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Browsing named entities in Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863.. You can also browse the collection for William A. Phillips or search for William A. Phillips in all documents.

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deral supply train gallant charge led by Colonel Phillips, and total route of the enemy only a sute enemy's horses and comes into the Fort Colonel Phillips to be re-inforced skirmish near Park Hilght, repulsing him in every attack, when Colonel Phillips determined to take the offensive, and at having actually occurred, than that which Colonel Phillips executed to save his trains; and were he eal of reliable information brought in to Colonel Phillips concerning the movements of the enemy, byim reinforcements. We don't believe that Colonel Phillips has had any intention of abandoning this doubt have to be seriously considered by Colonel Phillips in the course of a month or so. But a monn for several days of their depredations, Colonel Phillips has determined to send a force of two or to live upon their homesteads. And since Colonel Phillips has had command of the Indian Territory, t what they had done would be reported to Colonel Phillips' headquarters before our animals should b[7 more...]
ment was arrived at between General Cooper and Colonel Phillips, by which the pickets of the two opposing armiouth bank of the river is almost at an end. If Colonel Phillips should get reinforcements soon, he would no dol undertake to co-operate with General Cooper, Colonel Phillips will have his hands full. This movement to thes about our camp, and fed by the Government. Colonel Phillips is disposed to afford them all the protection rie, some ten miles east. Through his scouts, Colonel Phillips had heard of this force of the enemy, and knewhe enemy at Green Leaf, and were falling back, Colonel Phillips immediately sent .out Lieutenant-Colonel F. W.their heels on each other. Through his scouts Colonel Phillips knew very nearly the exact strength of the enestead of hardening their perverse natures. Colonel Phillips sent out Major Foreman on the 20th instant, wi us. Our scouts are watching them closely, and Colonel Phillips is advised of every movement they make. The
hat they must either travel at night or take a route not much frequented by our troops. If Colonel Phillips would have carefully posted at half a dozen points twenty-five or thirty miles above here, abin Creek, where we anticipate it will be attacked by the enemy. All the detachments that Colonel Phillips has sent out to make reconnaissances within the past two days, report having discovered sign they started, and came as quickly as possible, that they might be under the protection of Colonel Phillips, and learn the result of the engagement, as they have near relatives in the Third Indian regiment. Colonel Phillips has watched over the Indians with such solicitude, that the men, women and children regard him almost, if not quite, with real affection. They show commendable zeal, too, ininite to have been accomplished when the courier left. The different scouting parties that Colonel Phillips has sent out in various directions the last three or four days, who have returned, report t
acticable, be allowed to replenish their stores of force before going into battle. The weather was quite warm, and a night march had much fatigued the infantry, so that they required food and rest before engaging the enemy. After his troops had lunched, and rested a short time, General Blunt formed them into two columns for making the attack.. The right, under Colonel W. R. Judson, of the Sixth Kansas cavalry, was to move forward to the right of the Texas road, and the left, under Colonel W. A. Phillips, was to move forward to the left of the road. The whole force, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, marched in columns of companies up to within a quarter of a mile of the enemy's position in the woods, and then came into line on the right and left of the road, and halted for a moment. While General Blunt with his staff and escort were examining the position of the enemy, one of their sharp shooters wounded one of the General's escorts. The cavalry in the meantime had been skirmishin
, and then remain in that section for a while to operate against the guerrillas of Jackson and Cass counties. He served with us in the Indian division under Colonel Phillips until General Blunt came down, and I know that he is an efficient officer, and that the enemy will feel his presence, now that he is detailed for duty on thewo months, ending in the capture of Fort Smith. I must remark, however, that most of the glory claimed for him in his recent campaign justly belongs to Colonel William A. Phillips, whose heroic action through six months of extraordinary trials, made possible the recent achievements of our arms in the Indian country. A detachmetes that Colonel Harrison is improving in fighting qualities. His precipitate retreat from Fayetteville last spring, when he was expected to co-operate with Colonel Phillips, was not by any means very creditable to him, and if what has been reported in regard to the matter be true, should have subjected him to censure by court ma
e four twenty-four pound siege guns, and troops enough to hold the place several days against an enemy of two thousand men. The heights to the east of us, should the enemy get possession of them, would give him positions from which he could throw shells into the town. General Blunt has sent orders for the troops stationed at Webber's Falls and Skullyville to move into Fort Smith, and all the Indian troops stationed at different points in the Nation to concentrate at Fort Gibson. If Colonel Phillips has returned to take command of the Indian division, we need have no fears of the enemy capturing Fort Gibson. It is reported that General Shelby, with the assistance of his artillery, has been able to capture one or two posts in southwest Missouri. The militia, not being aware that the enemy had artillery with them, undertook to defend their stations, and were surrounded and attacked with it at short range, and compelled to surrender. Their losses, however, by capture have been quit
ndition is distressing. Many of them are living in rude tents made of bed clothing, or material of a very unsubstantial nature. Others during the latter part of summer and early autumn, purchased condemned army tents, and are making the best of them. But there are not many supplied with tents, as there have been no large sales of this kind of condemned public property at this post during the autumn. Last winter 1 thought that I saw a good deal of suffering among the refugees around Colonel Phillips' camp, but it did not equal the suffering in our midst at the present time. Insufficient fuel for heating purposes, and scanty clothing and covering are the principal causes of suffering among these people. We were encamped last winter in a wooded region, and the refugees could build great log fires to keep themselves warm during intensely cold weather. I have frequently seen them standing around their blazing fires, with wood generously piled on, on cold nights, with expressions of
rell's forces cross the Arkansas River near Fort Gibson, on the way north were defeated by Colonel Phillips' troops General Price threatens Fort Smith attempt of the enemy to spike the seige guns ansas River, and .thus save overland transportation of supplies to the Army of the Frontier. Colonel Phillips' Indian division at Fort Gibson, however, will perhaps continue to be supplied from this plagain. A force, reported to be his and Standwaitie's, had a lively fight with a portion of Colonel Phillips' command near Fort Gibson about a week ago, and were defeated and scattered in every directive our troops from western Arkansas, if General McNeil handles them skillfully. Including Colonel Phillips' Indian division, we have an army of about eight thousand men in that section, well supplieh of it. It is now known that Quantrell's force, after it was attacked and dispersed by Colonel Phillips' troops some ten days ago, continued to move northeast. In a few days after this, however,
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