Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for A. Lincoln or search for A. Lincoln in all documents.

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ry — Reappointment — the equinoctial — movements of troops — Medical Suggestions, &c. Norfolk, Sept. 19 The Federal steamer Octarara went to Craney Island yesterday under a flag of truce, having on board several ladies and children from Baltimore, returning to their homes in the South. They arrived here last evening in the steamer Arrow. Among the letters recently received here by flag of truce, was one from a prisoner at the Rip Raps, from which $20 had been stolen by some of Lincoln's conscientious officials,--The money was intended for the prisoner's wife. Mr. Henry W. Herbert has been re-appointed Master Mason at the Navy-Yard.--Mr. Herbert is a very competent and skillful workman, and is well qualified for the duties of his position. He superintended the erection of the Washington Monument, which adds so greatly to the attractions of the beautiful grounds around the Capitol at Richmond. Mr.--Snead, who has long been an employee at the Navy-Yard, has been
Lincoln boats here. --A steamboat loaded with cannon, muskets and men, landed at our wharf at the foot of Third street last evening. It was from Cincinnati, and is the flag boat of an extensive fleet of steamers and barges. Some ten other steamers, each towing ten barges, are in the river above, and will reach here in few hours. The expedition was purchasing chain cable and anchors in this city yesterday, and all things combined, seemed to indicate the making of a bridge across the Ohio or Mississippi as formidable as that on which Xerxes contemplated his marvelous deeds. Some of the boats are loaded with men, some with cannon, and some with chain cable. In addition to those barges, some thirty or forty barges went through the canal yesterday so that the whole of the barges must number 150--quite enough to bridge the Ohio, or to be sunk in the Mississippi.--Louisville Courier,Sept. 15.
Northern items through Southern sources. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 19. --The Louisville Courier of the 16th has the following items: There is great activity in the Northern Navy-Yards. New vessels are building and old ones being repaired rapidly. About one hundred families have left Paducah, Ky., since its occupation by Lincoln's hirelings. Houses in Louisville have been searched for arms. A fleet of steamers and barges arrived at Louisville on the 15th. The barges are to be used as bridges.
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