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to the east had struck General Blair's left flank, enveloped it, and his right had swung around until it hit General Dodge in motion. General Blair's line was substantially along the old line of the rebel trench, but it was fashioned to fight outward. A space of wooded ground of near half a mile, intervened between the head of General Dodge's column and General Blair's line, through which the enemy had poured, but the last order ever given by General McPherson was to hurry a brigade (Colonel Wangelin's) of the Fifteenth corps across from the railroad to occupy this gap. It came across on the double-quick, and checked the enemy. While Hardee attacked in flank, Stewart's corps was to attack in front directly out from the main works, but fortunately their attacks were not simultaneous. The enemy swept across the bill which our men were then fortifying, and captured the pioneer company, its tools, and almost the entire working party, and bore down on our left until he encountered Gene
Samuel Walters (search for this): chapter 117
it was all in vain. The charge of Federal steel was irresistible. The heads and limbs of some of the rebels were actually severed from the bodies — the head of the rider falling on one side of the horse, the lifeless trunk upon the other. The individual instances of heroism were many. Hardly a man flinched, and when the brigade came out more than half the sabres were stained with human blood. Among the cases of daring vouched for are the following: An orderly of Major Jennings, Samuel Walters, Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania, rode upon a rebel cavalryman, who threw up his hand to guard the blow. The sabre came down, severing the hand from the arm. Another blow followed quickly after upon the neck, and over the rebel rolled out of his saddle, the head only clinging to the body by a thin fibre. Private Douglas and Captain McIntyre, of the Fourth United States, charged side by side, killed four or five with the sabre, captured a captain and lieutenant and thirteen men, who wer
arm, severe; Colonel Harmon, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois, killed; Lieutenant-Colonel Clancey, Fifty-second Ohio, spent ball, slight; Lieutenant-Colonel Warner, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, arm fractured, severe; Major Yeager, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Cook, Tenth Michigan, mortal; Captain Clason, One Hundred and Twenty-first Illinois, severe; Captain Neighbor, Fifty-second Ohio, mortal; Captain Durant, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Walson, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Bentley, One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, slight; Lieutenant Paul, Fifty-second Ohio, slight. The above names were obtained from staff officers of the division and brigades, and are doubtless correct. The loss of the enemy, of course, is not known. We can only judge from the position occupied by them — believed impenetrable works — that it is lighter than ours, probably by one fourth. Of one thing there is a certainty, we hav
Robert J. Walker (search for this): chapter 117
rallied upon their main line of breastworks, about a mile south of Pine Mountain. Cleburne's division, and a portion of Walker's, were drawn up in line, about a quarter of a mile in advance of their works. The division advanced to the attack in fiular. Parrhasius wanted for his picture of Prometheus but a dying groan, and without this he felt that he had failed. Walker, the famous army artist, whose pencil, like a magician's wand, reproduces on canvas scenes around which cluster and clingthe rebel line when it dashed nearest the guns. It was in Newton's front that General Stevens, commanding a brigade in Walker's division, Hardee's corps, fell. For every casualty in Newton's division, two dead rebels were picked up in his front tadquarters, the brigade attempted an assault on the enemy's works, and lost thirty-six men, among whom were the brave Captain Walker, of the Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, and the gallant young officer, Lieutenant Willard, of the Thirty-sixth Indiana.
