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Maryland Heights (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
A little more to the eastward, at Harper's Ferry, Johnston's forces were increasing at a rate to cause great uneasiness to the Federals. In the beginning of June, he occupied, with more than twelve thousand men, the formidable position of Maryland Heights, on the opposite bank of the Potomac, which enabled him, while covering the entrance of the Shenandoah Valley, to extend his lines into Maryland and menace Washington or Pennsylvania. In order to protect the latter State, General Patterson was the cause that, during the early stages of the conflict, marches and counter-marches played a more important part than actual engagements, which were gladly avoided on both sides. Fearing to be turned, the Confederate general evacuated Maryland Heights and Harper's Ferry on the 13th of June, and retired to Charlestown, a short distance from the place last mentioned, after destroying the Ohio canal, the great railway bridge, and all that had escaped the conflagration of the 18th of April in
France (France) (search for this): chapter 4
t neither America nor Europe could dispense with an article which they alone could supply, and they saw in it a guarantee for the maintenance of slavery, of which it was the fruit. They did not believe that the working classes, in England and in France, would have the courage to undergo the severest privations, rather than give a word of encouragement to the cause of slavery, and they fully expected that these classes would compel the European governments to restore cotton to their looms, by inments had been made on its account upon any large scale; there was seen nothing in America to be compared with the foreign legion organized by England for the Crimean War. The navy may indeed have picked up a handful of sailors from the coasts of France or England, or it may have received a few of the deserters which every European ship drops into the ports of the New World. Doubtless, also, some English soldiers from the garrisons of Canada may have crossed the frontier, allured not only by t
Charleston Harbor (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ver Texas. By means of intimidation it overcame the resistance of the Unionists, and on the 1st of February a convention, irregularly organized, drew that State into the rebellion. In the mean time, South Carolina, always anxious to be in advance of the other States, had not waited for their co-operation to consummate the rebellion by an overt act of hostility. On the 9th of January a merchant vessel, freighted by the Federal government with provisions for Fort Sumter, appeared in Charleston harbor. The new batteries that had been erected on the beach fired into her and obliged her to put back. Americans had fired for the first time upon the Federal flag; the civil war had commenced. Such acts could not fail to dispel any doubt that might still exist as to the intentions of the political leaders of the South. The States in which the Republican party was in the ascendant, those under Democratic rule, the border slave States, and the Federal government, while perfectly unani
Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
legislatures of the cotton States were immediately assembled to consider the situation and issue calls for conventions to proclaim the act of secession. Without even waiting for this proclamation, the national authority was openly set aside, and from the day following the election of Mr. Lincoln, the judge of the District Court of the United States in Charleston, devoted to Southern interests, refused to take his seat on the Bench. Finally, the principal leaders of the movement met at Milledgeville to consult upon the subject of separation, and the military measures required to ensure success. One month after the election—the 3d of December—the Federal Congress met in its turn. The President's message set forth the uncertainties and the weakness of the Washington government. Elected by the coalition of Democrats, Mr. Buchanan did not dare to break with his former allies. He affected to see in the choice of his successor an act of aggression against them, and sought in vain to
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e of insurrection. The militia of Maryland, having assembled spontaneously in spite of Mr. Hicks, took possession of Annapolis, the capital of the State, and of the Federal naval school, which was located there. The Texans seized the transport-sfrom his own State, he embarked on the Susquehanna River, proceeded down Chesapeake Bay, and came to anchor in front of Annapolis, which had been in possession of the rebels for three days. This little town was connected with Washington by a railwayre pursued with feverish activity. Reinforcements were promptly sent to Butler, who landed them and took possession of Annapolis; then, following the line of railway, which the insurgents had destroyed, he repaired the line, and on the 25th of Aprapital of Maryland, had taken fresh courage, and no longer concealed their sympathies. Butler, who had remained at Annapolis Junction, determined, with the forces at his disposal, to reinstate the Federal authority in that city, and on the 5th of Ma
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
es from the manufacturing districts of New York, Pennsylvania, and New England, whose foundries and mills dreaey found themselves among the unwooded hills of Pennsylvania; there they could not avail themselves of the skts unalterable attachment to the Union. That of Pennsylvania having followed its example on the 24th, all dane Federals in maintaining communications between Pennsylvania and the Central States. This was more than suffhis lines into Maryland and menace Washington or Pennsylvania. In order to protect the latter State, General he volunteers were collected. Vast regions in Pennsylvania were settled by Germans even before the War of Ill as in the Northern and Western States; or why Pennsylvania and Kentucky, for instance, furnished the highes north and Kentucky at the south, and traversing Pennsylvania too rapidly to leave traces of its passage behinon them. Numerous regiments were thus raised in Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, united under the a
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
but whose good intentions are almost always powerless, because it seeks to remedy an evil by ignoring it—had been long in existence under the name of the Whig party. It had thought to be able to remove the evil by adopting a programme full of protestations in favor of the Constitution, in which slavery was not even mentioned; it held a convention in Baltimore on the 9th of May, and selected Mr. Bell as its candidate. A few days after, May 16th, the Republican convention which assembled at Chicago adopted for its platform the maintenance of the Union, a denial of the right of secession, a guarantee of the principle of free labor as the basis of the Constitution, and the restriction of slavery to the States or Territories where it already existed. The care of presenting this platform to the voters of the country—the only one honest, just, and worthy of the great Republic—was entrusted on the 19th to Mr. Lincoln, already known for his uprightness, his legal acquirements, and his polit<
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ion had had anything to do with the political struggle which brought on the civil war, the Western States would have had as much cause as those of the South to separate themselves from the manufacturing districts of New York, Pennsylvania, and New England, whose foundries and mills dread English competition, and they would have joined the South in defence of the system of free trade. The landholders of the West, in fact, also derived their wealth from the cultivation of the soil, the products l, they fully hoped that the necessity of forming one great nation, that fidelity to the Federal Constitution itself, would rally around them the majority of the Northern States. The Union would thus be reconstituted under their auspices, and New England, that focus of abolition, would perhaps alone be excluded from it, and left to vegetate in obscure mediocrity. The Montgomery Congress, therefore, in drawing up the new Constitution of the Confederate slave States, took care to adopt, purely
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
hed it. The current of emigration emptied itself at New York and certain points of the northern coast, where the weakest and the least robust took up their residence, while the others, passing through the Middle States, where the population was comparatively numerous, and shut out from the South by the insurmountable barrier of slavery, went to seek their fortunes in those vast Western States that are watered by the Upper Mississippi, the Missouri, and the great lakes. This current leaving Vermont at the north and Kentucky at the south, and traversing Pennsylvania too rapidly to leave traces of its passage behind, these States possessed therefore a population which, for the most part, had already become American for two or three generations back. It is from this time that the beneficent influence of the New World upon the European races is felt; hence the physical superiority, seemingly inexplicable, of the contingents furnished by these three States. The elements of a truly nati
Missouri (United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ding that powerful State to his cause by indissoluble ties. By fixing his quarters as near the Capitol as possible, he at the same time braved the Federal government, and thereby hastened the breaking out of hostilities on the soil of the State which had so imprudently claimed the honor of possessing the central government of the new Republic. So that, while in the West the efforts of the secessionists, confined to the sphere of partisan warfare, did not reach beyond the right bank of the Missouri, while Kentucky was waiting for the decrees of fortune to regulate her course, while West Virginia, true to the Union, was removing the seat of war from the borders of the Ohio,—the position of the two hostile capitals rendered it necessary, for their mutual protection, to concentrate the first armies within the narrow space which divided them. It was between the Potomac and the James River that the first serious engagements must naturally take place. The organization of a body of troop
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