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e 11, 1864. Cooper, James, May 17, 1861. Cooper, Jos. A., July 21, 1864. Copeland, Jos. T., Nov. 29, 1862. Corcoran, M., July 21, 1861. Cowdin, Robt., Sept. 26, 1862. Craig, James, Mar. 21, 1862. Crittenden, T. T., April 28, 1862. Crocker, M. M., Nov. 29, 1862. Davis, E. J., Nov. 10, 1864. Deitzler, Geo. W., Nov. 29, 1862. Denver, Jas. W., Aug. 14, 1861. Dewey, J. A., Nov. 20, 1865. Dodge, Chas. C., Nov. 29, 1862. Dow, Neal, April 28, 1862. Duffie, Alfred N., June 23, 1863. Dumont, E., Sept. 3, 1861. Dwight, Wm., Nov. 29, 1862. Edwards, John, Sept. 26, 1864. Ellett, Alfred W., Nov. 1, 1862. Este, Geo. P., May 31, 1865. Eustis, H. L., Sept. 12, 1863. Ewing, Charles, Mar. 8, 1865. Fairchild, Lucius, Oct. 19, 1865. Farnsworth, E. J., June 29, 1863. Farnsworth, J. F., Nov. 29, 1862. Fry, Speed S., Mar. 21, 1862. Gamble, Wm., Sept. 25, 1865. Garrard, Th. T., Nov. 29, 1862. Gilbert, Chas. C., Sept. 9, 1862. Gorman, W. A., Sept. 7, 1861. Hackleman, P. A., April
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Philippi. (search)
re were divided into two columns, one commanded by Col. Benjamin F. Kelley, and the other by Col. E. Dumont, of Indiana. Colonel Porterfield, with 1,500 Virginians, onethird of them mounted, was at Ph through hot valleys, and across swollen streams. Kelley was misled by a treacherous guide, and Dumont approached Philippi first. His troops were discovered by a woman, who fired a pistol at Coloneld. The lad was caught and detained, but Porterfield's camp was put in commotion by the pistol. Dumont took position on the heights, with cannon commanding a bridge, the village, and the insurgent cawaiting for the arrival of Kelley, he opened heavy guns upon the Confederates. At the same time Dumont's infantry swept down to the bridge, where the Confederates had gathered to dispute their passagcare of a devoted daughter, he finally recovered, and was commissioned a brigadier-general. Colonel Dumont assumed the command of the combined columns. Lacking transportation, the Indiana troops wer
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Rich Mountain, battle of (search)
inians. Georgians, Tennesseeans, and Carolinians. To this camp Morris nearly penetrated, but not to attack it—only to make feints to divert Garnett while McClellan should gain his rear. There was almost daily heavy skirmishing, chiefly by Colonels Dumont and Milroy, on the part of the Nationals. So industrious and bold had been the scouts, that when McClellan appeared they gave him full information of the region and the forces there. During a few days, so daring had been the conduct of thee chief highway to southern Virginia. Pegram boasted that his position could not be turned; but it was turned by Ohio and Indiana regiments and some cavalry, all under the command of Colonel Rosecrans, accompanied by Colonel Lander, who was with Dumont at Philippi. They made a detour, July 11, in a heavy rain-storm, over most perilous ways among the mountains for about 8 miles, and at noon were on the summit of Rich Mountain, high above Pegram's camp, and a mile from it. Rosecrans thought h
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Virginia, (search)
cavalry), and took post at Philippi, about 16 miles distant. The Ohio and Indiana troops followed Kelley, and were nearly all near Grafton on June 2. There the whole Union force was divided into two columns—one under Kelley, the other under Col. E. Dumont, of Indiana. These marched upon Philippi by different routes, over rugged hills. Kelley and Porterfield had a severe skirmish at Philippi. The Confederates, attacked by the other column, were already flying in confusion. The Union troops captured Porterfield's official papers, baggage, and arms. Colonel Kelley was severely wounded, and Colonel Dumont assumed the command of the combined columns. They retired to Grafton, where for a while the headquarters of the National troops in northwestern Virginia were established. So the Civil War was begun in western Virginia. After the dispersion of Garnett's forces in western Virginia, events seemed to prophesy that the war was ended in that region. General Cox had been successfu
Stripes were run up and given to the breeze in its place. Captain William C. Moreau, of Colonel Crittenden's command, has rendered me very valuable assistance in a business point of view, since I took command of this post; and I hear his conduct in the recent engagement spoken of in terms of praise both by his officers and men. I recommend Corporal Charles Bryant and Sergeant John Griffin of Company G, Seventh Indiana, for good conduct. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant, E. Dumont, Commanding troops at Philippi. --N. Y. Herald, June 16. The victory at Philippi. Grafton, Monday Night, June 3. Yesterday morning, at ten o'clock, four regiments left here in two divisions--one consisting of the 1st Virginia regiment, part of the Ohio 16th, and the Indiana 7th, under command of Col. Kelly; the other the Indiana 9th and the Ohio 14th, commanded by Col. Lander, of Indian fighting, wagon-road, and Potter and Prior duel notoriety. Col. Kelly's division moved e
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