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Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
embark; and being without means of defence, he had to submit to the conditions imposed upon him. After being kept for some time prisoners, the Federals were released on parole until they could be exchanged. Waite and the officers who were with him in San Antonio experienced the same fate. There was still left a detachment of the Eighth Regulars, consisting of about three hundred men, who were slowly returning from the posts situated in the neighborhood of El Paso del Norte; on reaching Central Texas, they found the insurgents in possession of all the depots upon which they were to subsist; and being soon surrounded by Van Dorn, who had come to meet them with fifteen hundred men, they were obliged to lay down their arms at San Lucas Springs, on the 9th of May. In making his preparations, while Secretary of War, for the surrender of the Federal army stationed in the South-west of the Union into the hands of his accomplices, General Floyd had not confined his operations to Texas, wh
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
comparison of the average statures in the contingents of the several States, as shown by the tables published at the end of the war, at a time when the conscription necessitated a scrupulous examination of all the men enrolled. Neither climate nor latitude can explain why that average varied so strangely from one State to another, in the Middle as well as in the Northern and Western States; or why Pennsylvania and Kentucky, for instance, furnished the highest average, while, after the State of New York, those of the far West, such as Minnesota and Michigan, sent the smallest men to the army. This last result is all the more striking because in those new States, where the human race seems to develop with greater freedom, there exists a truly athletic population of lumbermen, living from generation to generation in the virgin forest, who, when formed into companies and at times into regiments, presented a line of perfect grenadiers that struck the officers of the British Guards with a
Fort Pickens (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
the rebel States, which the latter had not yet succeeded in taking possession of. These were Forts Pickens and Sumter, and the two forts located at the extremity of Florida, both of which were protecp-of-war Brooklyn had been lying at anchor for some time in the bay of Pensacola, in front of Fort Pickens, with troops, supplies, and ammunition; but Mr. Buchanan, yielding to the representations of of the principal sloop—the Powhatan, which carried the launches for landing—and sent her to Fort Pickens, the condition of which also caused serious uneasiness. A storm dispersed the rest of the fld used with impunity until then for their criminal purposes. Finally, on the 26th of April, Fort Pickens was placed out of all danger by the arrival of the Powhatan, which, as we have stated, had ben had been proclaimed, the Federal flag only floated upon three isolated points on the coast—Forts Pickens, Monroe, and the forts on the twin islands of Key West and Garden Key. In one word, with the<
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 4
from Mexico some of her most valuable provinces; and they thought of further increasing the number of their States by seizing Cuba and the whole coast of the Gulf of Mexico. They had succeeded, by means of a shrewd policy, in creating for themselves a considerable party in the North, whose support had long given them a preponderhe Golden Circle constituted throughout the South a vast secret society, whose object was to extend the confederacy of slave States in a circle all around the Gulf of Mexico, and to found a great power comprising, besides the cotton States, the greatest portion of Mexico and the Antilles. This devoted and unscrupulous organizatio they had been delivered up was called a treaty of evacuation, and Waite was conveyed, with about twelve hundred of his men, to Indianola, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, where, although promised permission to ship for any of the Northern ports, he was detained under various pretexts. The capitulation of San Antonio was not l
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
s around Washington, those anxious to enter the military service will find in it the inestimable advantage of exemption from the hardships and privations incidental to camp-life. On the contrary, the remembrance of the panic which overtook some Indiana troops at the battle of Buena Vista having always been preserved in that State, which has often been taunted with it, several volunteer regiments inscribed the following words on their programmes, Remember Buena Vista! thereby promising to wipeave seen, were arming in Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky. These troops had their own generals and staff officers, whose rank was confined to the State that had conferred it upon them. Numerous regiments were thus raised in Pennsylvania. Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, united under the auspices of a free association, organized a provisional army, and had the good fortune to entrust its command to Captain McClellan, whom the regard of his former companions in arms had unanimously designated for t
