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rrard's cavalry to watch our rear toward Atlanta, while Kilpatrick should hasten down the west bank of the Flint and strike the railroad below Jonesborough. Davis's corps, being on Thomas's right, soon closed on to Howard, relieving Blair's (15th) corps, which was at once drawn out and thrown to Howard's right, so as to connect with Kilpatrick's troopers. All being at length ready, Davis's corps, at 4 P. M., charged the enemy's lines, covering Jonesboroa, carrying them at once, capturing Gen. Govan with most of his brigade and two 4-gun batteries. Orders were repeatedly sent to hurry up Stanley and Schofield; but tile ground was difficult and the roads bad, so that they were not up in season to charge that night; and next morning Sept. 1. Hardee was gone, with all that could and would follow him. Before that morning dawned, ominous sounds, first heavy, then lighter, from the north, indicated to Sherman that something momentous was occurring in Atlanta, 20 miles distant. They m
08. Goldsborough, Com. L. M., with Burnside's expedition, 73; relieved from command, 76; 121. Gooding, Col. O. P., encounters a Rebel force near Red river, 589. Gooding, Gen., taken prisoner, 220. Gordon, Gen. J. B., mortally wounded near Richmond, 574. Gordon, Gen. G. H., extract from his report of attack on Banks's rear-guard at Winchester, 135; commands a brigade at Antietam, 206. Gordonsville, Va., 17:3; Jackson at, 176. Gorman, Gen. W. A., at South Mountain, 198. Govan, Gen., at Chickamauga, 417; captured, with most of his brigade, at Jonesboroa, Ga., 636. Gove, Col., Mass., killed at Gaines's Mill, 157. Graham, Major, his train recaptured at Philadelphia, Tenn., 431. Granbury, Brig.-Gen., killed at Franklin, 683. Grand Ecore, La., Rebels beaten near, 545. Grand Gulf, Miss., burned by Gen. Williams, 101; attack on, 302. Granger, Gen. Gordon, at Chickamauga, 421; captures Fort Morgan, 653; in attack on Mobile, 721. Grant, Gen. U. S., ca
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
h Corps came on in deep order, and assailed the Texans with great vigor, receiving their close and accurate fire with the fortitude always exhibited by General Sherman's troops in the actions of this campaign. They had also to endure the fire of Govan's right, Originally the right brigade of the first line. including two pieces of artillery, on their right flank. At the same time, Kelly's and a part of Humes's troops, directed by General Wheeler, met the Federal left, which was following thited force continued to press forward, however, but so much delayed by the resistance of Wheeler's troops as to give time for the arrival, on that part of the field, of the Eighth and Ninth Arkansas regiments under Colonel Bancum, detached by General Govan to the assistance of the cavalry. This little body met the foremost of the Federal troops as they were reaching the prolongation of Granberry's line, and, charging gallantly, drove them back, and preserved the Texans from an attack in flank
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Report of Hon. L. T. Wigfall in the Senate of the Confederate States, march 18, 1865. (search)
t evidence has General Hood to sustain his assertion that at Dalton the enemy was but little superior to us in numbers? He relies upon Sherman's statement that he was as strong at Atlanta as when the campaign opened. His army at Missionary Ridge was estimated at eighty thousand. He was afterward reinforced by the army from Knoxville and the troops from North Alabama, besides other. Our scouts reported that he had been reenforced with at least thirty thousand men. General Sherman told General Govan, or said in his presence, that he commenced the campaign with one hundred and ten thousand. I have never heard it estimated at less than ninety thousand infantry and artillery. In July General Wheeler estimated it between sixty-five and seventy thousand. The Northern papers, about that time, admitted his losses to be forty-five thousand. His cavalry was estimated by General Wheeler at not less than fifteen thousand. Johnston in the mean time, under orders of the War Department, sent
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 20 (search)
ept busy tearing up the railroad, and it was not until toward evening of the 1st day of September that the Four-teenth Corps (Davis) closed down on the north front of Jonesboroa, connecting on his right with Howard, and his left reaching the railroad, along which General Stanley was moving, followed by Schofield. General Davis formed his divisions in line about 4 P. M., swept forward over some old cotton-fields in full view, and went over the rebel parapet handsomely, capturing the whole of Govan's brigade, with two field-batteries of ten guns. Being on the spot, I checked Davis's movement, and ordered General Howard to send the two divisions of the Seventeenth Corps (Blair) round by his right rear, to get below Jonesboroa, and to reach the railroad, so as to cut off retreat in that direction. I also dispatched orders after orders to hurry forward Stanley, so as to lap around Jonesboroa on the east, hoping thus to capture the whole of Hardee's corps. I sent first Captain Audenried
