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Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
s was to be expected, it should become weary. Such was the dominant idea of the delegates who established a provisional government at Montgomery, a small town in Alabama. In confiding the executive power to Mr. Davis, who had been the soul of the rebellion, they united into one solid whole the scattered forces of the Confederacy. the Federal arsenals within their reach, and especially the forts which might be turned against them in the coming struggle. On the 3d of January the militia of Alabama occupied the Mount Vernon arsenal, and, without striking a blow, walked into Forts Morgan and Gaines, which their respective garrisons surrendered to them; on thecommittee at Washington was promptly obeyed. Secession was proclaimed by the several conventions—in Mississippi on the 9th of January, in Florida on the 10th, in Alabama on the 11th, in Georgia on the 19th, and in Louisiana on the 26th. The secession intriguers had not achieved such an easy success in Texas, where they encountere
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
gh strengthened by the eight electors from South Carolina, only received one hundred and twenty-threelivered up the country to its enemies. South Carolina was the first to set up openly the standarher cotton States to follow the example of South Carolina. However, while the most zealous partisane; finally, the commissioners appointed by South Carolina were instructed to again demand of the Pre 1861 began under the gloomiest auspices. South Carolina had shown that secession was not an idle te into the rebellion. In the mean time, South Carolina, always anxious to be in advance of the otn the President and the commissioners from South Carolina, emphatically declared at their meetings, r seats in Congress. The mission of the South Carolina delegates had, somewhat late it is true, ries was here at stake. The authorities of South Carolina kept that garrison closely blockaded, demamed it proper to inform the authorities of South Carolina of his intentions (April 8). The excite[5 more...]
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ys. This little town was connected with Washington by a railway which made a junction with the main line south of Baltimore, thus rendering it easy to avoid the insurgent city. Again, on the same day—April 20—the volunteers raised by the State of Illinois occupied a position in the West highly important for future army operations—that of Cairo, a town situated on a marshy peninsula at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. In the mean while, the Federal authorities determined toe arming in Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky. These troops had their own generals and staff officers, whose rank was confined to the State that had conferred it upon them. Numerous regiments were thus raised in Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, united under the auspices of a free association, organized a provisional army, and had the good fortune to entrust its command to Captain McClellan, whom the regard of his former companions in arms had unanimously designated for that arduous po<
Pawnee City (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
. Just as these vessels were slowly sinking into the water, Captain Paulding arrived from Washington with a reinforcement of troops to defend the arsenal, and also to supersede McCauley. It was too late. Paulding could do nothing more than set fire to the vessels, which the Confederates might otherwise have easily raised again; some were completely consumed, others, like the Merrimac, foundered before they had been destroyed by the fire. There only remained afloat the Cumberland and the Pawnee, which had brought Paulding over; this officer, having no longer the means to maintain himself at Norfolk, did what he could, on the morning of the 21st, to destroy the arsenal buildings, and then retired into the harbor of Hampton Roads. The Confederates found abundant resources in artillery and materiel of every description in Norfolk; the fire was soon extinguished, the docks repaired, and they succeeded in raising the Merrimac, which we shall see at work the following year. Fort Monr
New York (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ever friendly to the France of other days as to the France of the present time, to forget the quarrels by which they were divided. The contingent of the Latin races was completed, without being much increased, by the addition of a small number of Spaniards, Portuguese, and Italians. The dregs of the large cities were gathered into a few regiments with brilliant costumes, but somewhat lax in discipline if report may be credited. It was observed that the average of crime in the great city of New York decreased by one-half after the departure of the Wilson Zouaves. The volunteer fire companies of New York, proverbial for their turbulence, quitted for a time the service of the corporation to organize a regiment of Fire Zouaves. But let us hasten to reduce to their proper proportions these details, which, striking the eyes of Europeans recently landed, may have led them to form erroneous opinions of the American army. In spite of all they could say, it was an essentially national
