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Tunnel Hill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
connoissance toward the enemy's position on Tunnel Hill. He found him still in force at that pointroads, on the road leading from Red Clay to Tunnel Hill. The command being at this time well concevanced to feel the enemy in his position at Tunnel Hill, skirmished with him three or four miles, a entirely, to a point about one mile beyond Tunnel Hill, where he formed line, and opened on us wit into camp about three miles north-west of Tunnel Hill, and on the morning of the twenty-fourth th's and Davis's divisions in advance, toward Tunnel Hill, with Boone's and Harrison's regiments of md Harrison's men leading the advance toward Tunnel Hill; Long's brigade of cavalry at Varnell's Stavision of the Fourteenth corps started from Tunnel Hill at three A. M. on the morning of the twenty of hills about a mile north of the town of Tunnel Hill, to cover the retirement of Johnson's and Dut two and a half miles in the direction of Tunnel Hill, when I returned to my camp of the morning.[1 more...]
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
.--Five companies Second Massachusetts, company I Thirty-seventh Indiana, forty-seven men Thirty-seventh Indiana, fifty-six men Tenth Indiana, six companies Twenty-seventh Indiana, sixty-seven men Fifteenth Indiana, seven companies Fifth Ohio, company F Seventh Ohio, company D Twenty-fourth Ohio, sixty-two men Eighteenth Ohio, forty-one men Sixty-ninth Ohio, company I Twenty-seventh Illinois, ninety men Twenty-seventh Illinois, thirty-four men Twenty-second Illinois, company C Twenty-first. Illinois, company D Tenth Maine, sixty-four men battery I and sixty-four men battery M First New-York artillery, forty men battery C First Illinois, forty-eight men battery F Fourth United States artillery, fifty-two men battery K Fifth United States artillery, forty-one men Ninth Ohio Independent, eighty-five men First Michigan engineers, eighty-four men First Missouri engineers. Recapitulation: Fifty-two regiments infantry, two regiments of mounted infantry, eight regiments of cavalry, eleven b
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
d officers, 216 privates; total, 272. table of killed and wounded in the Fourth corps, army of the Cumberland, at the battle of Buzzard's Roost, near Dalton, Ga., on the twenty-fifth day of February, 1864: First division, Fourth army corps. Killed: 2 non-commissioned officers, 3 privates; total, 5. Wounded: 1 commissioned officer, 13 non-commissioned officers, 35 privates; total, 52. Colonel long's report. headquarters Second brigade, Second division cavalry, near Lee's house, Ga., February 27, 1864. General: I have the honor to submit the following report. In compliance with orders received February twenty-first, 1864, from headquarters Department of the Cumberland, I left Calhoun, Tenn., Monday, February twenty-second, 1864, in command of six hundred (600) men, (three hundred and fifty mounted infantry and two hundred and fifty cavalry) and marched out on the Spring Place road. Monday evening I encamped near the house of Mr. Waterhouse, on Connassauga River, abo
Cooks Springs (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Clay, and then push on as far as possible toward Dalton on the Spring Place road, observing well the movements of the enemy, so as to give timely warning of any attempt to turn Crufts's left flank; and should the enemy retire, to notify Crufts, so that the latter might advance from Red Clay. During the evening of the twenty-second, General Palmer notified me from Ringgold that he had reliable information that Johnston had despatched Cheatham's and Cleburne's divisions to the relief of Polk, in Alabama, who was falling back before General Sherman's column. On the twenty-third, Davis's division of the Fourteenth corps, closed up on the balance of General Palmer's command at Ringgold; Brigadier-General Matthias, commanding a brigade of the Fifteenth corps, stationed at Cleveland, in reserve, was directed to send six regiments from his command to reinforce General Crufts, at Red Clay; Colonel Long, having established communication with Crufts, the evening before, advanced with his bri
Tracy City (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
hat he engaged Johnson's brigade near Florence, routed them, killed fifteen, and wounded quite a number, taking them prisoners — among them three commissioned officers; our loss, ten wounded. Brigadier-General Gillem also reports having sent out parties from along the line of the N. W. Railroad, and their having returned with Lieutenant-Colonel Brewer, two captains, three lieutenants, and twenty men as prisoners. A party of guerrillas, numbering about one hundred and fifty men, attacked Tracy City on the twentieth, and after having three times summoned the garrison to surrender, were handsomely repulsed by our forces. Colonel T. J. Harrison, Thirty-ninth Indiana, (mounted infantry,) reports from Cedar Grove, twenty-first instant, that he had sent an expedition of two hundred men to Sparta, to look after the guerrillas in that vicinity. They divided into five parties, concentrating at Sparta, having passed over the localities of Carter's, Champ Ferguson's, Bledsoe's, and Murray's g
