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Lithonia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Rock, and encamped for the night. October 23.--Marched through Lithonia to Latimer's, finding a few rebel scouts and dispersing them; found eighteen miles. October 23.--Marched at six A. M., on road to Lithonia; thence to Decatur, covering the left flank of the train, having men miles from Atlanta. 17th. Moved at seven o'clock A. M., via Lithonia, and camped at Conyers Station at half-past 8 P. M. Distance, sixt On the march, my command passed through the towns of Decatur and Lithonia on the fifteenth, and November sixteenth, crossing a branch of the. A considerable quantity is reported two or three miles north of Lithonia. The rapid manner in which the wagons were loaded, and the quicion, which penetrated the country south-east fifteen miles to near Lithonia. Nine hundred wagon-loads of corn were captured by the troops, aninfantry, in charge of which I was placed, went to the vicinity of Lithonia, where they filled about sixty wagons with corn, making about nine
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
the troops were moved to the north-western portion of the town, where they were encamped upon a ridge, which commanded the country in our immediate front, giving us an admirable position in case of attack. Here most excellent quarters were erected by the men, and the camps of the several regiments were paragons of neatness and regularity, reflecting much credit upon both officers and men. On September twenty-second, General Joseph F. Knipe, then commanding the brigade, started for Memphis, Tennessee, having been ordered to report there by an order from General Sherman, to assume the duties of Chief of Cavalry of the army of Tennessee. Colonel Warren W. Packer, Fifth Connecticut veteran volunteers, being senior in rank, assumed command of the brigade on the morning of September twenty-second. On September twenty-eighth, the One Hundred and Forty-first regiment New-York volunteers were detailed to report to Colonel Crane, One Hundred and Seventh New-York volunteers, for duty in
Crooked Run (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
half-past 6 A. M. of the fourth. The distance marched during the day was ten miles. December 4.--Moved at half-past 7 A. M., still in rear of the corps, and about noon came up with the Third division trains, in park on the western side of Crooked Run. The eastern side of this stream presents an extensive, level, swampy track of land, across which trains could not pass until the roads were corduroyed. I found the Michigan Engineers engaged at this work. The last of the Third division t and by half-past 11 P. M. had encamped them about one mile east of the creek, leaving Jones's brigade in camp on the other side. The weather continued fine — country poor, roads good, excepting through the large swamps at Big Horse Creek and Crooked Run. Distance to-day, four miles. December 5.--Moved at half-past 6 A. M., crossed, during the day, Little Horse Creek, south fork of Little Ogeechee and Little Ogeechee, destroying all the bridges after crossing. Much of the route to-day was
Baldwin (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
and passed into Morgan County. November 20.--Marched thirteen miles south to five miles north of Eatonton, county-town of Putnam County. November 21.--Marched eighteen miles south to Little River, passing through Eatonton. November 22.--Marched twelve miles to Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, which was surrendered to our forces without opposition. Our brigade marched through the city on the advance. Crossed the Oconee River, and encamped about a mile from the city, in Baldwin County. November 23.--Rested near Milledgeville. November 24.--Marched fifteen miles to within three miles of Hebron P. O. Crossed Town, Gum, and Bluff Creeks, and entered Washington County. November 25.--Marched four miles east to Buffalo Creek, passing through Hebron P. O., thence four miles east of Buffalo Creek. Were delayed at creek some little time by burning of bridge across it, and camped four miles from Sandersville. November 26.--Started at six A. M., our regiment being
Gibralter (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
d ninety men, under command of Captain Anderson, who had been sent some five miles south-east of Stone Mountain. On the twenty-eighth, the regiment remained in camp until four P. M., when with brigade it moved back toward the little town of Gibraltar, most of the regiment being deployed as pickets to the right of the road. After passing the town of Gibraltar about two miles, went into camp on the Atlanta road. Here the detachments under command of Captain Anderson, rejoined the regiment aGibraltar about two miles, went into camp on the Atlanta road. Here the detachments under command of Captain Anderson, rejoined the regiment at midnight, having marched around to the south of Stone Mountain, and been successful in loading some fifty wagons with forage. On the twenty-ninth, the regiment, in rear of brigade and in the centre of Second division of the train, marched back to Atlanta, where it arrived at five P. M., having, during the expedition, loaded about seventy wagons with forage, and obtained a temporary supply of fresh meats and sweet potatoes. In these four days, the regiment marched over fifty miles, and did
