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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 12 2 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 7 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 7 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 4 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Name Index of Commands 2 0 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 1 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
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however, doing any damage. Another gun was saved by the harbor crew. The Whitehall was formerly a Fulton ferry-boat, at New York. This day Col. James Carter, with his regiment of loyal Tennesseeans, left Camp Cumberland Ford, and went through the mountains, some forty odd miles, to Big Creek Gap, some four miles above Jacksboro, Tenn., where they had a fight with the rebel cavalry. Two of the rebels were killed, four badly wounded, and fifteen taken prisoners, among whom was Lieut.-Col. White. Col. Carter also obtained all of the tents for three companies, their camp equipage, and provisions, and some arms. Twenty-seven of the rebels' horses were killed, and fifty-nine captured, with seven mules and four wagons. Lieut.-Col. Keigwin, of the Forty-ninth regiment Indiana volunteers, accompanied Colonel Carter, and rendered most efficient service. The National casualties were Lieutenant Myers and one private slightly wounded.--Louisville Journal, March 24. This morning
March 29. This day, Col. Geary's advance encountered three hundred of Stuart's and White's rebel cavalry, and a force of rebel infantry, at Middleburg, Va. He marched from Philomont in the morning, and drove in the rebel pickets outside of Middleburg, Middleburg is a handsome post-borough, of Loudon County, Va., on a small affluent of the Potomac, one hundred and forty-three miles north from Richmond. It is one of the principal towns of the county, and before the present rebellion had an active trade. It has a population of about eight hundred, and contains three churches, an academy, seven stores, and one tobacco factory. when he entered the town, and discovered the infantry in retreat, and the cavalry posted to make a stand. A gun was placed to command the main street, and the Twenty-eighth regiment advanced by all the approaches to the town, while the main body rushed through it with bayonets fixed, and on a double-quick, driving the enemy before them. The rebels m
nd was actively carried forward by the Monitor, the Naugatuck, and other vessels of the fleet. The Merrimac finally appeared, but as she evinced a disinclination to come out into the roadstead, and the National vessels were equally disinclined to go up to her, the combat ceased. The scene was an exciting one for some time, and was witnessed by President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton.--(Doc. 26.) Messrs. Richardson, Knapp, and Robinson, of Illinois; Law and Voorhees, of Indiana; Allen, White, Noble, Pendleton, Morris, and Vallandigham, of Ohio; Johnson and Ancona, of Pennsylvania, and Shields of Oregon, issued an address to the Democracy of the United States, setting forth party organization as a positive good and essential to the preservation of public liberty.--Cincinnati Gazette, May 9. Four companies of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, under command of Major Aplington, when reconnoitring within a mile and a half of Corinth, Miss., discovered two rebel regiments of infantry
It is considered that the expedition saved the Missouri towns and the western border from devastation, besides striking terror into the hearts of the enemy as far as the Arkansas line. Gen. Blunt's column returned to Fort Scott on the twenty-second, having marched nearly three hundred miles in six days. Col. Cloud was left to continue the pursuit, and it is not improbable that the main force of the rebels will be forced to surrender. A party of rebel cavalry, under the command of Captain White, entered Waterford, Va., early this morning, and captured a large portion of a company of National cavalry under Capt. Means. Capt. Means escaped.--The Nineteenth regiment of Maine volunteers, under the command of Col. Frederick D. Sewall, left Bath for the seat of war.--An enthusiastic war meeting was held at Boston, Mass., at which speeches were made by Gov. Andrew, Edward Everett, Robert C. Winthrop, Senator McDougal of California, and others.--Battle Creek, Ala., was evacuated by the
four rebel soldiers. One of them stated that there were only about twenty thousand rebel troops under General Longstreet, the rest having gone off with Jackson in some direction unknown to him. A cavalry reconnaissance made in the vicinity of Vienna and Langley, Va., revealed the fact that the rebel cavalry, lately in, those neighborhoods, were no longer hovering about there.--Washington Star, September 4. Winchester Va., was evacuated by the National troops under the command of General White. Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, orders were received from General Pope to evacuate the town and retreat on Harper's Ferry, Md., and this morning at one o'clock the rear-guard of Maryland cavalry, rider the command of Captain Russell, left the place, having first set fire to the buildings containing the quartermaster's stores, and magazines.--The schooner N. Berry of Camden, Me., having on board A. J. Hamilton, a member of Congress, and other refugees from Texas, was overhauled ne
