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Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): article 1
s "Baby Waker," but the lateness of the hour prevented any extensive demonstration being made. The Savannah Brass Band, Robert Low leader, composed of colored men, serenaded the Mayor, Col. Lawton, and several other citizens. Several public and private buildings were illuminated. A division of the Territory. The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860: Free States. Sq. Miles. Maine35,000 New Hampshire9,200 Vermont10,212 Massachusetts7,800 Rhode Island1,306 Connecticut4,750 New York47,000 New Jersey8,300 Pennsylvania46,000 Ohio39,964 Indiana33,800 Illinois55,410 Michigan56,451 Wisconsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virgini
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
nsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virginia61,362 North Carolina50,704 South Carolina34,000 Georgia58,000 Alabama50,700 Florida59,268 Kentucky37,680 Missouri65,358 Arkansas52,16 Tennessee45,000 Mississippi47,152 Louisiana41,440 Texas274,356 890,382 Slave Territo's. N. Mexico256,309 Indian67,020 313,329 Sq. miles1,203,711 Population12,000,000 The result shows that a division of the Territories between the North and the South, by the line of 36 deg. 30 min., would give to each a quantity very nearly in proportion to the respective populations of the free and slave States, viz: to the free States, 1,795,965 square miles for a population of 19,000,000, and to the slave States, 1,203,711 sq
Nebraska (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): article 1
tory. The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860: Free States. Sq. Miles. Maine35,000 New Hampshire9,200 Vermont10,212 Massachusetts7,800 Rhode Island1,306 Connecticut4,750 New York47,000 New Jersey8,300 Pennsylvania46,000 Ohio39,964 Indiana33,800 Illinois55,410 Michigan56,451 Wisconsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virginia61,362 North Carolina50,704 South Carolina34,000 Georgia58,000 Alabama50,700 Florida59,268 Kentucky37,680 Missouri65,358 Arkansas52,16 Tennessee45,000 Mississippi47,152 Louisiana41,440 Texas274,356 890,382 Slave Territo's. N. Mexico256,309 Indian67,020 313,329 Sq. miles1,203,711 Popu
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
es" as honorary members of the company. Eight of them are unmarried. Byrd Douglas, of Nashville, Tenn., has sent a donation of $1,000 to the Governor of South Carolina. In Florida, the ladies of the families of Messrs. Robert Gamble and Robert W. Williams have offered their services in any manner available for preparing Letter from Ex-President Fillmore. The Hon. Millard Fillmore was, a few weeks ago, suggested by a Union meeting in New York as a suitable person to go to South Carolina to tender the people of that State the assurances of the citizens of New York that the North would respect and uphold the constitutional rights of the South. 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virginia61,362 North Carolina50,704 South Carolina34,000 Georgia58,000 Alabama50,700 Florida59,268 Kentucky37,680 Missouri65,358 Arkansas52,16 Tennessee45,000 Mississippi47,152 Louisiana41,440 Texas2
Shenandoah county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
rom Ex-President Fillmore--salute for an Ex-commander, &c. Capt. Alfred Cumming, late Governor of Utah, a graduate of West Point, and for sixteen years connected with the United States Army, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the Augusta (Ga.) Independent Volunteer Battalion on Saturday. Col. Cumming will immediately resign his captaincy in the Federal army. The Chicago Zouaves have offered their services to the United States Government. The Mulenburg Riflemen, of Shenandoah county, Va., fired one hundred and fifty guns on the 21st instant, in honor of the workingmen of New York city, who lately adopted resolutions sympathizing with the South. General Twiggs has declared his purpose to adhere to his gallant State of Georgia, and to resign his position in the present army whenever Georgia shall secede.--Mobile Advertiser. The New York Senate has adopted complimentary resolutions to Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, for his position. The Waynesboro (Ga.) News sa
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): article 1
