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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 26 (search)
442 B.C.When Diphilus was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Horatius and Lucius Valerius Turpinus. In Rome during this year, since the legislation remained unfinished because of the civil discord, the consuls brought it to conclusion; that is, of the Twelve Tables, as they are called, ten had been drawn up, and the consuls wrote into law the two remaining. After the legislation they had undertaken had been concluded, the consuls engraved the laws on twelve bronze tablets and affixed them to the Rostra before the Senate-house. And the legislation as it was drawn up, since it is couched in such brief and pithy language, has continued to be admired by men down to our own day. While the events we have described were taking place, the greater number of the nations of the inhabited world were quiet, practically all of them being at peace. For the Persians had two treaties with the Greeks, one with the Ath
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK V., CHAPTER IV. (search)
f of Pæstum. The city of Posidonia, which is built about the middle of the gulf, is called Pæstum.Pesti. The Sybarites [when they founded the cityThis city must have been founded nearly 540 years B. C., for Herodotus says that the Phocæans were chiefly induced to settle on the shores of Ænotria by the advice of a citizen of Posidonia, and they founded Velia in the reign of Cyrus. B. i. 164.] built the fortifications close upon the sea, but the inhabitants removed higher up. In after time442 B. C. the Leucani seized upon the city, but in their turn were deprived of it by the Romans.B. C. 274. It is rendered unhealthy by a riverApparently the Fiume Salso. which overflows the marshy districts in the neighbourhood. Between the Sirenusse and PosidoniaPesti. is Marcina,Vietri. a city founded by the Tyrrheni, but inhabited by the Samnites. [To go] from thence into Pompæa,Pompeii. through Nuceria,Nocera. [you cross] an isthmus of not more than 120 stadia. The Picentes exte
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 21 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 7 (search)
. This city was much the wealthiest of those beyond the Ebro and was situated about a mile from the sea. Its inhabitants are said to have come originally from the island of Zacynthus,Saguntum is only a Latinized form of , the name of a small island (now Zante) off the coast of Elis. and to have included also a strain from the Ardeate Rutulians.Ardea (the seat of King Turnus, according to Virgil, Aen. VII. 409 ff.) was the chief city of the Rutuli and had been a Roman colony since 442 B.C. Be this as it may, they had attained quickly to their great prosperity, whether owing to the produce of the sea or the land,Polybius, III. xviii. 3, speaks of the great fertility of their territory, and under the empire Saguntum was famous for its export of earthenware. to the growth of their population, or to theB.C. 219 integrity of their discipline, which caused them to keep faith with their allies even to their own undoing. Crossing their borders with a
Aebu'tia Gens contained two families, the names of which are CARUS and ELVA. The former was plebeian, the latter patrician; but the gens was originally patrician. Cornicen does not seem to have been a family-name, but only a surname given to Postumus Aebutius Elva, who was consul in B. C. 442. This gens was distinguished in the early ages, but from the time of the above-mentioned Aebutius Elva, no patrician member of it held any curule office till the praetorship of M. Aebutius Elva in B. C. 176. It is doubtful to which of the family P. Aebutius belonged, who disclosed to the consul the existence of the Bacchanalia at Rome, and was rewarded by the senate in consequence, B. C. 186. (Liv. 39.9, 11, 19.)
CO'RNICEN a " horn-blower," an agnomen of Postumus Aebutius Elva, consul B. C. 442 [ELVA], and a cognomen of the Oppia gens. Cicero uses the form Cornicinus. [See No. 2.]
Elva 3. POSTUMUS AEBUTIUS ELVA CORNICEN, consul with M. Fabius Vibulanus in B. C. 442, in which year a colony was founded at Ardea, and magister equitum to the dictator Q. Servilius Priscus Structus in B. C. 435. (Liv. 4.11, 21; Diod. 12.34.)
Elva 4. M. Aebutius Elva, one of the triumviri for founding the colony at Ardea in B. C. 442. (Liv. 4.11.)
Pha'rnaces 3. Son of Pharnabazus, appears to have been satrap of the provinces of Asia near the Hellespont, as early as B. C. 430. (Thuc. 2.67.) He is subsequently mentioned as assigning Adramyttinm for a place of settlement to the Delians, who had been expelled by the Athenians from their native island, B. C. 442. (Id. 5.1; Diod. 12.73.)
he year of his birth is likewise a disputed point. He was born, as we know from his own testimony (Fragm. 102, ed. Dissen), during the celebration of the Pythian games. Clinton places his birth in Ol. 65. 3, B. C. 518, Böckh in Ol. 64. 3, B. C. 522, but neither of these dates is certain, though the latter is perhaps the most probable. He probably died in his 80th year, though other accounts make him much younger at the time of his death. If he was born in B. C. 522, his death would fall in B. C. 442. He was in the prime of life at the battles of Marathon and Salamis, and was nearly of the same age as the poet Aeschylus; but, as K. O. Miller has well remarked, the causes which determined Pindar's poetical character are to be sought in a period previous to the Persian war, and in the Doric and Aeolic parts of Greece rather than in Athens; and thus we may separate Pindar from his contemporary Aeschylus, by placing the former at the close of the early period, the latter at the head of the
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Si'culus, Cloe'lius 2. T. Cloelius Siculus, one of the first consular tribunes elected in B. C. 444. The manuscripts of Livy have Caecilius; but as Dionysius has *Ti/ton *Klu/lion *Sikelo/n, and the Caecilii were plebeians, Sigonius changed Caecilius into Cloelius, which alteration Alschefski retains in the text. In B. C. 442 Cloelius was one of the triumvirs for founding a colony at Ardea. (Dionys. A. R. 11.61, 62 ; Liv. 4.7, 11.)
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