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Cheat River (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
n, and away we went, past hamlets, through wildernesses of stunted bushes, up grade and down hill, at a speed rarely equalled. Our light train made firing an easy task for me, and I had frequent leisure to scan the beautiful ranges of the Alleghanies along which we skirted. Joe was sitting, as was usual with him, with his left hand on the throttle lever, and his body half out of the side window of the cab, that he might the better scan the track ahead. A few miles south of the famous Cheat river bridge, is a deep mountain gorge, with precipitous, rocky sides. It is shaped like an hour-glass, wide at each end, but tapering each way toward the middle. The track runs for quite a distance along one side of the gorge, makes a very abrupt turn to cross the chasm, a very deep one, in a straight line, and then, still curving inwardly, follows the gorge in a line nearly parallel with the track on the opposite side, for three fourths of a mile. We were pitching along with that pecu
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
with fatigue, and as chilled, starved, and shelterless as the soldiers, our tents, baggage, rations, and cooks, having all gone to Winchester. Notwithstanding these discomforts, notwithstanding the thought of slain and wounded comrades, it was delightful to talk the whole day over, even of our defeat of the morning, because we could say, All's well that ends well. It was laughable to think of the fugitives who had fled beyond the hearing of our victory, and who were now on their way to Martinsburg, spreading the news that Sheridan's army had been totally defeated, and that they (of course) were the only survivors. Then every half hour or so somebody galloped in from the advance with such a tale of continuing success that we could hardly grant our credence to it before a fresh messenger arrived, not so much to confirm the story as to exaggerate it. It was Hurrah! twenty cannon taken at Strasburg That makes twenty-six so far. Glorious! Don't believe it. Isn't it splendid?
Fishers Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
riving him with heavy loss across and southward from the Opequan creek, on the 19th of September, and sending him whirling through Winchester; routing him — at Fisher's Hill on the 22d of September, and sending his troops in rapid flight and disorder up the valley to Harrisonburg; had fixed the new cavalry general, Rosser, on the 8st a hundred to one), his army would have been ruined. The Union infantry would have cut his in two, and the Union cavalry would have prevented his retreat to Fisher's Hill. But his management of the advance was admirable. The canteens had been left in his camp, lest they should clatter against the shanks of the bayonets; the mere a certainty. The victory was pushed, as Sheridan has pushed all his victories, to the utmost possible limit of success, the cavalry halting that night at Fisher's Hill, but starting again at dawn, and continuing the chase to Woodstock, sixteen miles from Middletown. It was a gay evening at our headquarters, although we wer
Genesee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
, with twenty-two eight and nine inch guns; the Monongahela, a smaller steam sloop-of-war, with sixteen heavy guns; and the gunboats Kineo, Albatross, Sachem, and Genesee, each carrying three columbiads, and two rifled thirty-two pounders, together with six mortar boats, intended to assist in the bombardment, but not to attempt theflagship signaled the ships and gunboats to weigh anchor. The Hartford led, the Albatross being lashed on her starboard side; the Richmond followed, having. the Genesee lashed to her; next came the Monongahela and the Kineo, while the Mississippi and the Sachem brought up the rear. The mortar boats, from their sheltered anchoraghe principal batteries when a shot penetrated her steam-chest, so effectually disabling her for the hour that she dropped, almost helpless, down the stream. The Genesee, which was alongside, unable to stem the rapid current of the river, with the massive Richmond in tow, bore her back to Prophet's Island. Just as the Richmond tu
Adamsville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
n old racer at the tap of the drum, pricked up her ears and made fine time to Kingston. There they found themselves but twenty minutes behind the runaway train; and leaving the Yonah to blow off, they mounted the engine of the Pine Branch road, which was ready fired up, and waiting for the arrival of the passenger train nearly due. Here a number of persons volunteered for the chase, taking such arms as they could lay their hands on at the moment, and with the fresh engine they started for Adamsville. But a little before reaching that place they found the train at a standstill, in consequence of the destruction of a portion of the road by the Yankee runaways. This was vexatious, but it did not discourage Fuller and Murphy, who left the engine and once more put out on foot, alone. After two miles running, they met the down freight train from Adamsville-reversed and ran it backward to that place, switched off the cars on a side track, and with the engine made fine time to. Calhoun, wh
Bridgeport, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