e was fired with Mr. William Hone's "Baby Waker," but the lateness of the hour prevented any extensive demonstration being made. The Savannah Brass Band, Robert Low leader, composed of colored men, serenaded the Mayor, Col. Lawton, and several other citizens. Several public and private buildings were illuminated. A division of the Territory. The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860: Free States. Sq. Miles. Maine35,000 New Hampshire9,200 Vermont10,212 Massachusetts7,800 Rhode Island1,306 Connecticut4,750 New York47,000 New Jersey8,300 Pennsylvania46,000 Ohio39,964 Indiana33,800 Illinois55,410 Michigan56,451 Wisconsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Dela
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): article 1
The National crisis. Hon. Sherrard Clemens in the House — the contemplated Seizure of the Brooklyn Navy Yard — a battery Erected on the Mississippi river--letter from Ex-President Fillmore--salute for an Ex-commander, &c. Capt. Alfred Cumming, late Governor of Utah, a graduate of West Point, and for sixteen years connected with the United States Army, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the Augusta (Ga.) Independent Volunteer Battalion on Saturday. Col. Cumming will immediatey arrangements were made as unostentatiously as possible. Although, fortunately, their services were not required, convincing proof was afforded of the promptitude of the citizen soldiery to maintain the laws. A battery Erected on the Mississippi river at Vicksburg. The following paragraph from the Memphis Appeal, shows that guns have been planted at Vicksburg by order of the Governor of Mississippi, to intercept all passing steamboats: The order of the Governor of Mississippi t
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): article 1
made. The Savannah Brass Band, Robert Low leader, composed of colored men, serenaded the Mayor, Col. Lawton, and several other citizens. Several public and private buildings were illuminated. A division of the Territory. The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860: Free States. Sq. Miles. Maine35,000 New Hampshire9,200 Vermont10,212 Massachusetts7,800 Rhode Island1,306 Connecticut4,750 New York47,000 New Jersey8,300 Pennsylvania46,000 Ohio39,964 Indiana33,800 Illinois55,410 Michigan56,451 Wisconsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virginia61,362 North Carolina50,704 South Carolina34,000 Georgia58,000 Alabama50,700 Florida
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
t the lateness of the hour prevented any extensive demonstration being made. The Savannah Brass Band, Robert Low leader, composed of colored men, serenaded the Mayor, Col. Lawton, and several other citizens. Several public and private buildings were illuminated. A division of the Territory. The New York Post makes up the following from the report of the Commissioner of the Land Office for 1860: Free States. Sq. Miles. Maine35,000 New Hampshire9,200 Vermont10,212 Massachusetts7,800 Rhode Island1,306 Connecticut4,750 New York47,000 New Jersey8,300 Pennsylvania46,000 Ohio39,964 Indiana33,800 Illinois55,410 Michigan56,451 Wisconsin53,924 Iowa55,045 Minnesota83,591 Oregon95,274 California188,981 832,717 Free Territo's. Kansas126,283 Nebraska342,488 Minnesota81,960 Wash'ton.193,071 Utah220,196 963,948 Sq. miles1,795,965 Population19,000,000 Slave States. Sq. Miles. Delaware2,120 Maryland11,124 Virginia61,362 North Car
Waynesborough (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
, of Shenandoah county, Va., fired one hundred and fifty guns on the 21st instant, in honor of the workingmen of New York city, who lately adopted resolutions sympathizing with the South. General Twiggs has declared his purpose to adhere to his gallant State of Georgia, and to resign his position in the present army whenever Georgia shall secede.--Mobile Advertiser. The New York Senate has adopted complimentary resolutions to Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, for his position. The Waynesboro (Ga.) News says that the "Burke Sharpe Shooters" at a late meeting elected twenty-six "unqualified secession and determined-on- resistance ladies" as honorary members of the company. Eight of them are unmarried. Byrd Douglas, of Nashville, Tenn., has sent a donation of $1,000 to the Governor of South Carolina. In Florida, the ladies of the families of Messrs. Robert Gamble and Robert W. Williams have offered their services in any manner available for preparing the troops for the fi
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