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ise at Richmond, and the authorities at Baltimore, were in immediate communication with Harper's Ferry, and hurrying forward troops from all quarters to overwhelm the remaining handful of insurgents, whom terror and rumor had multiplied to twenty times their actual number. At five P. M., Capt. Simms arrived, with militia from Maryland, and completed the investment of the Armory buildings, whence eighteen prisoners had already been liberated upon the retreat of Brown to the engine-house. Col. Baylor commanded in chief. The firing ceased at nightfall. Brown offered to liberate his prisoners, upon condition that his men should be permitted to cross the bridge in safety, which was refused. Night found Brown's forces reduced to three unwounded whites beside himself, with perhaps half a dozen negroes from the vicinity. Eight of the insurgents were already dead; another lay dying beside the survivors; two were captives mortally wounded, and one other unhurt. Around the few survivors w
en, Capt. Gibbs appeared from the officers' council, and ordered a retreat upon the camp, saying, We will fight them there. Arrived at the camp, our soldiers were ordered to lay down their arms, and informed, You are turned over as prisoners of war. The subordinate officers disclaimed any responsibility for this disgraceful surrender, laying the blame wholly upon Lynde. Our men were paroled, and permitted, as prisoners, to pursue their course northward, after listening to a speech from Col. Baylor, of their captors, intended to win their good-will. Their sufferings, on that forlorn march to Albuquerque and Fort Wise, wee protracted and terrible; some becoming deranged from the agony of their thirst; some seeking to quench it by opening their veins, and drinking their own blood. Maj. Lynde, instead of being court-martialed and shot, was simply dropped from the rolls of the army, his dismissal to date from his surrender; July 27, 1861. and Capt. A. H. Plummer, his commissary,
o never rejoined their regiments, must have been fully double that number. Among our killed, beside those already named, were Cols. Fletcher Webster, son of the great Daniel, Roberts, 1st Mich., O'Connor, 2d Wise., Koltes, 73d Pa., commanding a brigade, Cantwell, 82d Ohio, and Brown, 20th Ind. Among our wounded on the 30th, were Maj.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck and Col. Hardin, of the Pa. Reserves. Among the Rebels wounded in these fights, were Brig.-Gens. Field and Trimble, and Cols. Forno and Baylor, commanding brigades. How far Pope's disasters are justly attributable to his own incapacity, and how far to the failure or withholding of support on which he had a right to calculate, it is time now to consider. In his report, he says: It seems proper for me, since so much misrepresentation has been put into circulation as to the support I received from the Army of the Potomac, to state precisely what forces of that army came under my command, and were at any time engaged in the ac
ams's Station, Va., 593. Richmond, Ky., 214. Roanoke Island, N. C.. 76. Sabine X-Roads, La., 589. Sailors' Creek, Va., 741. Savage's Station, Va., 160. Selma, Ala., 718. South Mountain, Md., 195. Spottsylvania C. H., Va.,572. Vicksburg (assault), 311. Weldon Railroad, Va., 567. Wilderness, Va., 567. Williamsburg, Va., 122. Yazoo Bluffs, Miss., 289. [See Minor Conflicts, p. 775.] Bayard, Gen. Geo. D., reports advance of the enemy, 175; killed at Fredericksburg, 347. Baylor, Col., wounded at Bull Run, 189. Beatty, Lt.-Col. Sam., succeeds Van Cleve on his fall at Stone River, 279. Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., 545; at Pittsburg Landing, 60; succeeds Johnston. 64; dispatches from, 66-70; extracts from his report of battle at Pittsburg Landing, 67, 69, 70; retreats to Corinth, 69-71; intrenches at, 71; retreats to Tupelo, 72; allusion to, 89; relinquishes command in Virginia, 112; in chief command at Charleston, 471; urges execution of prisoners, 523. Belgi
ast Tuesday by two companies of the Indiana Twelfth at this place, eight rebels were killed outright and twelve wounded. It will be recollected that the enemy had two small guns, and made an attack on our pickets there, who with their rifles compelled the former to beat a hasty retreat. This occurred at the time of the capture of Captain Williams and seven men, of the Twelfth Indiana. The attacking forces comprised detachments from Col. Ashby's command, under Captains Henderson, Mason, and Baylor. Your correspondent was kindly furnished with recent copies of the Virginia Republican, published at Martinsburg, and a Richmond Dispatch of the 18th inst., by private Peter Messner of the Indiana Twelfth, a Hungarian patriot and refugee. This man is always on the alert in watching the enemy's movements, and is spoken of by his superiors as possessing untiring vigilance. Mercersville, (on the river four miles below Dam No. 5,) Dec. 22, 1861. This little hamlet is inhabited by persons
