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000 copies of that paper were seized and burnt at Aquia Creek. The restriction was afterwards removed. The Herald says: "The platform of the Democracy in the Presidential campaign of 1864 will be peace, and what is more the candidate will be elected, no matter who he is the principle controlling all other considerations. The new President, whatever might have been his antecedents or opinions, will, upon assuming office, be compelled to suspend the operations of the war, proclaim an armistice, and propose a Convention of all the States." Fernando Wood had a long interview with Lincoln at Washington on the 5th inst. Two large brick buildings, corner of Washington and Wide water streets, in Norfolk, Va. were destroyed by fire on the 4th. Henry Winter Davis was nominated in Baltimore, on the 5th, for Congress. He made a speech endorsing the emancipation proclamation, and urging a vigorous prosecution of the war. Gold was quoted in New York on the 5th at 145½.
ntecedents or opinions, will, upon assuming office, be compelled to suspend the operations of the war, proclaim an armistice, and propose a Convention of all the States." Fernando Wood had a long interview with Lincoln at Washington on the 5th inst. Two large brick buildings, corner of Washington and Wide water streets, in Norfolk, Va. were destroyed by fire on the 4th. Henry Winter Davis was nominated in Baltimore, on the 5th, for Congress. He made a speech endorsing the emanciice, and propose a Convention of all the States." Fernando Wood had a long interview with Lincoln at Washington on the 5th inst. Two large brick buildings, corner of Washington and Wide water streets, in Norfolk, Va. were destroyed by fire on the 4th. Henry Winter Davis was nominated in Baltimore, on the 5th, for Congress. He made a speech endorsing the emancipation proclamation, and urging a vigorous prosecution of the war. Gold was quoted in New York on the 5th at 145½.
Late and important Northern news. We are under obligations to George Moore, Esq., for a copy of the N. Y. Herald of Saturday, the 6th inst., containing some highly interesting news, a summary of which we lay before our readers. The steamship Morning Star, which left New Orleans on the 29th ult., brings an account of the first day's fighting at Port Hudson. Banks commanded in person, and the fight was still going on at the time of the departure of the Morning Star. The attack commenced on the 27th, and the Herald's correspondent says it has been "one of, if not the bloodiest battle, that has yet been fought on this continent." The Confederate force within the works is estimated at from ten to twelve thousand, and the assault is represented by the Yankee letter writer as having been attended with "terrific slaughter." The attack was made by land and water, Farragut's fleet bombarding the town while Banks's columns endeavored to storm our fortifications. The leading att
mportant Northern news. We are under obligations to George Moore, Esq., for a copy of the N. Y. Herald of Saturday, the 6th inst., containing some highly interesting news, a summary of which we lay before our readers. The steamship Morning Star, which left New Orleans on the 29th ult., brings an account of the first day's fighting at Port Hudson. Banks commanded in person, and the fight was still going on at the time of the departure of the Morning Star. The attack commenced on the 27th, and the Herald's correspondent says it has been "one of, if not the bloodiest battle, that has yet been fought on this continent." The Confederate force within the works is estimated at from ten to twelve thousand, and the assault is represented by the Yankee letter writer as having been attended with "terrific slaughter." The attack was made by land and water, Farragut's fleet bombarding the town while Banks's columns endeavored to storm our fortifications. The leading attack was heade
Late and important Northern news. We are under obligations to George Moore, Esq., for a copy of the N. Y. Herald of Saturday, the 6th inst., containing some highly interesting news, a summary of which we lay before our readers. The steamship Morning Star, which left New Orleans on the 29th ult., brings an account of the first day's fighting at Port Hudson. Banks commanded in person, and the fight was still going on at the time of the departure of the Morning Star. The attack commenced on the 27th, and the Herald's correspondent says it has been "one of, if not the bloodiest battle, that has yet been fought on this continent." The Confederate force within the works is estimated at from ten to twelve thousand, and the assault is represented by the Yankee letter writer as having been attended with "terrific slaughter." The attack was made by land and water, Farragut's fleet bombarding the town while Banks's columns endeavored to storm our fortifications. The leading att
