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The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 24, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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orities. General Patterson refuses to give travelers his pass, and holds the roads exclusively for the transport of troops and munitions of war. Three hundred passengers from Washington reached this city to-day. They have occupied thirty hours in the journey from that capital to this point. Nineteen members of the Seventh Regiment of New York have just arrived here, and leave immediately to join their comrades at Washington. They go by way of Perryville and Annapolis. Commodore Gregory, of Rhode Island, accompanies this detachment of the Seventh to the capital. He intends, not with standing his advanced years, to offer his services to the Government. He has been in the Navy for fifty-two years. The Now York Express, of Saturday, regards the telegrams from Missouri and Kentucky as of great importance. The message of the Missouri Governor sounds secessionist, and it does not like the way the Union men are going to the wall here and there in Old Kentucky. E
Will adjourn. --Henrico Circuit Court will no doubt adjourn to-day, having accomplished all the business on its docket. John M. Gregory, Esq., Judge of the Circuit of which the above Court forms a part, is very popular with the lawyers and suitors who transact business before him.
Yellow jacket Artillery. --This company, recently formed in Chesterfield, appeared in our streets on yesterday, creating the most favorable impression. It numbers 76 men. The following are the officers: Joseph T. Mason, Captain; George C. Gregory, First Lieutenant; Second Lieutenant, G. W. Gregory; Third Lieutenant, John M. Gregory; Orderly, Henry C. Britton. The Yellow Jackets' motto is expressive and to the point--"we sting."
794 to 1796; James Wood, from 1796 to 1799; James Monroe, from 1799 to 1802; John Page, from 1802 to 1805; William H. Cabell, from 1805 to 1808; John Tyler, from 1808 to 1811; James Monroe and Geo.W. Smith, from 1811 to 1812;James Barbour, from 1812 to 1814; W.C. Nicholas, from 1814 to 1816; James P. Preston, from 1816 to 1810; Thos. M. Randolph, from 1819 to 1822; James Pleasants, from 1822 to 1825; John Tyler, from 1825 to 1827; Wm. B. Giles, from 1827 to 1830; John Floyd, from 1830 to 1834; Littleton W. Tazewell, from 1834 to 1836; Wyndham Robertson, Lieut. and acting Governor, from 1836 to 1837; David Campbell, from 1837 to 1840;Thomas W. Gilmer, from 1840 to 1841; John Rutherford, Lieut. and acting Governor, from 1841 to 1842; John M. Gregory, Lieut. and acting Governor, from 1842 to 1843; James McDowell, from 1843 to 1846; William Smith, from 1846 to 1849; John B Floyd, from 1849 to 1852; Joseph Johnson, from 1852 to 1856; Henry A. Wise, from 1856 to 1860; John Letcher, 1860.
The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Skirmish in Barron county, Ky.--a Bold Deed. (search)
sons on the place who ran to his assistance. In his dying statement, made in the presence of John B. Young, Esq., he declared that Bernard shot him while standing in the door of the house, about six or eight feet from him. Mr. Taylor lingered for a period of seventeen days, and died on the night of the 27th of January, retaining his consciousness to the last. The foregoing facts were elicited in the preliminary investigation before a justice of the county. The counsel waived an examination before the County Court, and the prisoner was remanded for final trial, which commenced before Judge John M. Gregory on Monday last. The testimony for the Commonwealth closed yesterday, and was more voluminous than on the first investigation. It is probable that the argument will commence to-day. No little curiosity is manifested as to the probable course of the defence, but the legal ability of the counsel, Messrs. Lyons and Crump, gives assurance that it will be ingenious and skilful.
f the city ordinances as allowing water to run from the city hydrants, huckstering in the markets, and employing hacks without posting the rates in the vehicles, were fined and dismissed. A well known musician was brought before the Recorder for "stealing" a "cornet," which was proved he purchased, and two young girls were arraigned for an "assault," which was proved to be a woman's quarrel. Both parties were dismissed. Henrico Circuit Court, Friday, October 31st --Present, Hon. John M. Gregory, Judge.--The case of Joseph Bernard, indicted for the murder of Jno. Oscar Taylor, (defended by Messrs. Crump and Lyons, and prosecuted by John B. Young, Esq.,) was submitted to the jury on Thursday evening, and adjourned over until to- day. The jurors, on emerging from their retirement, announced, through their foreman, that they found Bernard guilty of manslaughter, and uncertained the term of his imprisonment at slammers in the Penitentiary. On a former trial prisoner was sentence
Henrico, Circuit Court. --This Court will commence its regular spring term on Saturday, (to-morrow,) in the State Court House, Judge John M. Gregory presiding. There are now in confinement in the county jail some half dozen or more persons who will come before the Court for trial for felony. The most popular form of felony in these times is stealing, and this is charged against all of the offenders alluded to. The Court of Appeals having re-used to interfere with the verdict given at the last term against Joseph Bernard, for the murder of the prisoner was carried to the State prison several months since.
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