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Marietta, and, after a running skirmish with Wheeler's cavalry and the rebel pickets, of whom it ced 46,628 armsbearing men, including 6,631 of Wheeler's cavalry. They have lost since that time 5, and about Dalton, superior to me in cavalry (Wheeler's), and with three corps of infantry and artifederate Army. I estimated the cavalry under Wheeler at about ten thousand, and the infantry and aI estimated this joint cavalry could whip all Wheeler's cavalry, and could otherwise fully accompliuccess. I consented that after the defeat of Wheeler's cavalry, which was embraced in his orders, nty-ninth, skirmishing heavily with a part of Wheeler's cavalry and occupying their attention, but he publication of these orders I learned that Wheeler, with a large mounted force of the enemy, varyet received full or satisfactory accounts of Wheeler's operations to our rear, further than that hn times repulsed. Hood's, Hardee's corps and Wheeler's cavalry engaged us. We have sent to the rea[2 more...]
coming down on the keen run, accompanied by ten pieces of artillery. Ere Kilpatrick had time to learn what was coming, a spirited attack was made upon the rear, the shells came tearing across the fields, and bursting over our columns. Kilpatrick's keen eye soon comprehended the situation. Minty's brigade was instantly withdrawn and hastily formed on the right (or south) of the road in line of regimental column. The Seventh Pennsylvania, Major Jennings, on the right, Fourth Michigan, Major West, on the centre, and the Fourth United States, Captain McIntyre, on the left. Long's brigade was formed in the rear of the first. The Third division was ordered to form in the same manner on the left of the road, and to charge simultaneously with Minty's, but it is said for some reason failed to do so. While the various regiments were being manoeuvred into position to meet the onslaught of the rebels, who were sweeping down upon them, the men had time to comprehend the danger that surr
L. C. Wells (search for this): chapter 117
we most earnestly and solemnly petition you to reconsider that order, or modify it, and suffer this unfortunate people to remain at home and enjoy what little means they have. Respectfully submitted, James M. Calhoun, Mayor. E. E. Rawson, L. C. Wells. Councilmen, General Sherman's reply. headquarters division of the Mississippi, in the field, Atlanta, Ga., September 12, 1864. James M. Calhoun, Mayor. E. E. Rawson, and L. C. Wells, representing the City Council of Atlanta: gentL. C. Wells, representing the City Council of Atlanta: gentlemen: I have your letter of the eleventh, in the nature of a petition to revoke my orders removing all the inhabitants from Atlanta. I have read it carefully, and give full credit to your statements of the distress that will be occasioned by it, and yet shall not revoke my order, simply because my orders are not designed to meet the humanities of the case, but to prepare for the future struggles in which millions, yea hundreds of millions, of good people outside of Atlanta have a deep interes
a front of two regiments and one portion of a battery. The immortal Second Iowa, and the younger, but not less gallant Sixty-sixth Indiana, with two sections of Welker's Battery, (H, First Missouri Light Artillery,) met the shock of the charge. Fierce and hot was the contest — brave men were pitted against brave — but it was imTwelfth Illinois poured a volley of death into the approaching column. A flash and a whiz was the reply, but now loading and firing as rapidly as possible, while Welker poured an almost ceaseless fire from his four guns, the scene became grand beyond description. Never before have I witnessed such a scene of terrible grandeur Thrtally wounded. Lieutenant Williamson, same regiment, was wounded. Hardly had the first half hour's fighting ended, until General Dodge made his appearance at Welker's battery, carrying before him on his horse a box of canister I He had heard that their canister was gone, and unable to find the proper officer in such a melee,
David Watson (search for this): chapter 117
ell as execute flank movements. The Twentieth and Twenty-third corps, the latter on the extreme right, supported by the cavalry division of General Stoneman, moved to their positions on the fifteenth, which had been at an angle to the southwest, with the main line, and their skirmishers soon came upon those of the rebels. The latter fell back slowly before them, exchanging a few shots to draw them on. The division of General Hascall, together with the dismounted cavalry, commanded by Colonel Watson, appeared to extend beyond the enemy's main force; that of General Cox, however, encountered opposition. The Sand Town road formed the dividing line between the Twentieth and Twenty-third corps, and determined the line of advance. That the enemy were in inferior force on our right, is evident from the fact that Lieutenant Reynolds, of the Signal corps, had nearly reached the summit of Lost Mountain, supported by a small squad of cavalry, when he was hailed by three shots from a signal
L. H. Waters (search for this): chapter 117