nth corps furnished for the assault the brigades of General Giles Smith, General Lightburn, Colonel Walcutt, and detachments commanded by General C. R. Wood, from the three brigades of Osterhaus' divs selected, to carry the western slope of the hill; Giles Smith to charge it directly in front; Walcutt to reach the top through the narrow gorge that divides Little from Big Kenesaw, and General Wooassaulting column are Lightburn's and Giles A. Smith's brigades, of M. L. Smith's division, and Walcutt's, of Harrison's division. General M. L. Smith, the indomitable old leader, whose name among column be deployed in line of battle Lightburn holds the right, Giles A. Smith the centre, and Walcutt the left. In this order the men continue their tedious, tire — some ascent, crawling between afty-fourth Ohio, severely wounded; Colonel Spooner, Eighty-third Indiana, severely wounded; Colonel Walcutt, slightly wounded; Lieutenant-Colonel Wright, One Hundred and Third Illinois, severely woun
orders to make a demonstration on the enemy's right. At eleven o'clock Harrow's division was moved into position on the left of our line. The brigade of Colonel Williams was placed in such a position as to be able to gain the enemy's flank. Walcott, as gallant a soldier as we have, had in his pocket the order to carry the crest of the hill, more than a thousand yards distant, and had for his support as good troops as the country holds, to wear the national blue for three years, or for the luckless reporter. The troops moved forward splendidly, with skirmishers in advance, until the timber that skirted the base of the ridge was reached, when the skirmishers were drawn in, and the charge ordered. Forward they threw themselves, Walcott leading the men, who seemed to feel his determined bravery as a challenge to them to stand up to their work. There, then, seemed no need of fear. The men rushed up the steep hill, with cheer after cheer, carrying the crest, and dashed over the
J. A. Wagner (search for this): chapter 117
formed — Newton's division, consisting of Generals Wagner's, Kimball's and Harker's brigades, beingn killed and wounded during the campaign. General Wagner fought, where he always fights, at the heas mind. The heaviest loss in the assault of Wagner fell on the noble Fortieth Indiana, which sustrmed in column of division, left in front, and Wagner in the same order on the left. Kimball's brigtforward toward the rebel works. Finding that Wagner and he are moving in such close proximity as tgain slowly under a very destructive fire, and Wagner hastened forward to a depression where his menellows are swept into eternity. Kimball and Wagner battle on, essay again and again to advance, as they pass. One passed over the heads of General Wagner and staff while at dinner yesterday, and cBradley on the left, Opdyke on the centre, and Wagner on the right. Moving through a dense woods ofnotes. The division, however, advanced behind Wagner, but as Stanley had to swing round his corps o
thron among you. If we must be enemies let us be men, and fight it out as we propose to do, and not deal in such hypocritical appeals to God and humanity. God will judge us in due time, and he will pronounce whether it will be more humane to fight with a town full of women and the families of a brave people at our backs, or to remove them in time to places of safety among their own friends and people. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, W. T. Sherman, Major-General, Eth. B. Wade, A. D. C. headquarters Army of Tennessee, September 12, 1864. Major-General W. T. Sherman, Commander Military Division of the Mississippi: General: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the ninth instant, with its enclosure, in reference to the women, children, and others, whom you have seen proper to expel from their homes in the city of Atlanta. Had you seen proper to let the matter rest there, I would gladly have allowed your letter to close this corresponden
Carter Van Vleck (search for this): chapter 117
le in rear of our skirmish line, when a chance bullet struck him above the left eye and penetrated his forehead. Although the wound has been probed to the depth of three inches, the ball cannot be found; and yet, incredible as it may seem, Colonel Van Vleck not only lives, but when I last heard from him yesterday evening, was entirely free from pain, conversed with clearness and ease, and seemed likely to survive! The bullet, however, is unquestionably in his head, and was either diverted downward to the base of the cranium, or penetrating the brain, lodged against the skull on the opposite side. Such is the theory of surgeons whom I have heard discussing this remarkable case. Colonel Van Vleck is widely known throughout the division to which his regiment is attached, as an officer of more than ordinary intellectual ability, who constantly gave all his attention and energy to the discharge of whatever duties were imposed upon him. While his efficiency gained him the esteem of t
Carter Vleck (search for this): chapter 117
Confederacy to make it necessary to dash their power to pieces by the weight of battalions and artillery. But if we continue the present pressure a little longer,--if we sternly and firmly fill up and push on our columns, three fourths of the strength of the rebellion will melt away, and disappear in a manner of which some of us little dream. A singular and unfortunate casualty occurred on the evening of the eleventh instant, which will deprive the service of an able officer. Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois, was walking toward his tent, half a mile in rear of our skirmish line, when a chance bullet struck him above the left eye and penetrated his forehead. Although the wound has been probed to the depth of three inches, the ball cannot be found; and yet, incredible as it may seem, Colonel Van Vleck not only lives, but when I last heard from him yesterday evening, was entirely free from pain, conversed with clearness and ease, and seemed likely to survive! The
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