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Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
think it may not prove altogether uninteresting to some of your readers to have a statement of facts, which, though not complete, yet you may rely upon them so far as they go; On Sunday, the 14th, the corps of Longstreet was encamped near Hagerstown, between that place and a village called Funkstown. The artillery of Gen. Pendleton, and the battalion to which I am attached, commanded by Col. S. D. Lee, encamped on Saturday, the 13th, near the latter village, and remained there till Sunday no importance, and that we had better go into camp. From this encampment we could distinctly see the shells of the enemy burst in the gap where our men were posted. This gap is in the range of mountains that separates Frederick City from Hagerstown. I learned later in the day that the affair in this gap was more serious than at first supposed, and it was said that there had been much mismanagement somewhere It seems but a small force had been left to guard it, and that the defence had be
Kanawha (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
rs, but was never sensible. Thus died as brave a man as any I ever saw upon any battle-field. He really seemed not to know what danger was. A daguerreotype of a sweet babe, which I took from his pocket, spoke to my heart in words more touching than poetry. God bless that baby and its mother — the wife and child of a brave man and a patriot; and oh. Father, if they have Thy blessing, who on earth can add to their happiness and peace? Yours, A. B. C. Camp two-mile, near Charleston,Kanawha county. Va.,Sept. 26, 1862. Under the protection and guidance of a most gracious God, our army, under the gallant General Loring have marched in triumphant victory into this rich and fertile valley, leaving the "Narrows," in Giles county. Our march was uninterrupted until near Fayette Court-House. There we encountered the enemy under General Lightburn, most powerfully entrenched. Our brave boys faced their cannons' months with veteran daring, fighting from about 2 o'clock until night clo
Gauley Bridge (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
boys faced their cannons' months with veteran daring, fighting from about 2 o'clock until night closed upon us. Our less was light--12 killed and 40 wounded, principally of the 45th Virginia During the night the enemy attempted a retreat, leaving an immense amount of stores, wagons, ambulances, and some one hundred prisoners, to fall into our hands. We pressed upon them, pouring volley after volley into their retreating column as they "double-quicked" over Cotton Hill. Arriving at Gauley Bridge they scattered in the wildest confusion, burnt their splendid wire bridge, fired their immense depots, containing every description of stores and supplies, but leaving hundreds of tents, ambulances, and about 700 excellent wagons, &c., to fall into our hands. Ganley is the Gibraltar to Northwestern Virginia, and overlooks the great Valley of Kanawha, with her inexhaustible treasure of salt, grain, &c, which is indispensable to the Confederacy, and should be held at any cost. The enemy
Giles (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
touching than poetry. God bless that baby and its mother — the wife and child of a brave man and a patriot; and oh. Father, if they have Thy blessing, who on earth can add to their happiness and peace? Yours, A. B. C. Camp two-mile, near Charleston,Kanawha county. Va.,Sept. 26, 1862. Under the protection and guidance of a most gracious God, our army, under the gallant General Loring have marched in triumphant victory into this rich and fertile valley, leaving the "Narrows," in Giles county. Our march was uninterrupted until near Fayette Court-House. There we encountered the enemy under General Lightburn, most powerfully entrenched. Our brave boys faced their cannons' months with veteran daring, fighting from about 2 o'clock until night closed upon us. Our less was light--12 killed and 40 wounded, principally of the 45th Virginia During the night the enemy attempted a retreat, leaving an immense amount of stores, wagons, ambulances, and some one hundred prisoners, to fall
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
urg, Sept. 24. As it seems many contradictory opinions prevail in regard to the fight at Sharpsburg, on the 17th inst, I think it may not prove altogether uninteresting to some of your readers totomac. At daybreak we encountered Longstreet's corps coming into the main road that leads to Sharpsburg and the ford at Shepherdstown, and the artillery and infantry moved on together. At about 10 e, and took position on some hills south of the town; but in an hour thereafter we moved on to Sharpsburg, a few miles further, and were posted on the hills south of this village. This town lies . But the sun arose in all his glory, and still no sound of war was heard. The country about Sharpsburg is exceedingly beautiful — the farm houses and farms in the best condition. As the day were o elevated positions would think beneath their notice. As to the question who won the fight at Sharpsburg, I think it cannot be said that any division was arrived at: It was a "drawn fight;" but, acco
Funkstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