ll, severely wounded. Hence the command devolved upon me — this being at a time when the command was fronting a line, immediately after crossing a very difficult ravine. The command moved and dressed to the colors promptly and in order. I ordered the command to forward, which they did without wavering, although in the thickest of the fire, to the brow of the hill. I halted my command, finding my front masked by several regiments, extending from right to left. At this point I ordered Captain Govan, commanding company B, to act as field officer, and assist in the command of my regiment, which, I can say, he did with coolness and gallantry. From this point, I moved my line to the right, endeavoring to get a chance at the enemy without being masked by firing. Finding that impossible, on account of the scattered fragments of regiments, I ordered my men to lie down for protection from the grape and canister, which was raking the field in front and the air above. Night coming on, a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Major-General C. L. Stevenson from the beginning of the Dalton-Atlanta campaign to May 30, 1864. (search)
at the crest of the mountain. This attack was quickly and handsomely repulsed by that portion of his line which occupied the angle. In compliance with instructions from the Lieutenant-General, Brown's brigade was then moved from its position on my right to the left of Pettus on the crest of the mountain, who was thus enabled to contract his lines and strengthen his weak point — the angle referred to. Brown's place in the works was first supplied by Mercer's, then by Walthall's, and then by Govan's brigades. General Brown, as senior officer, was directed to take charge of the defence of that portion of the mountain occupied by my troops. On the 9th instant the enemy, formed in column of divisions, made a heavy assault upon the angle in Pettus' line. The fight was obstinate and bloody, but resulted in a complete success to us. For details I would refer you to the reports of Generals Brown and Pettus. In the mean time, the enemy had advanced his sharpshooters close upon the line
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Chickamauga-letter from Captain W. N. Polk. (search)
red yards between the divisions of Hill's corps. The enemy showing every disposition to fill it, imperiling Breckenridge's position, Walker had to be thrown in at once. Gist, changing direction to the left, moved against Baird's retired flank. Govan, gaining ground to the front and left, advanced as a support to the right of Gist, while Walthal, moving to the left, endeavored to fill the interval between Gist and Cleburne, but the undergrowth was so thick, his own, as well the movements of tuted with great difficulty. Before he could get into position his left was assailed so fiercely the entire brigade had to be retired. The division under Gist was repulsed. The gallant Colquit, of the Fourth Georgia, falling in the assault, and Govan, isolated on the extreme right, had to be withdrawn. Though no advantage had been gained the pressing danger had been averted. The loss commensurate with the effort included many gallant officers, among them the brave and efficient General De
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
dale. At 2 A. M. on the morning of the 11th, General Barksdale reported that the enemy was preparing to lay pontoon bridges opposite the town, and that he would open fire at dawn. His command was posted as follows: In the upper part of the city, along the river street, and hidden behind walls and houses, were about a hundred men of the Eighth Florida Regiment under Captain Lang. Next came the Seventeenth Mississippi under Lieutenant-Colonel Fizer, with his right wing commanded by Captain Govan, and reinforced by three companies of the Eighteenth Mississippi (A. I. and K.), commanded by Lieutenant Radcliff, and three of the Eighth Florida (A. D. and F.) under Captain Boyd, the latter being posted below the town. The Thirteenth Mississippi also furnished ten selected marksmen to this skirmish line, which numbered about three hundred and seventy-five rifles, and was under the general control of Lieutenant-Colonel Fizer. This force was supported on the left by the Thirteenth Mis
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 19: battle of Chickamauga (search)
1863 corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESBATTERIES PolkCheathamJackson, Smith, Maney, Wright, Strahl5 HindmanAnderson, Deas, Manigault3 Hill, D. H.CleburneWood, Polk, Deshler3 BreckenridgeHelm, Adams, Stovall4 WalkerGistColquitt, Ector, Wilson 2 LiddellGovan, Walthall2 BucknerStewartBate, Brown, Clayton 4 PrestonGracie, Trigg, Kelly3 Army of Tenn., Gen. Bragg, Sept. 19--20, 1863 corpsDIVISIONSBRIGADESBATTERIES Res. Div.JohnsonGregg, McNair, Fulton2 LongstreetMcLawsKershaw, Humphreys, Woffor Hill Breckenridge Helm63408355061,485 Adams66269844291,314 Stovall3723246305970 Total1669091651,2403,769 Walker Gist Colquitt4925136336Not giv. Ector59239138436Not giv. Wilson9942680605Not giv. Total2079162541,3775,000 Walker Liddell Govan73502283858Not giv. Walthall61531196788Not giv. Total1341,0334791,6463,175 Buckner Stewart Bate63530116041,316 Brown5042744811,412 Clayton86518156191,446 Total1991,475301,7044,174 Buckner Preston Gracie9057626682128 Trigg4623142811536 K
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