ty-fourth regiments N. Y.S. V., under the command of Colonels A. L. McDougall and A. Van Horn Ellis, passed through New York for the seat of war. A party of rebel cavalry, numbering four hundred, attacked the outposts of the command of Gen. Julius White, in the vicinity of Martinsburgh, Va., and after a short engagement, were defeated, with a loss of about fifty prisoners, horses, and arms. The National loss was two killed and ten wounded, among the number Capt. Grosvenor and Lieut. Logan, of the Twelfth Illinois cavalry, the members of which distinguished themselves by their bravery and daring.--General White's Despatch. The funeral of Major-General Kearny, who was killed at the battle of Chantilly, on the first of September, took place to-day. The remains had been conveyed to his home, at Bellegrove, near Newark, N. J., from which place they were carried to New York, escorted by a numerous procession of friends and admirers, preceded by a band of music and military, bot
miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah, Colonel Evans, with a party of National troops, attacked and put to flight two hundreds Indians, thirty of whom were killed. The Union forces followed them fourteen miles, scattering them in every direction. Lieutenant Peck was killed and two sergeants were wounded on the National side.--A battalion of cavalry from California arrived at New York from San Francisco, under the command of Major De Witt C. Thompson.--Fighting was continued on the Nansemond River, Va., and its vicinity. A detachment of two hundred of the Thirty-ninth Kentucky mounted infantry, under the command of Colonel J. Dills, made a forced march on Pikeville, Ky., and after a sharp fight, captured seventeen rebel officers and sixty-one privates, with their horses, arms, and equipments. At the same time, eight scouts from the command of General Julius White, belonging to the Four teenth Kentucky infantry, captured in Breathitt Co., Ky., a rebel captain and twelve privates.
Obadiah Smith, a Baptist minister in Cedar County, and on his attempting to escape they shot him.--St. Louis Democrat. The cargo of the steamer Wave (destroyed by the rebels to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Unionists) was this day captured in the vicinity of Bayou Cocodue, La., by an expeditionary force under the command of General Dwight.--(Doc. 171.) A portion of General Reynolds's national forces entered and occupied McMinnville, Tenn.--Major McGee, of the Third Virginia cavalry with sections of Rowan's, Utt's, and White's cavalry, encountered a force of three hundred rebels at a point near Strasburgh, Va., and after a brief and brilliant fight drove them from their position. One man of Rowan's company was killed, and another wounded. The rebel loss was five killed, and nine wounded, beside twenty-five prisoners and forty horses. Six gunboats and twelve barges succeeded in passing the rebel batteries at Vicksburgh to-night.--National Intelligencer.
of the forces there, to fall back to the town.--Doc. 19. General Averill arrived at New Creek, Va. At or near Covington he encountered and dispersed a portion of Imboden's command on their way to reenforce Echols, and captured twenty-five prisoners in the skirmish. The cavalry belonging to the Union forces under the command of Brigadier-General J. C. Sullivan, sent out from Harper's Ferry, Va., returned this day, having been up the Valley to near New Market, fighting Gilmore's and White's commands at Mount Jackson, bringing in twenty-seven prisoners, two commissioned officers, ninety head of cattle, three four-horse teams, besides thirty tents and all the horses and equipage of the prisoners; the party was under the command of Colonel Bayard, of the Thirty-first Pennsylvania cavalry. He destroyed a number of tents and a quantity of salt. The men helped themselves to a wagon-load of tobacco, weighing about five hundred pounds. The Union loss was two men killed, three
as captured by the gunboat Vanderbilt, on the twenty-ninth of October, on the west coast of Africa, four hundred miles north of the Cape of Good Hope, and had on board part of the cargo of the bark Conrad which vessel was captured by the pirate Alabama, and afterward converted into the pirate Tuscaloosa.--Brigadier-General Averill, arrived at Edray, Va., having successfully accomplished his expedition to cut the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad.--(Doc. 25.) A squad of forty men, under Major White, of the First regiment of confederate cavalry, made a dash into Cleveland, Tenn., driving in the National pickets, killing one, wounding several, and capturing six, besides twelve horses, and some small-arms.--John Kelly was killed by a party of guerrillas, on the Arkansas shore of the Mississippi River, opposite Memphis, Tenn.--General Michael Corcoran died at Fairfax Court-House, Va., from injuries received from a fall from his horse. General Joseph E. Johnston, in command of the r
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