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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 179 BC or search for 179 BC in all documents.

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Chryso'gonus 2. The father of the poet Samus, was an intimate friend and devoted servant of Philip V. of Macedon. (B. C. 220-179.) He was employed by Philip both in war and in peace, and possessed great influence with the king, which he seems to have exercised in an honourable manner, for Polybius says that Philip was most merciful when he followed the advice of Chrysogonus. (Plb. 5.9, 97, 7.12, 9.23.)
Hype'rbatas 2. General of the Achaeans in B. C. 179. The Romans having sent to require of the league the recal of all the Lacedaemonian exiles without distinction, Hyperbatus held an assembly, in which he urged, in opposition to Lycortas, the necessity of compliance with this request (Plb. 26.1.) On this occasion he took the same side with Callicrates, and we find him again, in B. C. 168, uniting with that unworthy statesman against the proposal of Lycortas and his party, to send assistance to the two Ptolemies in their war against Antiochus Epiphanes. (Id. 29.8.) [E.H.B]
Fulvius Nobilior, consul in B. C. 189. Laevinus accompanied his brother to the siege of Ambracia in that year, and the Aetolians, with whom he inherited from his father ties of friendship, chose him for their patron with the consul in behalf of the Ambraciots and the Aetolian league generally. Fulvius allowed of his mediation, granted the Ambraciots and Aetolians unusually favourable terms, and sent him with their envoys to Rome, to dispose the senate and the people to ratify the peace. In B. C. 179 Laevinus was one of the four praetors appointed under the Lex Baebia (Liv. 40.44; Fest. s. v. Royat. ; comp. Meyer. Or. Rom. Fragn. p. 62), and obtained Sardinia for his province. In B. C. 176 Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus died suddenly, in his year of office, and Laevinus was appointed consul in his room. Eager for military distinction, Laevinus left Rome only three days after his election, to take the command of the Ligurian war. He triumphed over the Ligurians in B. C. 175. In B. C. 17
Suet. Jul. 29; Plut. Caes. 29, Pomp. 58; Liv. Epit. 120 ; Appian, App. BC 4.12, 37; D. C. 47.6 ; Veil. Pat. 2.67.) The preceding coin contains on the obverse the head of Vesta, and on the reverse the Basilica Aemilia. It has been already seen that Cicero says (ad Att. 4.16) that Aemilius Paullus restored a basilica in the forum, and also commenced a new one. The former must have been the same as the one originally built by the censors M. Aemilius Lepidus and M. Fulvius Nobilior, in B. C. 179. As M. Fulvius seems to have had the principal share in its construction (Liv. 40.51), it was generally called the Fulvia basilica (Plut. Caes. 29), sometimes the Aemilia et Fulvia (Varr L. L. 6.2), but after the restoration by Aemilius Paullus, it was always called the Basilica Paulli or Aemilia. The restoration of this basilica was almost completed in B. C. 54, the year in which Cicero (l.c.) was writing. But the question where the new one was built is a very difficult one to answer. Mos
urged successfully against Diophanes the re-admission of Lacedaemon also. (Pol. 24.12, 25.1; 2, Spic. Rel. 24.2, 3; Plut. Phil. 18-21; Paus. 4.29; Liv. 39.48-50; Just. 32.1.) In B. C. 180, Lycortas, together with his son Polybius, and Aratus (son of the famous general of the same name), was again appointed ambassador to Ptolemy Epiphanes, who had made the most friendly advances to the Achaeans; but the intelligence of the king's death prevented the embassy from being sent. (Pol. 25.7.) In B. C. 179, when Hyperbatus was general of the league, Lycortas spoke strongly against compliance with the requisition of the Romans for the recal of all the Lacedaemonian exiles without exception. On this occasion he was opposed to Callicrates and Hyperbatus; and, of course, he became more and more an object of dislike and suspicion to the Romans. He adhered, however, firmly to the moderate policy which he had adopted from the first; and, when the war between Rome and Perseus broke out, he recommend
