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Plato, Symposium, section 221a (search)
what a notable figure he made when the army was retiring in flight from DeliumThe Athenians were defeated by the Thebans, 424 B.C.: cf. Thuc. 4. 76 ff.: I happened to be there on horseback, while he marched under arms. The troops were in utter disorder, and he was retreating along with Laches, when I chanced to come up with them and, as soon as I saw them, passed them the word to have no fear, saying I would not abandon them. Here, indeed, I had an even finer view of Socrates than at Potidaea—for personally I had less reason for alarm, as I was mounted; and I noticed, first, how far he outdid Laches in collectedness
Plato, Laches, section 181b (search)
but his country's name. He accompanied me in the retreat from Delium,On the coast just north of Attica, where the Athenians were severely defeated by the Boeotians in 424 B.C. and I assure you that if the rest had chosen to be like him, our city would be holding up her head and would not then have had such a terrible fall.LysimachusSocrates, this is indeed splendid praise which you are now receiving from men whose word is of great weight, and for such conduct as wins their praise. So let me tell you that I rejoice to hear this and to know you have such a good reputation; and you in return must count me as one of your warmest well-wishers.
Xenophon, Memorabilia (ed. E. C. Marchant), Book 3, chapter 5 (search)
wded with great deeds; and many are heartened by such a heritage and encouraged to care for virtue and prove their gallantry.”“All you have said is true, Socrates. But, you see, since the disasters sustained by Tolmides and the Thousand at LebadeaAt the battle of Coronea (or Lebadea) in 446 B.C., the Boeotians defeated and destroyed the Athenian army and gained independence (Thucydides, I. 113). and by Hippocrates at Delium,The Athenians were heavily defeated by the Boeotians at Delium in 424 B.C. (ibid. IV. 96 f.). the relations of the Athenians and Boeotians are changed: the glory of the Athenians is brought low, the pride of the Thebans is exalted; and now the Boeotians, who formerly would not venture, even in their own country, to face the Athenians without help from Sparta and the rest of the Peloponnese, threaten to invade Attica by themselves, and the Athenians, who formerly overran Boeotia, fear that the Boeotians may plunder Attica.” “Ah, I am aware of that,” answered
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK VII. We here enter upon the third division of Pliny's Natural History, which treats of Zoology, from the 7th to the 11th inclusive. Cuvier has illustrated this part by many valuable notes, which originally appeared in Lemaire's Bibliotheque Classique, 1827, and were afterwards incorporated, with some additions, by Ajasson, in his translation of Pliny, published in 1829; Ajasson is the editor of this portion of Pliny's Natural History, in Lemaire's Edition.—B. MAN, HIS BIRTH, HIS ORGANIZATION, AND THE INVENTION OF THE ARTS., CHAP. 31. (30.)—MEN WHO HAVE BEEN REMARKABLE FOR WISDOM. (search)
ony, indeed, given in adversity, to the merit of an enemy! The Athenians sent their general, Thucydides, into banishment, but recalled him as their historian, admiring his eloquence, though they had punished his want of valour.This is rather a strong expression, and it is doubtful if the great historian at all deserves it. The facts of the case seem to have been as follow. Thucydides was employed in a military capacity, and was in command of an Athenian squadron of seven ships at Thasos, B.C. 424, when Eucles, who commanded in Amphipolis, sent for his assistance against Brasidas, who was before that town with an army. Fearing the arrival of a superior force, Brasidas offered favourable terms to Amphipolis, which were readily accepted, as there were but few Athenians in the place. Thucydides arrived at Eion, on the mouth of the Strymon, the evening of the same day on which Amphipolis surrendered: and though too late to save Amphipolis, prevented Eion from falling into the hands of the
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 28 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 28 (search)
; cf. the dies atri of the calendar. also, but of Decimus Vibellius, a tribune of the soldiers; neither did they ally themselves with Pyrrhus, nor with the Samnites and Lucanians, enemies of the Roman people. You have shared your plans with Mandonius and IndibilisB.C. 206 and were to have been their comrades in arms as well. The legion would have held Regium as its permanent abode, just as the CampaniansIt was in fact the Samnites who captured Etruscan Capua; cf. IV. xxxvii. 1. (424 B.C.); Strabo V. iv. 3. held Capua, wrested away from its former Etruscan inhabitants, just as the Mamertines held Messana in Sicily; and it would not have gone so far as to attack the Roman people or allies of the Roman people. Was Sucro to have been your domicile? If I had left you there when as general-in-command I was retiring from my province completely subdued, it would have been right for you to implore the help of gods and men because you were not returning to your wives and
Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Trachiniae, commLine 509 (search)
da=n: a town in Acarnania, on the west bank of the Acheloüs. It was about ten miles from the mouth of that river, which is described by (2. 102) as e)s qa/lassan .. e)ciei\s par' *oi)nia/das kai\ th\n po/lin au)toi=s perilimna/zwn. Marshes, due partly to the lake Melitè, insulated the hill on which the town stood, and made the site a strong one. The name was familiar to Athenians in the poet's time. Oeniadae was long a centre of anti-Athenian influence in western Greece. It was unsuccessfully besieged by Pericles (Th. 1. 111, 454 B.C.); but, under pressure from the other Acarnanian towns, was received into the Athenian alliance by Demosthenes in 424 B.C. (Th. 4. 77). The site (now Tricardo) was first identified by Leake. Oeniadae was some twelve miles W.S.W. of Pleuron. As Heracles arrives from his famous home to the east, so it is fitting that the river-god should come from the western town which was a chief seat of his worship. The head of the Acheloüs appears on coins of Oeniada
Hipponicus He received a portion of 10 talents with his wife, which was to be doubled on the birth of a son. His marriage took place before the battle of Delium (B. C. 424), in which Hipponicus was slain. (Andoc. Alcib. p. 30.)), gifted with a mind of singular versatility and energy, possessed of great powers of eloquence, and urgengthened by mutual services. In one of the engagements before Potidaea, Alcibiades was dangerously wounded, but was rescued by Socrates. At the battle of Delium (B. C. 424), Alcibiades, who was mounted, had an opportunity of protecting Socrates from the pursuers. (Plat. Conviv. pp. 220, 221; Isocr. De Big. 12.) The lessons of the pure by the readiest means the gratification of his desires. Alcibiades was excessively fond of notoriety and display. At the Olympic games (probably in Ol. 89, B. C. 424) he contended with seven chariots in the same race, and gained the first, second, and fourth prizes. His liberality in discharging the office of trierarch, and i
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'ochus of SYRACUSE (search)
alicarnassus (Ant. Rom. 1.12) a very ancient historian. He lived about the year B. C. 423, and was thus a contemporary of Thucydides and the Peloponnesian war. (Joseph. c. Apion. 1.3.) Respecting his life nothing is known, but his historical works were held in very high esteem by the ancients on account of their accuracy. (Dionys. A. R. 1.73.) Works His two works were: 1. A history of Sicily In nine books, from the reign of king Cocalus, i. e. from the earliest times down to the year B. C. 424 or 425. (Diod. 12.71.) It is referred to by Pausanias (10.11.3), Clemens of Alexandria (Protrept. p. 22), and Theodoret. (P. 115.). 2. A history of Italy This is very frequently referred to by Strabo (v. p.242, vi. pp. 252, 254, 255, 257, 262, 264, 265, 278), by Dionysius (ll. cc., and 1.22, 35; comp. Steph. Byz. s. v. *Bre/ttios ; Hesych. s. v. *Xw/nrhn; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, i. p. 14, &c. Editions The fragments of Antiochus are contained in C. et T. Müller, Fragm. Histor. Graec.
m the epithet of great. Works We subjoin a catalogue of the comedies of Aristophanes on which we possess information, and a short account of the most remarkable. Those marked † are extant. B. C. 427. *Daitalei=s, Banquetters. Second prize. The play was produced under the name of Philonides, as Aristophanes was below the legal age for competing for a prize. Fifth year of the war. 426. Babylonians (e)n a)/stei). 425. † Acharnians. (Lenaea.) Produced in the name of Callistratus. First prize. 424. † *(Ippei=s, Knights or Horsemen. (Lenaea.) The first play produced in the name of Aristophanes himself. First prize; second Cratinus. 423. † Clouds (e)n a)/stei). First prize, Cratinus; second Ameipsias. 422. † Wasps. (Lenaea.) Second prize. *Ghra=s (?) (e)n a)/stei), according to the probable conjecture of Süvern. (Essay on the *Ghra=s, translated by Mr. Hamilton.) Clouds (second edition), failed in obtaining a prize. But Ranke places this B. C. 411, and the whole subject is very uncer
Arrhibaeus (*)Arribai=os), king or chieftain of the Macedonians of Lyncus, is mentioned by Thucydides, in the eighth and ninth years of the Peloponnesian war, as in revolt against his sovereign, king Perdiccas. (Thuc. 2.99.) It was to reduce him that Perdiccas sent for Brasidas (B. C. 424), and against him took place the unsuccessful joint expedition, in which Perdiccas deserted Brasidas, and Brasidas effected his bold and skilful retreat. (Thuc. 4.79, 83, 124.) Comp. Strab. 7.326, &c.; Aristot. Pol. 5.8.11, ed. Schneid. [A.H.
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