ic news announcing the final and crushing defeat of Banks. The news from Vicksburg is very meagre. A telegram dated Washington, June 5, (midnight,) states that no official advices from Vicksburg have been received later than those of the 31st of May, but that "a few additional particulars gave rather a more cheerful indication of good results." A telegram from Cairo, dated also June 5, says that firing was (1st) At midnight on the same day a conflagration was going on in the city — cendering. Gen. Grant's numbers and position would be absolutely impregnable in a few days. Particulars cannot be given, but they are of a most cheering character. Chicago, June 5.--A special dispatch from the rear of Vicksburg, dated May 31st, says: The bombardment of Vicksburg continues.--All the guns in position opened fire at midnight and continued their fire until daylight. The rapidity of the firing was unparalleled, and it is believed great damage was inflicted. Twelve reb
Gen. Hooker has been to Washington to consult with Lincoln upon the propriety the correspondents say of giving him (Hooker) the control of the army without referring to Washington for plans. For criticism on his handling of the army at Chancellorsville, Hooker had tabooed the New York Herald, and 7,000 copies of that paper were seized and burnt at Aquia Creek. The restriction was afterwards removed. The Herald says: "The platform of the Democracy in the Presidential campaign of 1864 will be peace, and what is more the candidate will be elected, no matter who he is the principle controlling all other considerations. The new President, whatever might have been his antecedents or opinions, will, upon assuming office, be compelled to suspend the operations of the war, proclaim an armistice, and propose a Convention of all the States." Fernando Wood had a long interview with Lincoln at Washington on the 5th inst. Two large brick buildings, corner of Washington and
May, 6 AD (search for this): article 6
ing defeat of Banks. The news from Vicksburg is very meagre. A telegram dated Washington, June 5, (midnight,) states that no official advices from Vicksburg have been received later than those gave rather a more cheerful indication of good results." A telegram from Cairo, dated also June 5, says that firing was (1st) At midnight on the same day a conflagration was going on in the citewhere. We give in full the telegrams concerning the bombardment of Vicksburg: Cairo, June 5.--The dispatch boat, Gen. Lyon, from Vicksburg, Monday night, has arrived. Firing was kept up ew days. Particulars cannot be given, but they are of a most cheering character. Chicago, June 5.--A special dispatch from the rear of Vicksburg, dated May 31st, says: The bombardment of Vicksbrted to be moving towards Jackson, but not in sufficient force to attack us. Philadelphia, June 5.--A special dispatch from Cincinnati to-day to the Bulletin, but entirely discredited by that pa
we lay before our readers. The steamship Morning Star, which left New Orleans on the 29th ult., brings an account of the first day's fighting at Port Hudson. Banks commanded in person, and the fight was still going on at the time of the departure of the Morning Star. The attack commenced on the 27th, and the Herald's corresped by the Yankee letter writer as having been attended with "terrific slaughter." The attack was made by land and water, Farragut's fleet bombarding the town while Banks's columns endeavored to storm our fortifications. The leading attack was headed by Sherman, who was vigorously repulsed, and had to retire with enormous loss.until the field is won or lost." This sounds very ominous for the Yankees, and goes far to confirm our telegraphic news announcing the final and crushing defeat of Banks. The news from Vicksburg is very meagre. A telegram dated Washington, June 5, (midnight,) states that no official advices from Vicksburg have been received l
ented by the Yankee letter writer as having been attended with "terrific slaughter." The attack was made by land and water, Farragut's fleet bombarding the town while Banks's columns endeavored to storm our fortifications. The leading attack was headed by Sherman, who was vigorously repulsed, and had to retire with enormous loss. A negro regiment, which was put in advance, (a cute Yankee trick,) lost 600 men out of 900. Sherman lost his leg, General Neal Dow was also wounded, and Colonels Clarke, Cowles, and Smith were killed. The 6th Michigan and 128th New York each lost about half their men, and the other regiments suffered severely. The Herald's correspondent says the Yankee loss, in killed and wounded, will reach at least three thousand. So much for the beginning of the fight. With regard to the second day's fight he says: "We have no definite information regarding to-day's operations. The news has been held back until the field is won or lost." This sounds very ominou
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