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Java (Indonesia) (search for this): narrative 439
ot into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I have bene told. There is a certaine beast in Tartaria, which is wilde and as big as a wolfe, which beast they take alive, & beat him to death with small stavgotten in the kingdome of Pegu . The Diamants come from divers places; and I know but three sorts of them. That sort of Diamants that is called Chiappe, commeth from Bezeneger. Those that be pointed naturally come from the land of Delly, and from Java , but the Diamants of Java are more waightie then the other. I could never understand from whence they that are called Balassi come. Pearles they fish in divers places, as before in this booke is showne. From Cambaza commeth the Spodiom whic
Bara (Bauchi, Nigeria) (search for this): narrative 439
o the port of Pegu and Cirion, and those shippes bring cloth of Wooll, Scarlets, Velvets, Opium, and Chickinos, by the which they lose, and they bring them because they have no other thing that is good for Pegu : but they esteeme not the losse of them, for that they make such great gaine of their commodities that they cary from thence out of that kingdome. Also the king of Assi his ships come thither into the same port laden with peper; from the coast of S. Tome of Bengala out of the Sea of Bara to Pegu are three hundreth miles, and they go it up the river in foure daies, with the encreasing water, or with the flood, to a City called Cosmin, and there they discharge their ships, whither the Customers of Pegu come to take the note and markes of all the goods of every man, & take the charge of the goods on them, and convey them to Pegu , into the kings house, wherin they make the custome of the marchandize. When the Customers have taken the charge of the goods & put them into bark
Goa (Goa, India) (search for this): narrative 439
ld not continue long. For all this I embarked my selfe in a Galley that went for Goa, meaning there to shippe my selfe for Ormus: but when we came to Goa, the ViceroGoa, the Viceroy would not suffer any Portugal to depart, by reason of the warres. And being in Goa but a small time, I fell sicke of an infirmitie that helde mee foure moneths: wGoa but a small time, I fell sicke of an infirmitie that helde mee foure moneths: which with phisicke and diet cost me eight hundred duckets, and there I was constrained to sell a smal quantitie of Rubies to sustaine my neede: and I solde that for e things, the Viceroy commanded that the custome of the Opium should be paide in Goa, and paying custome there I might cary it whither I would. I shipped my 3. bales of cloth at Chaul in a shippe that went for Cochin, and I went to Goa to pay the aforesaid custome for my Opium, and from Goa I departed to Cochin in a ship that Goa I departed to Cochin in a ship that was for the voyage of Pegu , and went to winter then at S. Tome. When I came to Cochin, I understood that the ship that had my three bales of cloth was cast away and
Borneo (Brunei) (search for this): narrative 439
e two spices grow in divers places. The Cloves come all from the Moluccas , which Moluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but not so big. All the good white Sandol is brought from the Island of Timor. Canfora being compound commeth all from China , and all that which groweth in canes commeth from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I have bene told. There is a certaine beast in Tartaria, which is wilde and as big as a wolfe, which beast they take
Ethiopia (Ethiopia) (search for this): narrative 439
m which congeleth in certaine canes, whereof I found many in Pegu , when I made my house there, because that (as I have said before) they make their houses there of woven canes like to mats. From Chaul they trade alongst the coast of Melinde in Ethiopia , within the land of Cafraria: on that coast are many good harbors kept by the Moores. Thither the Portugals bring a kinde of Bombast cloth of a low price, and great store of Paternosters or beads made of paltrie glasse, which they make in Chaulevish people, and have dealt so of a long time: and by this trade the Portugals change their commodities into gold, and cary it to the Castle of Mozambique, which is in an Island not farre distant from the firme land of Cafraria on the coast of Ethiopia , and is distant from India 2800. miles. Now to returne to my voyage, when I came to Ormus, I found there Master Francis Berettin of Venice, and we fraighted a bark together to goe for Basora for 70. duckets, and with us there went other Marchan