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
h separated the free from the slave States, those who were friendly neighbors the day before, having become enemies, mutually watched each other, not yet knowing when or how they should come to blows. The capture of Baltimore had not discouraged the secessionists, who were still organizing in different counties of Maryland. Virginia, with the exception of the western counties, was in full rebellion; she was erecting batteries all along her coast which were being rapidly armed; those at Sewall's Point, in front of Fortress Monroe, fired upon a Federal vessel on the 19th of May, while those which were in process of construction along the right bank of the Potomac, threatened to blockade before long the navigation of that river, through which all the supplies for the capital were obtained. On the 23d of May, while the majority of the electors of Virginia were going through the idle formality of voting for the ordinance of separation, which had been put in force without waiting for thei
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
shots were exchanged for the first time between the two parties on the soil of Virginia. A detachment of regular Federal cavalry proceeded as far as the village of Fairfax Courthouse, west of Alexandria, and dislodged a post of the enemy from it, while a few Confederate guns drove off a Union vessel which was trying to effect a landing at Acquia Creek; this latter point, situated on the right bank of the Lower Potomac, is the head of a line of railway leading direct to Richmond through Fredericksburg. The two armies felt thenceforth sufficiently strong to defend the positions they had chosen, but neither was yet in a condition to assume the offensive. It was a little more to the westward, in West Virginia, that the first serious engagements were to take place. This district, as we have stated, had remained loyal to the Union, and had refused to submit to the ordinance of separation which had been voted by the State convention. The Richmond authorities could not tolerate this se
New Creek (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
with regret, Patterson was obliged to recross the Potomac on the 18th, and to fall back upon Maryland, by way of Williamsport, with about ten thousand men scarcely armed, without artillery, and without cavalry. His retreat left Wallace at Cumberland in a difficult position, and emboldened the Confederates who had assembled in the Alleghany valleys, which open on the Upper Potomac. Four thousand of them again occupied Romney, and destroyed the bridge of the Baltimore and Ohio Railway at New Creek; they thus cut off all communication between Wallace and McClellan, who had come to Grafton on the 23d to prepare for the serious campaign, of which West Virginia was to witness the inauguration fifteen days later. But although threatened on all sides, Wallace succeeded in keeping the enemy in check and in maintaining his position. In the vicinity of Washington, the two armies watched each other at a distance so effectively that during the whole month of June, they only once exchanged
San Antonio (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
rd with the rebels. He suffered himself to be surrounded, in the village of San Antonio, by the militia under the command of McCulloch, and, hiding his treason undNorthern ports, he was detained under various pretexts. The capitulation of San Antonio was not long in bringing forth its fruit; by intimidating the Unionists of Tsudden attack. Moreover, the regular troops included in the capitulation of San Antonio, which, according to that agreement, should have been restored to their counr comrades, betrayed through the defection of Twiggs, were, some of them, in San Antonio with Colonel Waite, the remainder with Major Sibley at Indianola, where theythe government of Washington, they no longer recognized the capitulation of San Antonio, and that all the Federal troops which happened to be on their territory mus until they could be exchanged. Waite and the officers who were with him in San Antonio experienced the same fate. There was still left a detachment of the Eighth
Indianola (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
not at war: the agreement by which they had been delivered up was called a treaty of evacuation, and Waite was conveyed, with about twelve hundred of his men, to Indianola, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, where, although promised permission to ship for any of the Northern ports, he was detained under various pretexts. The capicolors. His former comrades, betrayed through the defection of Twiggs, were, some of them, in San Antonio with Colonel Waite, the remainder with Major Sibley at Indianola, where they had been conveyed under promise of being allowed to ship for the North; none of these soldiers, notwithstanding the many offers they received, had foust be considered as prisoners of war. Van Dorn was charged with the execution of this order, which was a violation of a sacred pledge. Sibley was waiting at Indianola to embark on the Star of the West, the same transport-ship which, a short time before, had vainly attempted to revictual Fort Sumter. Being ignorant of the fate
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