Harrison county; amending an act concAlderson, of making an appropriation on the two and three-fifths principle to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha, in Braxton county. Petitions, &c., Presented and Referred.--By Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of certain citizens of Henrico against the extension of the corporate limits of Richmond; by Mr. Bassel, the petition of citizens of Randolph and upshur, praying an appropriation for the construction of a road on State account; by Mr. McKenzie, the petition of citizens of Ale
Weston, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
ning taxes on Bank dividends, collateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville Manufacturing Company; changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums — that at Williamsburg to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, that at Staunton to the Central Lunatic Asylum, and that at Weston to the Northwestern Lunatic Asylum. Coercion Resolutions of the Ohio Legislature. The Speaker laid before the House the following communication from Gov. Letcher, which was accompanied by a letter from the Governor of Ohio, transmitting certain coercion resolutions adopted on the 12th inst, by the Black Republican Legislature of that State. Being read by the Clerk, they were afterwards, on motion, laid on the table by a vote of 59 to 57. Gov. Letcher's message reads as follows: Ex
Harrison County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 10
ollateral inheritances and taxes on suits and seals; for the relief of the securities of Wm. Parris, late Sheriff of the county of Appomattox; releasing Oscar H. Tate from the payment of a fine imposed by the judgment of the Circuit Court of Harrison county; incorporating the Meadville Manufacturing Company; changing the names of the Lunatic Asylums — that at Williamsburg to the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, that at Staunton to the Central Lunatic Asylum, and that at Weston to the Northwestern Lunatihe sense of the people of Henrico upon giving authority to the County Court to raise by loan $2,500 for arming the county: authorizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, dec'd, late Sheriff of Harrison county; amending an act concerning colporteurs. Resolutions.--The following resolutions were read and referred: By Mr. Wilson, of amending chapter 198 of the Code of Virginia, so as the more effectually to prevent the circulation of abolition
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