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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 359 BC or search for 359 BC in all documents.

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ssion of when his brother's death placed him in the supreme government of the kingdom. On this he appears to have entered at first merely as regent and guardian to his infant nephew Amyntas [AMYNTAS, No. 3.]; but after no long time, probably in B. C. 359, he was enabled to set aside the claims of the young prince, and to assume for himself the title of king, -- aided doubtless by the dangers which thickened round Macedonia at that crisis, and which obviously demanded a vigorous hand to deal witce which had existed between Macedonia and Athens in the time of his father. The politic generosity thus displayed by Philip, produced a most favourable impression on the Athenians, and peace was concluded between the parties after midsummer of B. C. 359, no express mention, as far as appears, being made of Amphipolis in the treaty. Being thus delivered from his most powerful enemy, Philip turned his arms against the Paeonians, taking advantage of the death of their king, Agis, just at this jun
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Popi'llia Gens plebeian. In manuscripts the name is sometimes written with one l, and sometimes with two; but as it always appears with a double l in the Capitoline Fasti, this form is to be preferred. There are no coins to decide the question; for those which Goltzins has published, are spurious. The Popillia gens is one of the great plebeian gentes that rose into eminence after the passing of the Licinian laws, which threw open the consulship to the plebeian order. The first member of it who obtained the consulship was M. Popillius Laenas, in B. C. 359, and he was the first plebeian who obtained the honour of a triumph. The only family of the Popillii mentioned under the republic, is that of LAENAS : the majority of the few Popillii, who occur without a surname, and who are given below, may have belonged to the same family, and their cognomen is probably omitted through inadvertence.
alluded to in the Epilogus to the Cyropaedia (8.8.4) show that the Epilogus at least was written after Ol. 104. 3. (Diod. 15.92.) Diogenes quotes Stesicleides as authority for Xenophon having died in the first year of the 105th Olympiad, or in B. C. 359. The time of his death may have been a few years later. Compare Clinton, Fasti Hell B. C. 359; Krüger, de Xenophontis, &c. p. 28. Works The titles of the works of Xenophon which Diogenes enumerates are the same as those which are now extant.B. C. 359; Krüger, de Xenophontis, &c. p. 28. Works The titles of the works of Xenophon which Diogenes enumerates are the same as those which are now extant. He says that Xenophon wrote about forty books (bibli/a), and that they were variously divided, which expression and the list of works which he gives, show that by the word books he meant the several divisions or books of the larger works, and the smaller works which consist of a single book. The number of books of Xenophon thus estimated is thirty-seven, which is tolerably near the number mentioned by Diogenes, and shows that a division of Xenophon's works into books existed at that time. An
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