Burke (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
to Jefferson County. November 29.--Marched eight miles east, to Bostwick, tearing up and destroying about half a mile of track, also destroyed a large lumber yard of bridge timber; thence one mile to camp. November 30.--Marched eight miles north-west to near Louisville; crossed Ogeechee River, and encamped three miles south-east of the town of Louisville. December 1.--Marched thirteen miles east to near Janes's Mill Creek, crossing Dug Spring, Baker's and Camp Creeks, passed into Burke County. December 2.--Marched fifteen miles east to Buckhead Church, crossed Janes's Mill and Buckhead Creeks; passed through Birdsville. December 3.--Marched sixteen miles east to three miles north of Millen; passed Camp Lawton, and into Seriven County; crossed Little Buckhead Creek, and Waynesboro Railroad. December 4.--Marched sixteen miles east to six miles south-east of Sylvania; crossed Little Ogeechee River at Hunter's Mill. December 5.--Marched two miles south-east, and cam
Covington (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Twentieth army corps, and under his command was engaged in a foraging expedition of four days, into the country south-east of Atlanta. On the sixteenth, the regiment marched in front of the brigade, and in centre of the train of seven hundred wagons, and covering that part of the train adjacent. The regiment with brigade went into camp near Flat Rock, at eight P. M., having marched eighteen miles. On the seventeenth, regiment with brigade moved out some four miles in the direction of Covington, and was engaged during the day in guarding the train and filling wagons with forage. In the evening, returned and camped for the night in the position occupied the night previous. On the eighteenth, the regiment with brigade moved out southward across Flat Rock Creek, in the direction of Jamesboro, some five miles. Here the regiment was divided, detachments being sent in different directions to guard and load wagons. In the evening, returned to camp occupied the night previous. On
Ogeechee (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
30.--Marched, at nine o'clock am., up the Ogeechee River to Blake's Plantation, crossed on a repairles north-west to near Louisville; crossed Ogeechee River, and encamped three miles south-east of thty-ninth, and on the thirtieth crossed the Ogeechee River. No incident of importance transpired til On the first of December, we crossed the Ogeechee River, and continued our march without interruptk from one mile west of the station to the Ogeechee River. 30th. Passed nearly the whole day destroying the railroad bridge over the Ogeechee River. At four P. M., marched to join the division, wat work upon the railroad. Arrived at the Ogeechee River at twelve M. The bridge having been destror Niedrauer; as the advance approached the Ogeechee River, they were fired into by the enemy from th A. M., and camped in the afternoon at the Ogeechee River, where the brigade remained until eight P., Sandersville, and Davisboro; crossed the Ogeechee River, thence through Louisville, and crossed th[14 more...]
Flat Shoals (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
junction with a brigade from Second division; marched to Flat Shoals, eighteen miles from Atlanta, loaded five hundred wagonsAvery's Cross-Roads. The head of the column encamped at Flat Shoals at seven P. M., and by ten P. M. was joined by all the ts of artillery in charge of about four hundred wagons at Flat Shoals, I took the remainder of the troops and wagons,, and marrigade, Third division, and two sections of artillery at Flat Shoals in charge of the loaded wagons, with the remainder of thn at nightfall rejoined in safety the detachment left at Flat Shoals, and on the next day, the nineteenth, returned to Atlantgiment went with the brigade on a foraging expedition to Flat Shoals, on which expedition the regiment was gone four days, an expedition, making a march of sixteen miles, camping at Flat Shoals, South-River. October 17th, 1864.--Moved east five mis of cavalry were also sent to the right, on the road to Flat Shoals, and to the left, toward Stone Mountain, all converging
Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
unteers,Wounded, head, slight,13th December. 11Louis Harry,Private,I,147th Pennsylvania volunteers,Wounded, leg, mortal, since died,19th December. 12Martin Sachs,Private,F,147th Pennsylvania volunteers,Wounded, head, mortal, since died,20th December. Inventory of ordnance and ordnance stores, taken possession of by Lieutenant-Colonel R. Kirkup, Fifth Ohio volunteers, at arsenal on President street: Thirty-one boxes artillery harness, in bad order; nine thousand rounds cartridges, (Enfield,) calibre 58; large amount of linseed oil, spirits turpentine, and other paint stuffs; eleven thousand rounds single musket-balls, calibre 69; five thousand rounds buck and ball cartridge, calibre 75; four thousand rounds Sharp's rifle cartridge, calibre 55; three hundred and eighty-one buff gun-slings; six bars copper; ten boxes plate tin; three boxes muskets, (old;) thirty thousand and twenty brass fuze plugs; fifteen hundred and forty-one ten-inch fuze plugs; twelve hundred and forty-six
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