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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Henry county (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
estern Railroad, and encamped near the large post on the Marietta road. October 9.--Moved about two miles further to the left, and encamped near the Sandtown road. October 11.--Marched off on Decatur road, in a south-easterly direction; afterward struck off to right, on road to Flat Rock, halting at eight P. M., near South River, a distance of fifteen miles. October 12.--Crossed South-River at Clark's Mill, Flat Rock, De Kalb County, marching southeasterly five miles to border of Henry County, where the regiment assisted quartermasters in gathering corn, loading the wagons, and guarded the train during the day, and returned with them to encampment of night previous, recrossing South-River. October 13.--Crossed South-River again after forage, loaded and guarded train, and after sunset marched ten miles on road to Atlanta, and encamped at three A. M. of next morning. October 14.--Marched five miles to camp in Atlanta, Georgia. October 22.--Marched fifteen miles, to near
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
e to Argyle Island, and from thence to the South-Carolina shore. Owing to the want of boats, the pand, which had now taken up position on the South-Carolina shore opposite us. December 18.--Remaind and Fiftieth New-York volunteers, to the South-Carolina shore, and established then my headquarter. December 16th.--Were shelled from the South-Carolina shore, and from a rebel gunboat. Decembht, resting on Hog Island Creek, landed on South-Carolina shore, near Izard's Mill. Our regiment wathere, and to make a reconnoissance on the South-Carolina shore. I succeeded in crossing two companossed five companies of my regiment to the South-Carolina shore, driving the enemy from the plantati sufficient to enable me to recross to the South-Carolina shore in safety, and to occupy the plantatpontoon-bridge from Savannah across to the South-Carolina shore, and notified the General commandingcupation. The enemy still hover about the South-Carolina shore, and there is some skirmishing acros[18 more...]
Madison, Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
Helped sixty wagons through. Passed through Madison; made nine miles, and got into camp at three twelve M., it encamped three miles south of Madison. The aggregate distance marched on this and l Circle about noon, and proceeding nearly to Madison, making in all about fifteen miles. On the ning the line of the Augusta Railroad as far as Madison, where we turned southward and struck the Milally accomplished. This night we camped near Madison, having marched about eighteen (18) miles. o tear up railroad track, went into camp near Madison at five P. M. 19th. Broke camp at five A. 19th. Marched at five A. M.; passed through Madison at daybreak, followed the line of the railroaabout a mile of railroad, with side-track, at Madison; also some railroad buildings, and a hundred stroying the railroad at Social Circle and at Madison. My command subsisted for thirty days almostlroad track. On the following day arrived at Madison, where it destroyed about ten rods of track, [37 more...]
Jefferson (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
e we commenced tearing up the track of the Georgia Central Railroad. We tore up about half a mile, and then were sent out as pickets for the brigade, after which we returned to Tennille, where we encamped for the night. November 27.--Marched eighteen miles east, to Davisboro, Station No. 12, Georgia Central Railroad. Crossed Williamson Swamp Creek. November 28.--Marched eleven miles east, to Spiers Station No. 11, tearing up and destroying about half a mile of track. Passed into Jefferson County. November 29.--Marched eight miles east, to Bostwick, tearing up and destroying about half a mile of track, also destroyed a large lumber yard of bridge timber; thence one mile to camp. November 30.--Marched eight miles north-west to near Louisville; crossed Ogeechee River, and encamped three miles south-east of the town of Louisville. December 1.--Marched thirteen miles east to near Janes's Mill Creek, crossing Dug Spring, Baker's and Camp Creeks, passed into Burke County.
