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Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
slope that the jutting rocks and steep gorges rendered an assault and capture of the ridge impossible. In the operations of the day Wood lost about seventy wounded and six killed. At eleven o'clock, and previous to the assault by Wood and Stanley, the enemy opened upon Johnson's division from a mountain howitzer, planted on the summit of a commanding hill, which forms a link in the chain of hills known as the Chattanooga Mountains. Johnson promptly ordered one section of Houghtalling's Illinois battery into position, and shelled the rebel battery, the third shot taking effect in the howitzer, and silencing it until in the afternoon, when Wood and Stanley made their demonstration, and called out a vigorous artillery and musketry fire along the whole line. At four o'clock, General Howard ordered the divisions of Stanley and Wood forward into the gaps facing the enemy's breastworks and fortifications to the right of Dalton. The movement had the desired effect, compelling the enem
Catoosa Springs (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
opening of the spring campaign, the line of march was taken with the object of centering at Catoosa Springs, three miles north-east of Ringgold. Wednesday, May 4. Reveille at five in the morningft in the rear, and a slow and tedious march is made, with roads blocked up by cavalry upon Catoosa Springs, which was reached about two o'clock in the afternoon. A line of battle was at once formedtrick's our right. I must not neglect to mention that, as we moved down from Red Clay to Catoosa Springs, a portion of General McCook's division of cavalry took the lead and had a few slight skirmrday, May 7. At five o'clock in the morning the Fourth corps encamped on the hills about Catoosa Springs, moved east, Stanley taking the lead, followed by Generals Newton and Wood, arriving at Leeps, halted his column and encamped on the hills and in the rapturously elegant groves about Catoosa Springs. The picturesqueness of the landscape, assisted by the comforts that art lavished with bou
John's Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
hofield's corps is working east of the rebel positions, while Hooker's bears south-west of Dalton, and McPherson, with a large army, is aiming at Resacca, in the rear of the rebel works at Dalton. Geary's division is in front of Dug Gap, in John's Mountain, which is a precipitous elevavation four and a half miles south-west of Dalton, covered with forests, some undergrowth, and loose with tumbling boulders. About three o'clock this afternoon Colonel Buschbeck's and Colonel Candy's brigadespassed by none. During the afternoon of to-day General Geary, with two brigades (Buschbeck's and Candy's), made an effort to carry one of the most rugged and scraggy heights along the Chattoogata range. Dug Gap is in what the citizens call John's Mountain. I learn from a deserter, who, by the way, was exceedingly intelligent, that the rebels regarded that gap as of great importance, and yet, from the impregnable character of the place, up to the time Geary suffered his first repulse, and unt
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
Doc. 8. Sherman in Georgia. Tunnell Hill, Georgia, Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1864. General Sherman's grand campaign has reached that point where great events may be looked for at any moment. It is two weeks to-day since he left Nashville, his army then stretching from Decatur to beyond Knoxville, occupying the same lines held during the winter. His arrival at Chattanooga gave every division of the army a mysterious impulse, and, at the moment that Thomas gathered his legions into Benjamin F. Taylor, whose contributions to the press from this army will fill some of the most delightful pages of its history, has gone North under the ban of the commanding General, for saying in one of his letters, our lines now extend from Nashville to Huntsville. It is reported that General Sherman, upon reading this item, wrote an order to his Provost Marshal-General, directing the immediate arrest of a spy, one Benjamin F. Taylor, his trial by drum-head court-martial, and execution. T
Tunnel Station (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
a; the advance to Ringgold, and the passage of Taylor's Ridge; the march of McPherson from Huntsville, Decatur, and other places, towards the great theatre of operations in North Georgia; the descent of Schofield from East Tennessee to form part of the left of the grand army — all these things are known. Equally well understood are the next series of movements — the march from the eastern foot of Taylor's Ridge to the western base of the Chattanooga Mountain; the occupation of the town of Tunnel by a portion of Palmer's corps; the retreat of the enemy, after some insignificant skirmishing, from the Tunnel Hill range of eminences; the movement of Schofield and Newton along the east side of Rocky Face, a part of Chattanooga Mountain; the ascent of the northern slope of the ridge by Harker, until stopped by an almost impassable ravine, across which the enemy opened a fierce fire; the splendid achievement of Colonel John G. Mitchell, in driving the rebels from the mouth of Buzzard Roost
Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
s Ferry, in order to throw a column on the Rome road below Calhoun, and thus harass the enemy as much as possible. The first of Monday when General Sweeney's division started towards Calhoun. General Veatch's division was considerably in the rear. rear of what is known as the Rome road, which crossed the Calhoun road a little in advance of the right of the Second brigad here and there a rich plateau or valley, the country from Calhoun to Kingston is a barren pine-covered wilderness. At Adairng from the river on the left to a point on the river near Calhoun. The corps occupied positions in the line as follows, extieth corps moved to the left, at its intersection with the Calhoun road, and the remainder of the centre and left, the Fourten had been moved to the ferry across the Oostenaula on the Calhoun road, for the purpose of crossing and making lodgment on thousand. A Southern account. in the field near Calhoun, Ga., Monday afternoon, May 16, 1864. The army having set
Timothy Lake (Oregon, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
also mortally wounded, and died on Wednesday night, the twenty-fifth instant. A board with his name carved upon it marks his resting-place beside the others. The names of our wounded are, Francis Lewis and Valentine Her, Company K, and Augustus Foldon, Company H, Eleventh Kentucky cavalry. There are also missing upwards of thirty, one of whom, Captain Linthark, is known to have been taken prisoner. The others are doubtless prisoners. The First Kentucky cavalry had two men wounded: Timothy Lake, badly though not dangerously, of Company C, and Lewis Huddleston, slightly. They are all doing well. These are all the casualties in our brigade so far as I can learn. The enemy did not accomplish all this mischief with impunity. The gallant Lieutenant Hall emptied one saddle, and the brave Lieutenant Harris another. Lieutenant Harris also disabled one of the rebels by a blow on his head with a saber, and captured him. There was also a rebel Sergeant-Major taken prisoner. Whether
d. To this brigade the famous Irish regiment (the Ninetieth Illinois) belongs. It is indeed a proud spectacle to see America's adopted sons from the Emerald Isle baring their breasts in battle with the colors of the Union and the green flag of Ireland floating side by side. As I looked upon the bronzed and bloody faces of the heroes borne upon litters from the field, I could not but regret that the monuments that Irish bravery had reared on every soil the sun of heaven shines upon should not be planted on their native soil, among a people united in heart and hand as when Erin's bards sang of Ireland's independence, and told in song the story of brave deeds wrought by her brave sons. Evening came on; thousands of camp-fires shot their bright beams through the darkness from every knoll and depression in the plain; long, thin, spiral columns creep upward through the twilight, and all around, far as the eye can reach, busy thousands, just returned from battle, are preparing their
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
evavation four and a half miles south-west of Dalton, covered with forests, some undergrowth, and lbreastworks and fortifications to the right of Dalton. The movement had the desired effect, compellting the enemy's fortifications on the left of Dalton. Brisk firing was heard in the direction of hposed, will fall back from the gap in front of Dalton, and give McPherson battle, or retreat hastilysed it against any direct advance of ours upon Dalton; the fearless charge of Colonel B. F. Scribnerside of the ridge, and effect an entrance into Dalton in that way? By so doing he would cut himselfd passed through Buzzard Roost Gap and entered Dalton, finding the place entirely evacuated by the elast was readily understood. After entering Dalton the day before, and finding nothing there save Johnston had been compelled to withdraw from Dalton — Sherman had followed with his main army, andh inst., the morning we reached our lines near Dalton, we had one man killed, James Self, a brave fe[20 more...]
Camp Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 24
flanks upon the river. Outside of this arc, and in a manner surrounding it, extend our lines. A little stream called Camp Creek flows through a narrow valley with precipitous bluffs on each side. For more than a mile our lines extend on one side hnson's men had done, they hurled themselves down the almost perpendicular bluffs of which I have spoken; waded through Camp Creek, waist deep at the foot; and attempted to charge across the valley under a most murderous fire. The charge was unsucceof Tilton, near the junction of the river with Swamp Creek, that takes its rise in the hills of Sugar Valley. Lick and Camp creeks also burst out from the hills in the valley and empty their waters into the Oostenaula River, which is very broad and the men, and the battle was opened. In plain language, the army of the Cumberland was assaulting the rebel position on Camp Creek, intrenched by rifle-pits in their front. The first fire of musketry was when the skirmishers were advanced. Under th
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