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Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 36 (search)
the two legions more than ten thousand four hundred infantry and six hundred cavalry and of the allies of the Latin confederacy more than twelveB.C. 180 thousand infantry and six hundred cavalry, and specifically those whose valiant services Quintus Fulvius had enjoyed in the two battles with the Celtiberians, that all these, The sentence is awkward but the general purport is clear. When the old army and the new had been merged, and troops that had been in Spain at least since 187 B.C. had been segregated, any surplus beyond the figures given for the several contingents might be discharged also, priority being given to those who had been decorated or cited in the campaign. The mutiny here threatened was avoided (xl. 14 below). One may suspect that to win popularity with his troops Flaccus had encouraged the threats of his troops and had tried to bluff the senate with the prospect of a mutiny. if he saw fit, he should bring back with him. Thanksgivings were
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 37 (search)
deed her son Quintus Fulvius FlaccusThe Flaccus of xxvii. 7 above, not his cousin, who was still in Spain. was proclaimed consul in place of his stepfather, the death of Piso began to cause many more ugly rumours; and witnesses came forth who said that after Albinus and Piso had been declared consuls at an election in which Flaccus had suffered defeat, Flaccus had been upbraided by his mother because this was now the third timeThe dates of the defeats are not recorded, but he was praetor in 187 B.C. Hostilia (or Livy) does not say how she proposed to insure his success the next time. that his candidacy for the consulship had been refused; let him, she had added, prepare to apply again: within two months she would bring it to pass that he should become consul. Among much other testimony bearing on the case, this one speech, being all too well confirmed by the actual result, availed to bring about the conviction of Hostilia. In the beginning of this spring, while the levy was
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 52 (search)
Moreover, one of the censors, MarcusB.C 179 Aemilius, asked the senate that money should be assigned to him for the games in connection with the dedication of the temples which he had vowed to Queen Juno and Diana eight years before in the Ligurian war.Cf. XXXIX. ii. 8; 11 and the note. They voted twenty thousand asses.They had been more generous to Fulvius in 187 B.C. (XXXIX. v. 10). He dedicated these temples, both in the circus Flaminius, and gave scenic games for three days after the dedication of the temple to Juno, two days in the case of Diana, and games in the circus for one day for each. He also dedicated a temple to the Lares of the Sea in the Campus.These divinities extended to mariners the protection offered to home-dwellers by the Lares of the household. Lucius Aemilius Regillus had vowed this eleven years before during the naval battle against the prefects of King Antiochus.The vow was not mentioned in XXXVII. xxix —xxx. Above the doors of the temp
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 41 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 28 (search)
Rome, the senate decreed that he should enter the city in ovation. The consular election was now at hand; when this was held with great contention because of the large number of candidates, Lucius Postumius Albinus and Marcus Popilius Laenas were chosen. Next the praetors were elected, Numerius Fabius Buteo, Gaius Matienus, Gaius Cicereius, Marcus Furius Crassipes, Aulus Atilius Serranus, Gaius Cluvius Saxula (the last three each for the second time).Furius was praetor in 187 B.C. (XXXVIII. xlii. 4), Atilius in 192 B.C. (XXXV. x. 11), Cluvius perhaps in 175 B.C., his election having been reported in the lost section of chap. xviii above: at least there is no vacancy in earlier years. In that case the normal interval between terms of the same office was not observed (VII. xlii. 7). When the elections were over and Appius Claudius Cento entered the City in ovation over the Celtiberians, he deposited in the treasury ten thousand pounds of silver and five thousand of gol
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIANA, AEDES (search)
