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waging an indiscriminate war upon them all, with savage ferocity, unknown in modern civilization. In this war, rapine is the rule; private houses, in beautiful rural retreats, are bombarded and burnt; grain crops in the field are consumed by the torch, and, when the torch is not convenient, careful labor is bestowed to render complete the destruction of every article of use or ornament remaining in private dwellings after their inhabitants have fled from the outrages of brute soldiery. In 1781 Great Britain, when invading the revolted colonies, took possession of every district and county near Fortress Monroe, now occupied by the troops of the United States. The houses then inhabited by the people, after being respected and protected by avowed invaders, are now pillaged and destroyed by men who pretend that Virginians are their fellow-citizens. Mankind will shudder at the tales of the outrages committed on defenseless families by soldiers of the United States, now invading our ho
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Introduction. (search)
ady given the reason for this enumeration, but the main fact alleged in the passage is entirely without foundation. The Articles of Confederation were first signed by the delegates from eight of the States, on the 9th of July, 1778, more than three years after the commencement of the war, long after the capitulation of Burgoyne, the alliance with France, and the reception of a French Minister. The ratification of the other States was given at intervals the following years, the last not till 1781, seven months only before the virtual close of the war, by the surrender of Cornwallis. Then, and not till then, was the Contract of Alliance consummated. Most true it is, as Mr. Davis bids us remark, that, by these Articles of Confederation the States retained each its sovereignty, freedom, and independence. It is not less true, that their selfish struggle to exercise and enforce their assumed rights as separate sovereignties was the source of the greatest difficulties and dangers of the
e river-bank below to the river-shore above. This wall is eighteen feet in height, from the bottom of a ditch eleven feet high and twelve feet wide. It has transverses, bomb-proofs, etc., well distributed throughout. It is over a mile in total length, and Yorktown is forever henceforth a fortress, lacking only casemates to make it very secure. On the water side are three batteries, mounting plenty of heavy guns, of which only a dozen or so remain. High in the village are the old works of 1781. Through the plains on the southern approach deep gorges form natural moats; and across the York River lies Gloucester Point, with a scanty rear-guard just hurrying from its supporting works, and a yellow flag still fluttering from its hospital. To conclude, for I must end and forward these hurried pages: I. Will the rebels make a stand at an interior line of peninsula defences? Deserters say they will not; that they are afraid of McDowell's advance, and are hastening to unite with
May 2.--The Sixth Maine regiment, now before Yorktown, contains among its members a great grandson of Gen. Lincoln, who received Lord Cornwallis' sword at Yorktown, in 1781. He is the son of Theodore Lincoln, Esq., of Dennysville, a young man of fine education, and who left home, where he had every comfort, to volunteer as a private.--Cincinnati Times, May 2.
nce was chiefly perceptible in his happy facility of allaying party spirit, and all the angry passions of our nature. It was like that of a beloved and revered parent, whom all are disposed to honor and obey. Amidst these high military and political honors, which his fellow-citizens took delight in bestowing on him, almost every institution of a literary, religious, patriotic, benevolent, or professional character seemed to vie with each other in conferring their highest honors on him. In 1781, Yale College conferred on him the honorary degree of A. M. Harvard University acknowledged the value of his literary acquirements, by conferring on him the degree of A. M., in the year 1787 ; and, in 1810, the degree of M. D.; and, in 1817, the highest honor of that seminary, the degree of Ll.D. The Society of Cincinnati recognized him as one of their most distinguished members. He was elected to deliver the first oration before them, on the 4th of July, 1787; and, on the death of Gen. L