ient servant, W. B. Hazen, Brigadier-General. Brigadier-General Grose's report. headquarters Third brigade, First division, Fourth Army corps, Atlanta, Georgia, September 5, 1864. Capt. E. D. Mason, A. A. G., First Division: sir: In completion of my duties in connection with the arduous campaign just closed, I have the honor to report the part taken therein by my command, the Fifty-ninth Illinois, Colonel Post, Seventy-fifth Illinois, Colonel Bennett, Eighty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Waters, Eightieth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Kilgour, Ninth Indiana, Colonel Suman, Thirty-sixth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Cary, Thirtieth Indiana, Captain Dawson, Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Captain Lawson, to which was attached battery B, Pennsylvania. Effective force, officers and men, about two thousand nine hundred. By orders from Major-General Stanley, Division Commander, we marched, with the balance of his command, on the third day of May, 1864, from our camp at Blue Springs, nea
C. C. Washburn (search for this): chapter 117
teedman, and Grauger; but what amount of execution they have done to him is not yet reported. Our roads and telegraph are all repaired. and the cars run with regularity and speed. It is proper to remark in this place, that during the operation of this campaign, expeditions were sent out from Memphis and Vicksburg to check any movements of the enemy's forces in Mississippi upon our communications. The manner in which this object was accomplished reflects credit upon Generals A. J. Smith, Washburn, Slocum, and Mower; and, although General Sturgis' expedition was less successful than the others, it assisted us in the main object to be accomplished. I must bear full and liberal testimony to the energetic and successful management of our railroads during the campaign. No matter when or where a break has been made, the repair train seemed on the spot, and the damage was repaired generally before I knew of the break. Bridges have been built with surprising rapidity, and the locomotiv
pected. A hundred and twenty-eight ambulances were provided for the Fourth corps, and yet the fear of the disgrace of having been carted in the sick wagon, and the general good assurance of the men that they are going on no fools errand, kept. the men square up to the regiment. The same good sense which ordered weak, but plucky men to be transferred from the regiments to the hospital, brought out from the latter to the place where they could do some service, a host of lusty cowards. Captain Warnock has but lately returned from a visitation of wholesale purging to the hospitals of the Department, where he has been ousting from their cozy cots all malingerers and skin-deep sick men, without mercy. From the hospitals of the Department, he returned to duty about twelve hundred men, and from those at Nashville alone, nine hundred and sixty. So let it be, more and more. There is not a superfluity of news afloat at present. Captain Tousley, of the Fourth corps, who came in to-night
h are but a small proportion of the total number: Colonel Dan. McCook, commanding brigade, arm, severe; Colonel Harmon, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois, killed; Lieutenant-Colonel Clancey, Fifty-second Ohio, spent ball, slight; Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, arm fractured, severe; Major Yeager, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Cook, Tenth Michigan, mortal; Captain Clason, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Neighbor,and carrying on the official correspondence. Three Inspectors-General completed my staff. Brigadier-General J. M. Corse, who has since been assigned the command of a division of the Sixteenth corps, at the request of General Dodge; Lieutenant-Colonel W. Warner, of the Seventy-sixth Ohio, and Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Ewing, Inspector-General of the Fifteenth corps and Captain Thirteenth United States Regulars. These officers, of singular energy and intelligence, have been of immense assi
n in column of brigades, the Third brigade, General Ward, being in advance and suffering most severefth Illinois, Assistant Adjutant-General to General Ward, received a severe flesh-wound in the rightn Butterfield's division, commanded by Brigadier-General Ward came up and occupied a ridge on Newtonto capture without debate. The rebels opposing Ward, prominent among whom was General Featherston's from the severely-whipped foe, and are held by Ward as his tangible, trophies, He too, had done the winding up this evening by a strong one on General Ward's division of the Twentieth corps, now in p issued orders to his division commanders, Generals Ward, Williams and Geary, to send out each a he Advancing rapidly, Colonel Coburn, commanding General Ward's reconnoissance, entered the enemy's drawn up. Mayor Calhoun invited several of General Ward's staff to accompany him to the Court-house Atlanta, Georgia, September 2, 1864. Brigadier-General Ward, commanding Third Division, Twentieth [6 more...]
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