Dekalb County (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
avalry, with a view of discovering and capturing the attacking party of the morning. Proceeded six miles, to near Turner's Ferry, Chattahoochee River, when faced about and returned on Sandtown road to city. November 13.--Regiment engaged in tearing up and burning railroad between city of Atlanta and Chattahoochee River; tore up and destroyed half a mile. November 15.--Marched seventeen miles in a south-easterly direction, to foot of Stone Mountain, passing through Decatur and into De Kalb County, where our brigade did picket-duty. November 16.--Marched ten miles in a north-easterly direction to two miles cast of Yellow River. Crossed river at Rock Bridge, and passed into Gumneth County. November 17.--Marched thirteen miles east, to three miles beyond Sheffield, and into Newton and Walton counties; crossed Big and Little Haynes Creeks. November 18.--Marched twenty-one miles south-east, to five miles east of Rutledge, passing through Social Circle and Rutledge, to within
Jack's Creek, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
owly on. At eight P. M., it reached Turkey Creek and Swamp, and at ten P. M., encamped one mile above Springfield. The distance marched on this day was fifteen miles. At eight o'clock A. M., on the morning of the eighth, my brigade crossed Jack's Creek, and arrived at Springfield. My command was now unencumbered, and marched in advance of the division, following the Second division. Our course followed the Monteith road about nine miles, then turned to the right and pursued a south-westerlere distributed along the train, and rendered material assistance in pushing them along. The camp for the night was near Springfield, and the distance marched, about twelve (12) miles. December 8th.--The command moved at daylight, crossing Jack's Creek, and passing through Springfield, in the direction of Monteith. December 9th and 10th.--These two days were occupied in marching to a point on the Augusta road, five miles from Savannah, Georgia. December 11th.--At nine A. M., the brigad
Chattanooga Creek (United States) (search for this): chapter 64
eorgia Central Railroad, where I destroyed about three miles of track and encamped for the night. November 27.--Marched to Davisboro, Station No. 22, crossed Williamson Swamp Creek. November 28.--Destroyed three miles of railroad track and marched to Spiers Station. November 29.--Destroyed four miles of railroad track of Georgia Central, two saw-mills and lumber-yards, and the timber for four (4) large bridges ready for use; one of the bridges was marked Strawberry Plains, one Chattanooga Creek, the other two names have escaped my memory. This timber has been gotten out and made ready for use, even to having the pegs to unite it, turned, and was intended, as I afterward learned from a citizen, for future operations of the enemy in East-Tennessee. I should estimate the number of feet in this pile of timber to be one million five hundred thousand. November 30.--Crossed the Ogeechee, and encamped three miles south-cast of Louisville. December 1.--Crossed Jones's Mill Cre
Lawrenceville, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
y, and about three hundred wagons, across Yellow River, in the direction of Lawrenceville. I found here a productive country, and had no difficulty in loading the etrated a force from two to four thousand strong, between Stone Mountain and Lawrenceville, I sent a request to Major-General Slocum, for a force to be sent to Stone ads and passes there. With the rest of my command and train I moved on the Lawrenceville road six miles, then passed to the right over a wood road, and struck the mstrong cavalry-guard to hold the village, I moved on the Stone Mountain and Lawrenceville road to Trickum Cross-Roads, near which we camped for the night. Receivit the enemy near Yellow River, and learned of a considerable force being in Lawrenceville. The party first met retreated across the river and burned the bridge. y orders, Colonel Way followed them, crossed the river, and charged through Lawrenceville, driving the enemy in confusion. Learning that abundance of forage could
McDonough (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
my corps, broke camp, and moved out upon the McDonough road, and encamped for the night. It return. November 5.--Marched three miles on the McDonough road, in a south-easterly direction, and encp about two hundred (200) yards north of the McDonough road, and south-west of Atlanta nearly threen, and encamped for the night on or near the McDonough road. On the following day, orders were recat the large fort about a half-mile from the McDonough road, and covered this front during the entiamp and marched with the division out on the McDonough road about two miles and bivouacked. 6th.ocum, the division moved out of town, on the McDonough road; but was ordered to its old camp the neday of November the brigade moved out on the McDonough road for the distance of two miles and then in guarding their front, extending from the McDonough road on the right, and connecting with the ph the balance of the corps, two miles on the McDonough road, where it remained until noon of the ne[4 more...]
Putnam (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 64
field, and into Newton and Walton counties; crossed Big and Little Haynes Creeks. November 18.--Marched twenty-one miles south-east, to five miles east of Rutledge, passing through Social Circle and Rutledge, to within four miles of Madison. November 19.--Marched four miles east to Madison, passing through the town, thence south four miles toward Eatonton, and passed into Morgan County. November 20.--Marched thirteen miles south to five miles north of Eatonton, county-town of Putnam County. November 21.--Marched eighteen miles south to Little River, passing through Eatonton. November 22.--Marched twelve miles to Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, which was surrendered to our forces without opposition. Our brigade marched through the city on the advance. Crossed the Oconee River, and encamped about a mile from the city, in Baldwin County. November 23.--Rested near Milledgeville. November 24.--Marched fifteen miles to within three miles of Hebron P. O. Cro
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