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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., Record of the family of James Tufts. (search)
5 1726 Gershom Tufts born July 2 1728 ruth Tufts born december 19 1730 elisebeh Tufts born January 17 1733 hannah Tufts born May 2 1735 ebenezer Tufts born March 18 1737 [Loose Bible leaf] 1774 September [ ] Rev. Mr. David Osgood ordained Hannah Tufts her Bibble Bought in the year 1769 Aug [ ] My Broather Ionathan Hall Died Decm 25th 1753 My wife Died Decm 28th 1753 My mother Hall Died Iany 1th 1754 My Father Hall Died Iany 12th 1754 My Dafter Elizabeth Teel Died Sept 27 1754 My wife died October 25 1766 My Father lames Tufts Died Iune 11-1769 Age 67 Lyda Tufts her Bjble September 16 1735 Price 2-10-0 Jonathan Tufts born february 25 1739 ruth Tufts born June 18 1742 Jsaac Tufts born november 10 1744 April 14 1757 Samll Tufts and Hannah Tufts was marred Novb 29 1757 Hannah Tufts born May 30 1759 Susanna Tufts born April 16 1761 Samll Tufts born Sept. 1 1762 Caleb Tufts born Novb 19 1764 Ezekiel Tufts born July 17 1767
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 10., Extracts from Selectmen's Records. (search)
by him for the Schoolhouse. Vol. I, p. 32. Equipment for militia. Oct. 1, 1810. Voted to pass John Oden's acct. for the difference on exchange of Town's stock of old balls for new ones 226 lb. at 4 1/2 cents pr. lb. Vol. III, p. 64. Sepr. 27th 1814. James Gilchrist laid before the board a bill of articles purchased by him at the request of the Selectmen as follows, viz Twelve muskets and bayonet & belts 12 cartridge boxes belts knapsacks & two doz. priming wires and brushes for e Town in equiping privates in the militia who are unable to provide arms and equipments themselves. Also fifty pounds of gun powder 200 lb musket ball & five hundred musket flints for Town's stores amounting in the whole with interest from 19th Sepr. Inst. to $286.92 Whereupon the same being examined and approved Voted, To draw on the Treasurer in favor of sd. Gilchrist for the amount Vol. II, p. 133, 133a. Oct. 14, 1814. Voted to allow James Gilchrist amt for powder and shot for mi
h of Weymouth that in August 1634 [it should be 1734] a call was extended to Mr. William Smith of Charlestown to become the minister at a salary of one hundred and sixty pounds and three hundred pounds settlement, the latter to be paid one hundred pounds annually for three years, all in bills of credit. This invitation was accepted, and on the first Wednesday in December [1734] he was ordained as pastor of the First Church and Parish in Weymouth, which office he retained until his death, Sep 17, 1783, in his seventy-seventh year. He was a graduate of Harvard in 1725. In reading of Charlestown it is well to remember that at one time Charlestown entirely surrounded Medford, and that in 1754 Medford acquired considerable of Charlestown territory in two parcels. This Rev. William Smith (who until his ordination was Mister William) was the son of Thomas and Abigail (Fowle) Smith. Thomas Smith was styled merchant and had a farm of eighty acres (and house), bounded north by Mys
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