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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 416 (search)
owne accorde soone after forth did bring According to their sundrie shapes eche other living thing, As soone as that the moysture once caught heate against the Sunne, And that the fat and slimie mud in moorish groundes begunne To swell through warmth of Phebus beames, and that the fruitfull seede Of things well cherisht in the ein themselves to show. Even so when that seven mouthed Nile the watrie fieldes forsooke, And to his auncient channel eft his bridled streames betooke, So that the Sunne did heate the mud, the which he left behinde, The husbandmen that tilde the ground, among the cloddes did finde Of sundrie creatures sundrie shapes: of which thct mother. And therfore when the mirie earth bespred with slimie mud, Brought over all but late before by violence of the flud, Caught heate by warmnesse of the Sunne, and calmenesse of the skie, Things out of number in the worlde, forthwith it did applie. Whereof in part the like before in former times had bene, And some so str
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 567 (search)
thoughtfull was she still For doubt he should invent some meanes to steale hir from hir: till To Argus, olde Aristors sonne, she put hir for to keepe. This Argus had an hundreth eyes: of which by turne did sleepe Alwayes a couple, and the rest did duely watch and warde, And of the charge they tooke in hande had ever good regarde, What way so ever Argus stood with face, with backe, or side, To Io warde, before his eyes did lo still abide. All day he let hir graze abroade, the Sunne once under ground He shut hir up and by the necke with wrythen Withe hir bound. With croppes of trees and bitter weedes now was she dayly fed, And in the stead of costly couch and good soft featherbed, She sate a nightes upon the ground, and on such ground whereas Was not sometime so much as grasse: and oftentymes she was Compeld to drinke of muddie pittes: and when she did devise To Argus for to lift hir handes in meeke and humble wise, She sawe she had no handes at all: and when she did
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 746 (search)
It is a doubtful matter whither Clymen moved more With this hir Phaetons earnest sute, exacting it so sore, Or with the slaunder of the bruit layde to hir charge before, Did holde up both hir handes to heaven, and looking on the Sunne, My right deare childe I safely sweare (quoth she to Phaeton) That of this starre the which so bright doth glister in thine eye: Of this same Sunne that cheares the world with light indifferently Wert thou begot: and if I fayne, then with my hearSunne that cheares the world with light indifferently Wert thou begot: and if I fayne, then with my heart I pray, That never may I see him more unto my dying day. But if thou have so great desire thy father for to knowe, Thou shalt not neede in that behalfe much labour to bestowe. The place from whence he doth arise adjoyneth to our lande. And if thou thinke thy heart will serve, then go and understande The truth of him. When Phaeton heard his mother saying so, He gan to leape and skip for joye. He fed his fansie tho, Upon the Heaven and heavenly things: and so with willing minde, From Ae
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 1 (search)
The Princely Pallace of the Sunne stood gorgeous to beholde On stately Pillars builded high of yellow burnisht golde, Beset with sparckling Carbuncles that like to fire did shine. The roofe was framed curiously of Ivorie pure and fine. The two doore leaves of silver cleare a radiant light did cast: But yet the cunning workemanship of things therein farre past The stuffe wherof the doores were made. For there a perfect plat Had Vulcane drawne of all the worlde: Both of the sourges that Embracg Vat. And lastly quaking for the colde, stood Winter all forlorne, With rugged heade as white as Dove, and garments all to torne, Forladen with the Isycles that dangled up and downe Uppon his gray and hoarie bearde and snowie frozen crowne. The Sunne thus sitting in the middes did cast his piercing eye, (With which full lightly when he list he all thinges doth espye) Upon his childe that stood aloofe, agast and trembling sore At sight of such unwonted things, and thus bespake him thore: O n
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 301 (search)
father made great mone And would not shew himselfe abrode, but mournd at home alone. And if it be to be beleved, as bruited is by fame A day did passe without the Sunne. The brightnesse of the flame Gave light: and so unto some kinde of use that mischiefe came. But Clymen having spoke, as much as mothers usually Are wonted in ones. There fell she groveling on his grave, and reading there his name, Shed teares thereon, and layd hir breast all bare upon the same. The daughters also of the Sunne no lesse than did their mother, Bewaild in vaine with flouds of teares, the fortune of their brother: And beating piteously their breasts, incessantly did call Thriefooted horse, I trow he shall by tried proufe be able for to tell How that he did not merit death that could not rule them well. The Goddes stoode all about the Sunne thus storming in his rage Beseching him in humble wise his sorrow to asswage. And that he would not on the world continuall darkenesse bring, Jove eke