DIANA, AEDES a temple vowed by M. Aemilius Lepidus in 187 B.C. (Liv. xxxix. 2) and dedicated by him in 179 (ib. xl. 52, templum) in circo Flaminio on 23rd December (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 121). It probably stood just west of the circus (AR 1909, 76, pl. i.; for an identification with one of the two temples of S. Nicola a' Cesarini, see BC 1918, 135-136).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, IUNO REGINA, AEDES (search)
IUNO REGINA, AEDES (templum, Liv. xl. 52): a temple near the circus Flaminius, vowed by the consul M. Aemilius Lepidus in 187 B.C., in his last battle with the Ligures (Liv. xxxix. 2. I), and dedicated by Aemilius while censor in 179 (Liv. xl. 52. I) on 23rd December (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 121). A porticus connected this temple with one of Fortuna (Obseq. 16), perhaps that of FORTUNA EQUESTRIS (q.v.). A probable site for the temple of Juno is just south of the porticus Pompeiana at the west end of the circus Flaminius (AR 1909, 76; HJ 487; Gilb. iii. 81-82; Rosch. ii. 601; for identification with one of the two temples of S. Nicola ai Cesarini, see BC 1918, 135-136).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
Veiovis on Capitol (?), 548. Porticus inter lignarios, 422. (before). Tabernae Novae, 504. 191Temple of Magna Mater dedicated, 324. of Pietas vowed, 390. 190of Lares Permarini vowed, 315. of Juno Lucina damaged, 289. Scipio builds arch on Clivus Capitolinus, 122, 212. 189Statue of Hercules placed in Temple of Hercules Custos, 252. of Pollentia set up in Circus Maximus, 114. Clivus Martis repaved and portico built along it, 123. 188Statue of Marsyas set up (?), 499. 187Temple of Juno Regina vowed, 290. of Diana in Circus Flaminius vowed, 150. of Hercules Musarum, 255. 186of Ops struck by lightning and rebuilt in second half of century, 372. 184of Venus Erucina outside Porta Collina vowed, 551. Basilica Porcia built, 82. 181Temple of Pietas dedicated, 390. Books and Tomb of Numa found sub Janiculo, 3, 481. Temple of Venus Erucina dedicated, 551. 180Temple of Fortuna Equestris vowed, 215. 179Walls and columns of Capitoline Temple coated with s
M. Aburius 2. M. Aburius, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 187, opposed M. Fulvius the proconsul in his petition for a triumph, but withdrew his opposition chiefly through the influence of his colleague Ti. Gracchus. (Liv. 39.4. 5.) He was praetor peregrinus, B. C. 176. (Liv. 41.18. 19.)
Albi'nus 13. A. Postumius Albinus, A. F. A. N., was curule aedile B. C. 187, when he exhibited the Great Games, praetor 185, and consul 180. (Liv. 39.7, 23, 40.35.) In his consulship he conducted the war against the Ligurians. (40.41.) He was censor 174 with Q. Fulvius. Their censorship was a severe one; they expelled nine members from the senate, and degraded many of equestrian rank. They executed, however, many public works. (41.32, 42.10; comp. Cic. Ver. 1.41.) He was elected in his censorship one of the decemviri sacrorum in the place of L. Cornelius Lentulus. (Liv. 42.10.) Albinus was engaged in many public missions. In 175 he was sent into northern Greece to inquire into the truth of the representations of the Dardanians and Thessalians about the Bastarnae and Perseus. (Plb. 26.9.) In 171 he was sent as one of the ambassadors to Crete (Liv. 42.35); and after the conquest of Macedonia in 168 he was one of the ten commissioners appointed to settle the affairs of the country with
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
emies who had taken refuge at his court. He had, moreover, to give twenty hostages for the due fulfilment of the treaty, and among them his son Antiochus (Epiphanes). To these terms he acceded, but allowed Hannibal to escape. About this time Antiochus lost Armenia, which became an independent kingdom. He found great difficulty in raising money to pay the Romans, and was thus led to plunder a wealthy temple in Elymais ; the people, however, rose against him and killed him in his attempt. (B. C. 187.) The defeat of Antiochus by the Romans, and his death in a " fort of his own land," are foretold in the book of Daniel. (11.18, 19.) Antiochus was killed in the 52nd year of his age and the 37th of his reign. He married Laodice, daughter of Mithridates, king of Pontus, and had several children. His sons were, 1. Antiochus, who died in his father's lifetime. (Liv. 35.15.) 2. Ardys, 3. Mithridates, both of whom also probably died before their father. (Liv. 33.10.) 4. Seleucus Philopator, wh
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