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
e cannot read without painful wonder, comprises nearly the whole of the general staff of the Confederate army, whose ranks were opened to all those who had thus resigned their commissions. The example of Virginia fired the enthusiasm of the secessionists everywhere, and they applied themselves to the task of drawing into the conflict those slave States which were still hesitating. On the 18th of April, the same day which witnessed the burning of Harper's Ferry, they assembled at Louisville, in Kentucky, for the purpose of openly organizing the rebellion. On the 20th the authorities of North Carolina took possession of the Federal mint at Charlotteville, and finally, the secession movement broke out in Maryland. The sight of the Pennsylvania volunteers had caused a great irritation in Baltimore. That city, the largest in the slave States, containing a large number of proud and powerful families, still wealthy, but already touched with the first symptoms of that decay which slave
Fort Morgan (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
n the bay of Charleston, South Carolina; Fort Pulaski in Georgia, near Savannah; Forts Key West and Garden Key on two small islands at the extremity of Florida; Forts McRae and Pickens at the entrance of the bay of Pensacola in the same State; Forts Morgan and Gaines in front of Mobile, in Alabama; and Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi, below New Orleans. The garrisons of these forts had been so much reduced that they were all liable to be captured by a sudden attack. The excit Federal arsenals within their reach, and especially the forts which might be turned against them in the coming struggle. On the 3d of January the militia of Alabama occupied the Mount Vernon arsenal, and, without striking a blow, walked into Forts Morgan and Gaines, which their respective garrisons surrendered to them; on the same day, the Georgians took possession of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, and on the 6th the arsenals of Fayetteville and Chattahoochee fell into the hands of the authorities
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
on the Susquehanna River, proceeded down Chesapeake Bay, and came to anchor in front of Annapolis, which had been in possession of the rebels for three days. This little town was connected with Washington by a railway which made a junction with the main line south of Baltimore, thus rendering it easy to avoid the insurgent city. Again, on the same day—April 20—the volunteers raised by the State of Illinois occupied a position in the West highly important for future army operations—that of Cairo, a town situated on a marshy peninsula at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. In the mean while, the Federal authorities determined to frustrate the intrigues of the insurgents' accomplices in the North by seizing all the telegraph wires, which the latter had used with impunity until then for their criminal purposes. Finally, on the 26th of April, Fort Pickens was placed out of all danger by the arrival of the Powhatan, which, as we have stated, had been detached from the e<
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
harmony with modern science, as also with biblical tradition; and that in re-establishing it in a formal manner, the founders of the Constitution at Montgomery had achieved, if we are to believe Mr. Stephens, a revolution fruitful of beneficial results for the future of civilization. In the mean time, the slave States which had not broken up their relations with Washington, oscillated between the two parties, undecided as to what course to pursue. On the 4th of March the convention of Arkansas pronounced against secession; on the 19th that of Missouri adopted, with some reservations, a similar resolution; finally, on the 4th of April that of Virginia rejected by a strong majority the propositions of the seceders. But these States struggled in vain to resist the example of their associates already engaged in the rebellion; linked to their fortunes by that terrible bond of complicity which, in politics as in private life, places every malefactor at the mercy of the most daring, th
Jefferson City (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
y, had pronounced in favor of the Union, and it was in consequence of its decrees that the volunteers loyal to the Union flocked to the encampments established by Lyon. On the 12th of June, Jackson and his legislature, which had assembled at Jefferson City, on the Missouri, the official capital of the State, issued a real declaration of war against the Federal authorities and all those who recognized their power. Lyon determined to answer this provocation by driving them out of the city, and tign, on board two large steamers plying between St. Louis and New Orleans. He thus inaugurated a method of waging war which was much in vogue during the subsequent campaigns. Price and Jackson, surprised by this unexpected movement, abandon Jefferson City, where the Federals arrive on the 15th of June, and retire to Booneville, situated sixty kilometres higher up on the Missouri. Lyon pursues them on board his vessels, reaches the positions occupied by the enemy on the 18th, lands his soldier
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