r recruits and the organization of regiments. The train upon which the conspirators were, contained, also, a number of soldiers, as well as citizens, together with a quantity of provisions, and an iron safe containing a large amount of Confederate money, designed for the payment of the rebel troops at Corinth, Mississippi. Here, for the first time, they knew the nature of their duty, which was to destroy the track and bridges from Big Shanty, to and beyond Chattanooga, or as far as Bridgeport, Tennessee. This section of the road is built over innumerable creeks and rivers; and as General Mitchel had already cut off all communication from Corinth, by holding Huntsville, Alabama, the destruction of bridges which they were expected to effect, would have completely prevented rebel reinforcements and commissary stores from reaching Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. At Big Shanty, therefore, the train stopped for breakfast, and passengers, conductor, engineer, and hands, all went into
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
hind and laying them down before. Once over this, they shot through the great tunnel at Tunnel Hill, only five minutes behind the adventurous Feds, who, finding themselves closely pressed, uncoupled two of the boxcars from their engine, hoping to impede the progress of their pursuers. Quick-witted Fuller, however, hastily coupled them to the front of his engine, and pushed them ahead of him to the first turn-out, where he switched them off out of his way, and dashed ahead. As they passed Ringgold, the runaways began to show signs of giving out. They were out of wood, water, and oil; their rapid running and inattention to the engine had melted all the brass from its journals; and they had no time for repair, so rapid was the pursuit. Nearer and nearer panted the iron steed behind them, until, when it was within four hundred yards of them, seeing that their only safety was in flight, they jumped from the engine, scattering in the thicket, each for himself. And now their troubles co
Middletown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
ide. Rust will have eaten the guns; the graves of the heroes will have subsided like waves; weary of their troubling, the soldier and his leader will have lain down together; but there, embossed upon the globe, Mission Ridge will stand its fitting monument forever. Sheridan at Middletown. One of the most brilliant actions of the war — indeed, one of the most brilliant of any war of modern times — was that victory which the gallant Sheridan snatched from defeat and disaster at Middletown, Virginia, on the 19th of October, 1864. Three or four times in the military history of the last five hundred years, has an able and skilful commander succeeded in stemming the current of disaster, and turning a defeat into a victory; but it has usually been done either by bringing up reinforcements, and thus staying the progress of the exultant and careless foe, or by suffering a day to intervene between the defeat and the victory; at Marengo, it was the approach of reinforcements which enable
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
friend, no brother there ; but to all loyal hearts, alas! and thank God, those men were friend and brother, both in one. And over their heads, as they went, Forts Wood and Negley struck straight out like mighty pugilists right and left, raining their iron blows upon the Ridge from base to crest; Forts Palmer and King took up tNegley struck straight out like mighty pugilists right and left, raining their iron blows upon the Ridge from base to crest; Forts Palmer and King took up the quarrel, and Moccasin Point cracked its fiery whips and lashed the rebel left till the wolf cowered in its corner with a growl. Bridges' Battery, from Orchard Knob below, thrust its ponderous fists in the face of the enemy, and planted blows at will. Our artillery was doing splendid service. It laid its shot and shell wherevForts Palmer and King took up the quarrel, and Moccasin Point cracked its fiery whips and lashed the rebel left till the wolf cowered in its corner with a growl. Bridges' Battery, from Orchard Knob below, thrust its ponderous fists in the face of the enemy, and planted blows at will. Our artillery was doing splendid service. It laid its shot and shell wherever it pleased. Had giants carried them by hand they could hardly have been more accurate. All along the mountain's side, in the rebel rifle-pits, on the crest, they fairly dotted the Ridge. General Granger leaped down, sighted a gun, and in a moment, right in front, a great volume of smoke, like the cloud by day, lifted off the
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.18
e rebellion were connected with that great national artery, the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, is one that I will relate. In the fall of 1861, having been detained by business in the town of Cumberland, Maryland, I was at last about to start for Wheeling, when I learned by a despatch that the road was occupied below Harper's Ferry by a force of rebels, and therefore no train would pass. This proved to be true in reference to ordinary trains, but a special, with which was the Hon. Mr. Pierponwering Sheridan with earth. Alluding to that compliment with any thing but a blank cartridge, the general said to me in his quiet way, I thought it ungenerous! The recording angel will drop a tear upon the word for the part he played that day. Wheeling toward the men, he cheered them to the charge, and made at the hill like a bold riding hunter; they were out of the rifle-pits, and into the tempest, and struggling up the steep, before you could get breath to tell it, and so they were throughou
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