Lydiades 2. A native of Megalopolis, one of the three ambassadors sent by the Achaeans to Rome in B. C. 179, in pursuance of the views of Lycortas. (Plb. 26.1.) It was on this occasion that Callicrates, who was head of the embassy, betrayed the interests of his country to the Romans. [CALLICRATES.] [E.H.B]
stinguished contemporaries, taken an active part in the Hannibalian war; but at the conclusion of this war in B. C. 201, he is reported to have said in the senate that he did not look upon its termination as a blessing to Rome, since he feared that the Roman people would now sink back again into its former slumbers, from which it had been roused by the presence of Hannibal. (V. Max. 7.2 § 3.) Metellus survived the war many years, and was employed in several public commissions. In B. C. 201 he was appointed one of the decemviri for dividing the public land in Samnium and Apulia among the Roman soldiers, who had served in Airica against Hannibal (Liv. 31.4). In B. C. 185 he was one of the ambassadors sent to Philip of Macedonia and to the Achaeans. (Liv. 39.24, 33; Plb. 23.6, &c., vel Excerpt. Legat. 40, 41; Paus. 7.8.6, 7.9.1.) The name of Metellus also occurs in the debates in the senate in B. C. 193, and his address to the censors in B. C. 179 is given by Livy. (Liv. 35.8, 40.46.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Mithridates Euergetes (search)
Mithridates V. or Mithridates Euergetes surnamed EUERGETES, was the son of Pharnaces I. and grandson of the preceding. (Just. 38.5; Clinton. F. H. vol. iii. p. 426.) The period of his accession is wholly uncertain; we only know that he was on the throne in B. C. 154, when he is mentioned as sending an auxiliary force to the assistance of Attalus II. against Prusias, king of Bithynia. (Plb. 33.10.) But as much as twenty-five years before (B. C. 179), his name is associated with that of his father in the treaty concluded by Pharnaces with Eumenes, in a manner that would lead one to suppose he was already admitted to some share in the sovereign power. (Plb. 26.6.) He was the first of the kings of Pontus who entered into a regular alliance with the Romans, whom he supported with some ships and a small auxiliary force during the third Punic war. (Appian, App. Mith. 10.) At a subsequent period he rendered them more efficient assistance in the war against Aristonicus (B. C. 131-129), and fo
ar, and which were the most magnificent that had yet been seen at Rome. There were venutiones of lions and panthers; and contests of athietae were now for the first time exhibited in the city. The conquest of Aetolia by this consul is also commemorated in the inscription of a statue discovered at Tusculum, from which place the Fulvii originally came. [FULVIA GENS.] (Plb. 22.8-15; Liv. 37.47, 48, 50, 38.3-11, 28, 30, 35, 39.4, 5, 22; Aurel. Vict. de Vir. Ill. 52; Orelli, Inscr. No. 562.) In B. C. 179 he was censor with M. Aemilius Lepidus, the pontifex maximus. The two censors had previously been at feud, but were reconciled to one another upon their election, and discharged the duties of their office with unanimity and concord. They executed many public works, which are mentioned by Livy. (Liv. 40.45, 46, 51, 41.2; V. Max. 4.2.1; Cic. de Prov. Cons. 9.) Fulvius Nobilior had a taste for literature and art; he was a patron of the poet Ennius, who accompanied him in his Aetolian campai
ch had been the day on which they took possession of their dignity. The formidable revolt of the Celtiberians is given as the reason of this alteration; but whatever may have been the cause, the kalends of January continued from this time forth to be the first day of the consular year. (Cassiodorus and Marianus, Chron.; Liv. Epit. 47, refers to this change, but the words are not intelligible as they stand. See the notes in Drakenborch's edition.) Since the conquest of the Celtiberians, in B. C. 179, by Gracchus, the father of the celebrated tribunes, this warlike nation had given tne Romans no trouble, which, however, was more owing to the wise regulations of Gracchus, after his victories, than to the victories themselves. But in consequence of the Romans suspecting the Celtiberian town of Segida or Segeda, they embarked in a war against the whole nation, which was not brought to a conclusion till B. C. 134, by the capture of Numantia by Scipio. Fulvius was sent into Spain in his con
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