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United States (United States) 26 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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nd there lay a weary soldier, slumbering on his moist and earthy pillow. The assault of the enemy on our right was made with cavalry, artillery, and infantry. At this point it becomes necessary to convey some idea of how our troops were posted on the extreme right. Next the Cames river were two squadrons of colored cavalry, then came the Ninth New Jersey infantry, then the Twenty-third Massachsells, then the Twenty-fifth and Twenty seventh Massachusetts, all of Heckman's brigade, of Weltred's division, of Smith's corps. Gilmore's corps held the left and the left centre. Our line of battle was the fortifications, except on the extreme right, for they did not extend down to the river. A narrow belt of limber screened our reserves from the view of the rebels on the right. The rebels stole between our skirmishers around our right flank, and actually into the of the Ninth New Jeremy.--When they were first discovered by that regiment in its rear they haltered them to be some of
Hugh Trally (search for this): article 1
possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He betrayed no emotion on the scaffold and avowed that he died a true rebel soldier, and not guilty of shedding innocent blood. The river is three feet deep on the shoals and is now falling.
possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He betrayed no emotion on the scaffold and avowed that he died a true rebel soldier, and not guilty of shedding innocent blood. The river is three feet deep on the shoals and is now falling.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 1
n possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He betrayed no emotion on the scaffold and avowed that he died a true rebel soldier, and not guilty of shedding innocent blood. The river is three feet deep on the shoals and is now falling.
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
from rebel officers aboard the vessels, through our spies. Sherman's movements — the Whereabouts of Johnston. A telegram from Nashville, dated the 20th, says: Gen. Sherman is in possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He bet
Dover, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): article 1
. Of these, six hundred are prisoners, while about one thousand of our men are prisoners. It is certain that the rebel loss is in excess of ours, and that their first temporary success was no equivalent for the sanguinary records afterwards made upon their columns by our army. A Contemplated Raid by "rebel pirates." A dispatch from Philadelphia, dated the 20th inst, gives the following piece of astounding intelligence: A letter from an officer on an American war vessel, dated Dover. Eng May 4 contains the following important information. It has been known to us through rebel naval officers that the Alabama was coming here, and that the combined rebel pirates are to make a demonstration on our Northern coast as soon as they can get ready. The detention of the Rappahannock and non arrival of the Alabama here postponed it for a month. This comes direct from rebel officers aboard the vessels, through our spies. Sherman's movements — the Whereabouts of Johnston
Ray County (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 1
n possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He betrayed no emotion on the scaffold and avowed that he died a true rebel soldier, and not guilty of shedding innocent blood. The river is three feet deep on the shoals and is now falling.
Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
el naval officers that the Alabama was coming here, and that the combined rebel pirates are to make a demonstration on our Northern coast as soon as they can get ready. The detention of the Rappahannock and non arrival of the Alabama here postponed it for a month. This comes direct from rebel officers aboard the vessels, through our spies. Sherman's movements — the Whereabouts of Johnston. A telegram from Nashville, dated the 20th, says: Gen. Sherman is in possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ents — the Whereabouts of Johnston. A telegram from Nashville, dated the 20th, says: Gen. Sherman is in possession of Kingston, Rome. Cassville and the line of the Etowan. The army had heavy skirmishing with the enemy all the way from Resaca. The railroad and telegraph have been repaired to the present position of the army. The troops are in good condition and spirits. Johnston is believed to be at Atlanta. Five hundred and thirteen prisoners, captured at Resaca arrived hereResaca arrived here yesterday and to-day. Among them are thirteen officers, belonging to Polk's, Hardee's, and Hood's corps. They will be sent North to morrow. Hugh Trally a native of Ray county, Tenn, was hung to day by order of the military commandant, charged with bush whacking and murdering Union citizens. Trally was captured in Waite county, East Tennessee, where he was acting as guide to the rebel General Wheeter. He betrayed no emotion on the scaffold and avowed that he died a true rebel soldier, a
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
adly missiles waited in their midst, while the musketry of the rebels behind their embankments was almost as unbroken as the root of a square drum The most of the troops engaged conducted them selves with commend bravery; a few, however, principally ram recruits, were determined to fall in the rear, and some had to be kept in the ranks by the file closing at the point of the beyond I am glad to state, to the honor of the second corps, that there were but few such. A letter dated Spotsylvania, the 19th, gives an account of the attack made by Swell on that day. Between four and five o'clock this afternoon desultory firing was heard on the Fredericksburg read, about a mile in Tyler's rear. it was ascertained that the enemy had to lowed clash in the rear of our corps, and had actually thrown Rodes's division, of Ewell's corps, into Tyler's rear, and were emerging from the woods into the wagon road Long trains, loaded with ordained and commissary stores, had been passing all
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