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 2, line 401 (search)
ph of Nonacris whose forme and beautie bright Did set his heart on flaming fire. She used not to spinne Nor yet to curle hir frisled haire with bodkin or with pinne. A garment with a buckled belt fast girded did she weare And in a white and slender Call slight trussed was hir heare. Sometimes a dart sometime a bow she used for to beare. She was a knight of Phebes troope. There came not at the mount Of Menalus of whome Diana made so great account. But favor never lasteth long. The Sunne had gone that day A good way past the poynt of Noone: when werie of hir way She drue to shadowe in a wood that never had bene cut. Here off hir shoulder by and by hir quiver did she put, And hung hir bow unbent aside, and coucht hir on the ground, Hir quiver underneth hir head. Whom when that Jove had found Alone and wearie: Sure (he said) my wife shall never know Of this escape, and if she do, I know the worst I trow. She can but chide, shall feare of chiding make me to forslow? He coun
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 3, line 138 (search)
made Of sundrie sortes of savage beastes one morning: and the shade Of things was waxed verie short. It was the time of day That mid betweene the East and West the Sunne doth seeme to stay. When as the Thebane stripling thus bespake his companie, Still raunging in the waylesse woods some further game to spie: Our weapons and oa sacred place Tochast Diana and the Nymphes that wayted on hir grace. Within the furthest en ereof there was a pleasant Bowre So vaulted with the leavie trees the Sunne had there no powre: Not made by hand nor mans devise: and yet no man alive, A trimmer piece of worke than that could for his life contrive. With flint and Pommy wl. Such colour as appeares in Heaven by Phebus broken rayes Directly shining on the Cloudes, or such as is alwayes The colour of the Morning Cloudes before the Sunne doth show, Such sanguine colour in the face of Phoebe gan to glowe There standing naked in his sight. Who though she had hir gard Of Nymphes about hir: yet she t
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 167 (search)
twist, And then began Leucothoe thus, hir sisters being whist: This Sunne that with his streaming light al worldly things doth cheare Was tanrunne The pastures of the firie steedes that draw the golden Sunne. There are they fed with Ambrosie in stead of grasse all night Whice sore repine. For she beyond all measure Was then enamoured of the Sunne: and stung with this displeasure That he another Leman had, for veup hir handes to heaven when tenderly she wept, And said it was the Sunne that did the deede against hir will: Yet like a savage beast fullound, and on hir bodie laide A huge great heape of heavie sand. The Sunne full yll appaide Did with his beames disperse the sand and made an rake hir fast. And in that while she never rose but stared on the Sunne And ever turnde hir face to his as he his corse did runne. Hir limmergrew. And now (though fastned with a roote) she turnes hir to the Sunne And keepes (in shape of herbe) the love with which she first begunn
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 341 (search)
ade) among a thousand mo. But such a one it was, as none more sharper was than it, Nor none went streighter from the Bow the amed marke to hit. He set his knee against his Bow and bent it out of hande, And made his forked arrowes steale in Plutos heart to stande. Neare Enna walles there standes a Lake: Pergusa is the name. Cayster heareth not mo songs of Swannes than doth the same. A wood environs everie side the water round about, And with his leaves as with a veyle doth keepe the Sunne heate out. The boughes doe yeelde a coole fresh Ayre: the moystnesse of the grounde Yeeldes sundrie flowres: continuall spring is all the yeare there founde. While in this garden Proserpine was taking hir pastime, In gathering eyther Violets blew, or Lillies white as Lime, And while of Maidenly desire she fillde hir Maund and Lap, Endevoring to outgather hir companions there, by hap Dis spide hir: lovde hir: caught hir up: and all at once well nere, So hastie, hote, and swift a thing is Lo
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 572 (search)
stie, The Gossehauke sweeping after them as fast as he can flie. To Orchomen, and Psophy land, and Cyllen I did holde Out well, and thence to Menalus and Erymanth the colde, And so to Ely. All this way no ground of me he wonne. But being not so strong as he, this restlesse race to runne I could not long endure, and he could hold it out at length. Yet over plaines and wooddie hilles (as long as lasted strength) And stones, and rockes, and desert groundes I still maintaind my race. The Sunne was full upon my backe. I saw before my face A lazie shadow: were it not that feare did make me see't. But certenly he feared me with trampling of his feete: And of his mouth the boystous breath upon my hairlace blew. Forwearied with the toyle of flight: Helpe, Diane, I thy true And trustie Squire (I said) who oft have caried after thee Thy bow and arrowes, now am like attached for to bee. The Goddesse moved, tooke a cloude of such as scattred were And cast upon me. Hidden thus in mistie d
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