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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 27, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
Losses in Alexander's battalion light Artilliery To the Editor of the Dispatch: The following is a list of the casualties in Alexander's battalion light artillery in the recent fights in Northern Virginia: Moody's Battery, Mississippi.--Killed: Lieut D Burrows, Maryland; Sergt R B Smith. Wounded Sergt T Hogan, slightly privates Martin Kenney, Jas Brady, Jno Stocks, C Delany, Jno Ryan. Smith's Battery, Virginia.--Wounded: Privates Jno W Scott, Wm Sherwell, Samuel H Turner, ad slight. Ficklin's Battery, South Carolina--Killed: Corporal J C Kenney, private J Aligood. Wounded Capt J S Ackis. private P Jordan. Woolfolk's Battery, Virginia.--Killed: Corporal E H Revere. Wounded: Private T J Harris, slight. Taylor's Battery, Virginia--Capt O B Taylor wounded slightly, and private Geo Chambers, do. Parker's Battery, Virginia.--Wounded: Lieut J Brown, severely in the face, doing well; Corp J W Uriander, slightly in arm; privates S H Parker, Jr, seve
Drunk. --Officer Adams yesterday arrested Peter Allen for stealing a sabre. At the time of the arrest Allen was quite drunk, and resisted the officer violently. He was, after a scuffle, landed in the cage and locked up. Officer Bibb was sent for last evening to take charge of a fellow who had gotten drunk on election whiskey and fallen asleep on the steps leading to the third ward poll. But Bibb finding on rousing him that he could navigate started him off to his home.
Drunk. --Officer Adams yesterday arrested Peter Allen for stealing a sabre. At the time of the arrest Allen was quite drunk, and resisted the officer violently. He was, after a scuffle, landed in the cage and locked up. Officer Bibb was sent for last evening to take charge of a fellow who had gotten drunk on election whiskey and fallen asleep on the steps leading to the third ward poll. But Bibb finding on rousing him that he could navigate started him off to his home. Drunk. --Officer Adams yesterday arrested Peter Allen for stealing a sabre. At the time of the arrest Allen was quite drunk, and resisted the officer violently. He was, after a scuffle, landed in the cage and locked up. Officer Bibb was sent for last evening to take charge of a fellow who had gotten drunk on election whiskey and fallen asleep on the steps leading to the third ward poll. But Bibb finding on rousing him that he could navigate started him off to his home.
Peter Allen (search for this): article 4
Drunk. --Officer Adams yesterday arrested Peter Allen for stealing a sabre. At the time of the arrest Allen was quite drunk, and resisted the officer violently. He was, after a scuffle, landed in the cage and locked up. Officer Bibb was sent for last evening to take charge of a fellow who had gotten drunk on election whiskey and fallen asleep on the steps leading to the third ward poll. But Bibb finding on rousing him that he could navigate started him off to his home.
A General Prayer Meeting Recommended. Macon, Ga, May 26. --The following resolution was adopted unanimously this morning at the City Prayer Meeting: Resolved, That the Christians of this meeting request the city editors to send the following as a Press telegram all over our land: The Christians of Macon, Ga., ask their brethren everywhere in the Confederacy to unite with them in prayer for our country daily at 5 o'clock P. M.
Notice. --One Thousand Dollars Reward.--I offer the above reward for the delivery to me, or confinement in jail so that I get them again, of four negroes: William, a black man about 55 to 60 years old, short and stout built. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts
Notice. --One Thousand Dollars Reward.--I offer the above reward for the delivery to me, or confinement in jail so that I get them again, of four negroes: William, a black man about 55 to 60 years old, short and stout built. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts
uilt. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts uilt. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts
Rocketts (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
Notice. --One Thousand Dollars Reward.--I offer the above reward for the delivery to me, or confinement in jail so that I get them again, of four negroes: William, a black man about 55 to 60 years old, short and stout built. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts
Prince Edward (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 4
Notice. --One Thousand Dollars Reward.--I offer the above reward for the delivery to me, or confinement in jail so that I get them again, of four negroes: William, a black man about 55 to 60 years old, short and stout built. Mary, his wife, bright colored, and about 40 to 45 years old, and limps in walking. Shirley, their child, about 6 or 7 years old, chubby faced, and the color of his mother. Also, Napoleon, about 55 years old, light colored, moves very slow. Or I will pay in proportion for either of them. T W Pairo, Navy Yard, Rocketts, will identify any of the above, if caught and carried to Richmond. H T Pairo, Prince Edward county Va. My Post-Office is Prospect Hill. my 21--ts
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