Meridian (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
abama. Cleburne's division (one of those reported to have gone south) attacked Colonel Hanson's mounted infantry command at daylight on the morning of the twenty-sixth, and forced him to retire from the gap. Being convinced that the rebel army at Dalton largely outnumbered the strength of the four divisions I had opposed to it, and the movement against Johnston being a complete success insomuch as it caused the recalling of reenforcements sent to oppose General Sherman's expedition against Meridian, I concluded to withdraw my troops to the position they had occupied previous to the reconnoissance. Baird's division was to fall back on the evening of the twenty-fifth to Lee's Farm, and on the twenty-sixth take position on a line of hills about a mile north of the town of Tunnel Hill, to cover the retirement of Johnson's and Davis's divisions from Buzzard's Roost; Davis being ordered to take post at his old camp in front of Rossville, leaving one brigade to support Baird, ordered to t
Red Hill Valley (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Anderson, company E, missing. Total.--Two killed, nineteen wounded two missing. I had no means of ascertaining the injury done the enemy; but it was reported that eight bodies were left on the field. I took twenty-three prisoners. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Eli long, Col. Commanding Second Brigade, Second Division Cavalry. Brigadier-General Whipple, A. A. G., Department of the Cumberland. Inclosure. headquarters Second brigade, Second division cavalry, Red Hill Valley, twelve miles from Cleveland, Tenn., Feb. 27, 1864. Brigadier-General William D. Whipple, Chief of Staff, Army of the Cumberland, Cleveland, Tenn.: After I had left the vicinity of General Crufts's division and come about twenty (20) miles therefrom, he being at Catoosa Platform, a sergeant of the Fourth Michigan cavalry brought me word that General Crufts was being attacked by rebel cavalry; but as General Crufts expressed no desire for me to return, I did not go back — it being nea
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
couts and deserters, placed Johnston's army at Dalton and vicinity, occupying the same position he hay, and then push on as far as possible toward Dalton on the Spring Place road, observing well the mrufts, on the road leading from Lee's house to Dalton, with instructions to move, in conjunction wituth of Buzzard's Roost, and nearly opposite to Dalton, his instructions being to hold it as long as our part, he had been obliged to order back to Dalton the reenforcements he had sent to relieve Polkhe gap. Being convinced that the rebel army at Dalton largely outnumbered the strength of the four dg, February twenty-fourth, in the direction of Dalton via Varnell's Station. I left my encampment aock P. M., when I moved my command back on the Dalton and Varnell's Station road, about three miles . Gladden's statement. Who says he left Dalton on Saturday last. He states that the rebel los stating freely if they were driven away from Dalton, large numbers of them would throw down their [12 more...]
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
enty-fourth, to take up a position north of Chattanooga, between Chickamauga Depot and the Hiawassely accomplished, General Palmer returned to Chattanooga. February seventh, Colonel William B. Stuld safely be spared from the protection of Chattanooga and its communications, to cooperate with t starvation, during the close investment of Chattanooga by the enemy; and for want of horses scarce corps, (army of the Tennessee,) arrived at Chattanooga from Huntsville, in pursuance to orders fronson's and Baird's divisions moved out from Chattanooga, and occupied Ringgold, Georgia, on the twersed.) headquarters Fourteenth army corps, Chattanooga, March 8. Respectfully forwarded for the Office Chief Commissary of subsistence, Chattanooga, Tenn., March 8, 1864. Captain S. C. Kellogg, Azens, during the Month of January, 1864. Chattanooga, Tenn.--Prisoners of war. Captured: 44 commens, during the Month of February, 1864. Chattanooga, Tenn.--Prisoners of war captured: 21 commi[2 more...]
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
depot-guard to protect his supplies at Cleveland. Long's brigade of cavalry ordered to take post at Cleveland, and keep the left flank well patroled. Colonel Harrison, commanding Thirty-ninth Indiana mounted infantry, with the Twenty-eighth Kentucky, (mounted infantry,) Colonel W. P. Boone commanding, was posted at Leet's Tanyard, with instructions to patrol the country in the direction of La Fayette, and to picket strongly all the roads leading from Leet's in the direction of La Fayette, Resaca, and Dalton. In accordance with these instructions, Johnson withdrew on the night of the twenty-sixth to Catoosa Platform, Davis and Baird and Harrison to Ringgold; and on the twenty-seventh they all took up the positions indicated above. Crufts's and Long's cavalry also fell back to Catoosa Platform on the night of the twenty-sixth, and there took up the positions assigned them. I have the honor to forward herewith a consolidated report of casualties; also the report of Colonel Eli Lon
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