d passed the City Point Railroad, and the cavalry was opposite Cedar level near Baylor's farm, the enemy's guns opened fire from the open field on the opposite side oat of a surprise to me, as a few days before I had, with an escort, ridden over Baylor's farm, finding no signs of the enemy except a picket-post in the woods on the e-form the column, it being past noon, I think, when the march was resumed from Baylor's farm towards the Jordan Point road. I should here state that during the affair at Baylor's farm, my horse failed in an attempt to leap the railroad ditch, and in his fall I was caught and pressed between his shoulder and the bank, causing sevons of Martindale and Brooks having been directed by General Smith to move from Baylor's farm towards Petersburg by approaches to the right of the Jordan Point road atance to the rear. I at once rode to near the intersection of the roadway from Baylor's farm with the Jordan Point road, and there found General Birney (or was it Ge
t over to respond to the summons of humanity. As the boat neared the arch, Rohr remarked to the ferryman that the man with the flag of truce was not a negro, but a white man painted. Nevertheless, it was decided to land and see what was wanted. The boat was pushed stern foremost into the arch, Rohr being seated in the stern. By the dim light it was discovered that the stairway was thronged with men, and before the boat could be started forward a man, pronounced by the deceased to be Capt. Baylor, fired a musket, the ball taking effect in Rohr's right thigh, passing through the leg and coming out just above the knee. The wounded man, finding that he had been entrapped, fired his musket into the recess, when a second ball struck him in the shoulder, and, passing downward, came out below the right breast. When it became known on this side that Rohr had been shot, our riflemen poured volley after volley into the landing-arch, and such places as the enemy might conceal themselves.
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 11: second Manassas (search)
ich he might retreat in case of emergency), Jackson formed a double line of battle, with Taliaferro's division on the right and Ewell's on the left. Taliaferro (W. B.) had in his front line from left to right the old Stonewall brigade, now under Baylor, and that of A. B. Taliaferro, and in rear the brigade of Starke. His fourth brigade under Bradley Johnson was detached and in observation near Groveton. Ewell had in his front line Lawton's and Trimble's brigades, and in his second Early's andreenforced by two regiments of Doubleday's,—the 56th Pa. and the 76th N. Y.,— in all about 3000 men. Opposed was Taliaferro's front line of two brigades (A. G. Taliaferro's on the right, and the Stonewall brigade, now only about 600 strong, under Baylor, on the left) with some help also from Ewell's front line of Lawton's brigade, and Trimble's. These troops were all veteran infantry, and it is to be noted that the decidedly smaller force of the Federals had never before been seriously engaged.
uous fatigue duties, which they displayed always and at all times, day and night, with alacrity and energy. They are an honor to the country, and well may their friends and relatives be proud of them.—Higgins' report, April 27, 1862. The troops engaged in the defense enlisted in the city, except the cannoneers. Capt. J. B. Anderson, of Company E, Louisiana artillery, although wounded early in the conflict, continued to render the most gallant service to the end. Of the same company, Lieutenant Baylor, of the 42-pounder barbette battery, and Lieutenant Agar deserve mention. Among those who acted coolly during the six days, were Lieutenants Ogden, Kennedy and Mumford, of the Louisiana artillery; Lieutenant Gaines, in command of the 32-pounder on the river front; Captain Jones, Company I, Twenty-third regiment Louisiana volunteers; Captain Peter, Company I, Twenty-second regiment volunteers; Lieut. Thomas K. Pierson, Twentythird regiment, who was killed while gallantly fighting his g
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Thomas J. Jackson. (search)
rget Jackson's anxiety that Longstreet should get up. Late Thursday night I rode with him a mile or two in the rear of our line of battle towards Thoroughfare Gap. I saw him get down off his horse and put his ear to the ground to listen if he could hear Longstreet's column advancing. I never shall forget the sad look of the man that night as he gazed towards Thoroughfare Gap, wishing for Longstreet to come. That night I told him of the number of killed—intimate personal friends of ours—of Baylor and Neff and Botts, and I added presently: We have only won this day by hard fighting. He was full of emotion when he turned around to me and said: No, sir, we have won this day by the blessing of Almighty God. The scene at Manassas. I would like to hear your story of how Jackson got the name of Stonewall, said the reporter. The Stonewall brigade arrived at Manassas Junction late in the evening of July 20, 1861, replied the Doctor. We got there after dark, camped alongside
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