dayes over the wildernes, in which 36. dayes they neither see house, trees, nor people that inhabite it, but onely a plaine, and no signe of any way in the world. The Pilots go before, and the Carovan followeth after. And when they sit downe all the Carovan unladeth and sitteth downe, for they know the stations where the wells are. I say, in 36. dayes we passe over the wildernesse. For when wee depart from Babylon two dayes we passe by villages inhabited until we have passed the river Euphrates . And then within two dayes of Alepo we have villages inhabited. In this Carovan there goeth alway a Captaine that doth Justice unto all men: and every night they keepe watch about the Carovan, and comming to Alepo we went to Tripoli , whereas Master Florin, and Master Andrea Polo, and I, with a Frier, went and hired a barke to goe with us to Jerusalem. Departing from Tripolie, we arrived at Jaffa : from which place in a day and halfe we went to Jerusalem, and we gave order to our barke to
Ormus (Iran) (search for this): narrative 439
en we arrived at Cochin I was fully determined to goe for Venice by the way of Ormus, and at that time the Citie of Goa was besieged by the people of Dialcan, but ted my selfe in a Galley that went for Goa, meaning there to shippe my selfe for Ormus: but when we came to Goa, the Viceroy would not suffer any Portugal to depart,ousand duckets. Then I departed againe from Pegu to goe for the Indies and for Ormus with great quantitie of Lacca, and from Ormus I returned into the Indies for Ormus I returned into the Indies for Chaul, and from Chaul to Cochin, and from Cochin to Pegu . Once more I lost occasion to make me riche, for whereas I might have brought good store of Opium againe, Iegu , I tarried and wintered in Cochin, and then I left the Indies and came for Ormus. I thinke it very necessary before I ende my voyage, to reason somewhat, and is distant from India 2800. miles. Now to returne to my voyage, when I came to Ormus, I found there Master Francis Berettin of Venice, and we fraighted a bark toget
Sion (Switzerland) (search for this): narrative 439
ll for this cause, that certaine vagabondes of the Portugales had slaine five falchines of the king of Pegu , which chaunced about a moneth after the king of Pegu was gone with a million and foure hundred thousand men to conquere the kingdome of Sion . They have for custome in this Countrey and kingdome, the king being wheresoever his pleasure is to bee out of his kingdome, that every fifteene dayes there goeth from Pegu a Carovan of Falchines, with every one a basket on his head full of someh from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Tartaria, which they make in this order, as by good information I have bene told. There is a certaine beast in Tartaria, which is wilde and as big as a wolfe, which beas
Lisbon (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 439
pe there ready to depart for that voyage. And then wee departed from Pegu to Chatigan a great harbour or port, from whence there goe smal ships to Cochin, before the fleete depart for Portugall, in which ships I was fully determined to goe to Lisbon , and so to Venice . When I had thus resolved my selfe, I went a boord of the shippe of Bengala, at which time it was the yeere of Touffon : concerning which Touffon ye are to understand, that in the East Indies often times, there are not stormesnt die and have his Will made, and hath given order that the schoole of Misericordia shall have his goods and sell them, then they sende the money by exchange to the schoole of Misericordia in Lisbone, with that copie of his Testament, then from Lisbon they give intelligence thereof, into what part of Christendome soever it be, and the heires of such a one comming thither, with testimoniall that they be heires, they shall receive there the value of his goods: in such wise that they shall not l
Moluccas (Indonesia) (search for this): narrative 439
them in the Sunne, and they become blacke. The Ginger groweth in this wise: the land is tilled and sowen, and the herbe is like to Panizzo, and the roote is the ginger. These two spices grow in divers places. The Cloves come all from the Moluccas , which Moluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but nMoluccas are two Islands, not very great, and the tree that they grow on is like to our Lawrell tree. The Nutmegs and Maces, which grow both together, are brought from the Island of Banda, whose tree is like to our walnut tree, but not so big. All the good white Sandol is brought from the Island of Timor. Canfora being compound commeth all from China , and all that which groweth in canes commeth from Borneo , & I thinke that this Canfora commeth not into these parts : for that in India they consume great store, and that is very deare. The good Lignum Aloes commeth from Cauchinchina. The Benjamin commeth from the kingdome of Assi and Sion . Long peper groweth in Bengala, Pegu , and Java . Muske commeth from Ta
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