g--operations in the Kanawha Valley, &c., &c. Camp near Martinsburg, Sept. 24. As it seems many contradictory opinions prevail in regard to the fight at Sharpsburg, on the 17th inst, I think it may not prove altogether uninteresting to some of your readers to have a statement of facts, which, though not complete, yet you may rely upon them so far as they go; On Sunday, the 14th, the corps of Longstreet was encamped near Hagerstown, between that place and a village called Funkstown. The artillery of Gen. Pendleton, and the battalion to which I am attached, commanded by Col. S. D. Lee, encamped on Saturday, the 13th, near the latter village, and remained there till Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Up to this time the army (I mean the body of it) were evidently under the impression that we would soon go into Pennsylvania. Why we did not go on faster was a matter of frequent inquiry; but such was the confidence in our Generals that no distrust existed, and no sort of a
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
one hundred prisoners, to fall into our hands. We pressed upon them, pouring volley after volley into their retreating column as they "double-quicked" over Cotton Hill. Arriving at Gauley Bridge they scattered in the wildest confusion, burnt their splendid wire bridge, fired their immense depots, containing every description of stores and supplies, but leaving hundreds of tents, ambulances, and about 700 excellent wagons, &c., to fall into our hands. Ganley is the Gibraltar to Northwestern Virginia, and overlooks the great Valley of Kanawha, with her inexhaustible treasure of salt, grain, &c, which is indispensable to the Confederacy, and should be held at any cost. The enemy continued to retreat until we neared Charleston, where they again made a stand — having formed a junction with all their Valley forces, said to number 5,000 men; but we moved fearlessly upon their black columns as they stretched across the broad bottoms of the Kanawha, and soon they were in full retreat,
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 1
tached, commanded by Col. S. D. Lee, encamped on Saturday, the 13th, near the latter village, and remained there till Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Up to this time the army (I mean the body of it) were evidently under the impression that we would soon go into Pennsylvania. Why we did not go on faster was a matter of frequent inquiry; but such was the confidence in our Generals that no distrust existed, and no sort of anxiety on the subject. The army bad preserved the greatest caution in Maryland in regard to private property — much more so than in Virginia — and this, too, to their great discomfort and inconvenience, and many ned to go on in order to get rid of this embarrassment — When, therefore, the order came, Sabba afternoon, to countermarch towards Frederick City, there were many sad faces, and many earnest inquiries as to the cause of this retrograde movement: The people of the town saw us pass through their streets with the same indifference that they beheld us enter the <
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
ely upon them so far as they go; On Sunday, the 14th, the corps of Longstreet was encamped near Hagerstown, between that place and a village called Funkstown. The artillery of Gen. Pendleton, and the battalion to which I am attached, commanded by Col. S. D. Lee, encamped on Saturday, the 13th, near the latter village, and remained there till Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Up to this time the army (I mean the body of it) were evidently under the impression that we would soon go into Pennsylvania. Why we did not go on faster was a matter of frequent inquiry; but such was the confidence in our Generals that no distrust existed, and no sort of anxiety on the subject. The army bad preserved the greatest caution in Maryland in regard to private property — much more so than in Virginia — and this, too, to their great discomfort and inconvenience, and many ned to go on in order to get rid of this embarrassment — When, therefore, the order came, Sabba afternoon, to countermarch towar<
Cotton Hill, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
werfully entrenched. Our brave boys faced their cannons' months with veteran daring, fighting from about 2 o'clock until night closed upon us. Our less was light--12 killed and 40 wounded, principally of the 45th Virginia During the night the enemy attempted a retreat, leaving an immense amount of stores, wagons, ambulances, and some one hundred prisoners, to fall into our hands. We pressed upon them, pouring volley after volley into their retreating column as they "double-quicked" over Cotton Hill. Arriving at Gauley Bridge they scattered in the wildest confusion, burnt their splendid wire bridge, fired their immense depots, containing every description of stores and supplies, but leaving hundreds of tents, ambulances, and about 700 excellent wagons, &c., to fall into our hands. Ganley is the Gibraltar to Northwestern Virginia, and overlooks the great Valley of Kanawha, with her inexhaustible treasure of salt, grain, &c, which is indispensable to the Confederacy, and should b
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