John Hall1741. William Willis1742. Andrew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751. Samuel Brooks1762. Stephen Hall1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun1825. John B. Fitch1826. John Spar for the purchase of another. The first mention of him in the Medford Records is May 8, 1754, when he was chosen Moderator in the town-meeting. For sixteen years, he was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. He died of small-pox, in England, in 1781, and was buried there. His wife died in 1770. Funeral sermon by Rev. Mr. Turell. We have shown above how the virtues and hospitality of his character secured his estates from confiscation, when those of his sons-in-law, Mr. George Erving and
an be very safely assumed; and this of treating the soldiers is emphatically one. So late as our day it has continued; and the temperance reformation has hardly yet arrested it. Although we have recorded the organization of a military corps in 1781, whose officers were chosen by the town, according to the laws then existing, there were soldiers in Medford from 1630 to that time. What the exact rules and regulations respecting enlistment were in the middle of the seventeenth century, we cannere only four days. The Medford militia, whose trainings we of latter days have witnessed, is mentioned for the first time in the First Roster, in 1787; but, in the earlier and more confused records, there is recognition of a Medford company in 1781. The names of the officers are erased! A vacuum then occurs. After this, the commanders of the company were as follows:-- Moses Hallchosen CaptainJan. 12, 1787. Samuel TeelMarch 29, 1788. Abijah UsherMay 26, 1795. Gardner GreenleafOct. 23
follows :-- Two silver cups, bought by the church in 1719. One silver cups, gift of Mrs. Sarah Ward, 1725. One silver cups, gift of Deacon Thomas Willis. Two silver cups, gift of Mr. Francis Leathe, 1742. One silver cups, gift of Thomas Brooks, Esq., 1759. One large silver tankard, with a cover,--gift of Rev. Ebenezer Turell, 1760. One smaller silver tankard, with a cover,--gift of Francis and Mary Whitmore, 1761. One large, open, silver can,--gift of Hon. Isaac Royal, 1781. One silver dish,--gift of Hon. Isaac Royal, 1789. One silver dish,--gift of Deacon Richard Hall, 1814. Two silver cups,--gift of Mr. William Wyman, 1815. Two silver flagons,--gift of Hon. P. C. Brooks, 1823. One silver dish,--gift of Mr. David Bucknam, 1824. One antique silver cup; donor and date unknown. One silver spoon; Two silver cans,--gift of Turell Tufts, Esq., 1842. Previously to 1759, there were the following:-- One pewter flagon,--gift of Hon. John Ush
Hall. They remained in Salem until May, 1775, when they removed to Cambridge, and printed in Stoughton Hall. Their paper was then called New England chronicle and Salem Gazette. Ebenezer was born in Medford, September, 1749, and died in February, 1776, aged twenty-seven. He learned the art of printing from his brother. He was a good workman, a steady young man, and promised to be an able editor. After the death of Ebenezer, his brother Samuel removed to Boston, and remained there till 1781, when he returned to Salem, and, on Thursday, Oct. 17, 1781, published the Salem Gazette. The last sheet of this paper which he issued was on Thursday, Nov. 22, 1785. After this, he removed to Boston; and on Monday, Nov. 26, of that month, he issued the first sheet of the Massachusetts Gazette. He died Oct. 30, 1807, aged sixty-seven. He was an able writer, and an impartial editor; a very industrious man, and a friendly neighbor; a true American patriot, and a humble, pious Christian.
had 2 chaises and 20 chairs. During the revolutionary struggle, debts were accumulated to vast amounts; and, on the 26th February, 1781, the Legislature stated, that £ 950,000, specie value, were needed to meet the annual current expenditures, £ 320,000 of which were to be discharged by taxes. At such a time, when parsimony would have been crime, as timidity would have been treason, our patriotic ancestors marched nobly forward, as their prompt payment of the following taxes testify. In 1781, Medford paid £ 1,177. 10s.; in 1786, £ 1,016. 5s.; in 1791, £ 88. 6s. 11d. Ratable polls in Medford (1784) were 223. List of occupiers of houses, in 1798, who are taxed for more than $100:-- Samuel Albree. Asa Adams. Benjamin Hovey. Benjamin Teal. Caleb Brooks. John Bishop. Abigail Bishop. Samuel Swan. Ebenezer Thompson. Nathan Wait. Thomas Bradshaw, jun. Nathaniel Mead. Zachariah Shed. Leonard Bucknam. Spencer Bucknam. John Bacon. Abigai
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