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C. M. Sedgwick (search for this): chapter 56
ays used to place a crown of the most perishable materials on the head of every woman who flattered them or whom they wished to flatter. Apart from their tributes, a place on Parnassus was supposed to be securely held by the Davidson sisters, for instance, two half-developed girls, who earned by their pathetic early deaths what really passed for fame. It is doubtful whether a place more permanent can be assigned to the good-natured Cary sisters. A greater loss to memory is the fame of Miss Sedgwick, whose graphic and sensible fiction-realistic in the best sense-seems absolutely unknown to the generation now growing up. Is it so certain that the women now popular as poets and novelists are securer in their position than their predecessors? There are really but two grounds of permanence in literature — that won by positive genius and that won by labor. Where both are united, a book may stand by itself, like Gibbon's Roman Empire, and prove solid and indestructible as the Pyramids
e readily admitted that the contributions of American women to the poetry and fiction of the day are abundant and creditable. But it must be remembered that journalism itself is hardly more ephemeral than all poetry or fiction short of the highest; and our rapid American life has already created and forgotten several generations of such short-lived celebrities. In Griswold's laborious Female poets of America, published some forty years ago, there is hardly a name that is now remembered; and Poe and Willis in those days used to place a crown of the most perishable materials on the head of every woman who flattered them or whom they wished to flatter. Apart from their tributes, a place on Parnassus was supposed to be securely held by the Davidson sisters, for instance, two half-developed girls, who earned by their pathetic early deaths what really passed for fame. It is doubtful whether a place more permanent can be assigned to the good-natured Cary sisters. A greater loss to memor
Helen C. De (search for this): chapter 56
on of Anthropology, the paper that excited most interest was that of Mrs. Nuttall Pinart on Mexican inscriptions, which is described as completely revolutionizing the method by which these important historical memorials have hitherto been interpreted. Dr. Brinton, who is on the whole the highest authority on this class of subjects, said that this paper was of epoch-making importance, and that its conclusions would probably be sustained. In the section of Chemistry, a paper was read by Miss Helen C. De S. Abbott on the composition of a bark from Honduras that presents new and curious ingredients, of peculiar value to dyers. She also read a paper on the relation of the chemical constituents of plants to their forms and evolution, advancing the view that chemical considerations may yet have weight as a basis for botanical classification. In the section of Economic Science, Mrs. John Lucas, of New Jersey, entered a paper upon Silk Culture, but was not apparently present to read it. In
D. G. Brinton (search for this): chapter 56
the grade of their intellectual work. At a late meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in Buffalo, New York, nearly every section offered among its scientific papers some contribution from a woman. In the section of Anthropology, the paper that excited most interest was that of Mrs. Nuttall Pinart on Mexican inscriptions, which is described as completely revolutionizing the method by which these important historical memorials have hitherto been interpreted. Dr. Brinton, who is on the whole the highest authority on this class of subjects, said that this paper was of epoch-making importance, and that its conclusions would probably be sustained. In the section of Chemistry, a paper was read by Miss Helen C. De S. Abbott on the composition of a bark from Honduras that presents new and curious ingredients, of peculiar value to dyers. She also read a paper on the relation of the chemical constituents of plants to their forms and evolution, advancing the vi
N. P. Willis (search for this): chapter 56
admitted that the contributions of American women to the poetry and fiction of the day are abundant and creditable. But it must be remembered that journalism itself is hardly more ephemeral than all poetry or fiction short of the highest; and our rapid American life has already created and forgotten several generations of such short-lived celebrities. In Griswold's laborious Female poets of America, published some forty years ago, there is hardly a name that is now remembered; and Poe and Willis in those days used to place a crown of the most perishable materials on the head of every woman who flattered them or whom they wished to flatter. Apart from their tributes, a place on Parnassus was supposed to be securely held by the Davidson sisters, for instance, two half-developed girls, who earned by their pathetic early deaths what really passed for fame. It is doubtful whether a place more permanent can be assigned to the good-natured Cary sisters. A greater loss to memory is the f
Edward Gibbon (search for this): chapter 56
-natured Cary sisters. A greater loss to memory is the fame of Miss Sedgwick, whose graphic and sensible fiction-realistic in the best sense-seems absolutely unknown to the generation now growing up. Is it so certain that the women now popular as poets and novelists are securer in their position than their predecessors? There are really but two grounds of permanence in literature — that won by positive genius and that won by labor. Where both are united, a book may stand by itself, like Gibbon's Roman Empire, and prove solid and indestructible as the Pyramids-nay, earthquake — proof, which they are not. But, even short of this, it is possible for an author who takes a good subject and does his work well to secure a tolerably permanent place, even without great genius. When will our women's colleges turn out a race of graduates who will devote themselves to literature even as faithfully as many men now do, making it an object for life to do thoughtful and serious work? I am told
Bayard Taylor (search for this): chapter 56
to their forms and evolution, advancing the view that chemical considerations may yet have weight as a basis for botanical classification. In the section of Economic Science, Mrs. John Lucas, of New Jersey, entered a paper upon Silk Culture, but was not apparently present to read it. In the section of Mathematics and Astronomy, Miss Anna Winlock, of the Harvard Observatory, was associated by name with Prof. Rogers, of that institution, in presenting a paper on The limitations in the use of Taylor's theorem for the computation of the precessions of close polar stars. All this is very unlike anything that could have been reported twenty-five years ago; and though it is possible that no one of these ladies may have been a student at a woman's college, yet they stand nevertheless for that advance all along the line which the women's colleges represent. It must be remembered also that the new American Historical Association has many women as members, and has issued among its first pub
Roman Empire (search for this): chapter 56
y sisters. A greater loss to memory is the fame of Miss Sedgwick, whose graphic and sensible fiction-realistic in the best sense-seems absolutely unknown to the generation now growing up. Is it so certain that the women now popular as poets and novelists are securer in their position than their predecessors? There are really but two grounds of permanence in literature — that won by positive genius and that won by labor. Where both are united, a book may stand by itself, like Gibbon's Roman Empire, and prove solid and indestructible as the Pyramids-nay, earthquake — proof, which they are not. But, even short of this, it is possible for an author who takes a good subject and does his work well to secure a tolerably permanent place, even without great genius. When will our women's colleges turn out a race of graduates who will devote themselves to literature even as faithfully as many men now do, making it an object for life to do thoughtful and serious work? I am told by editors t
Nuttall Pinart (search for this): chapter 56
ore thorough work visible. It is beginning to be plain that with the Treat advance in the education of women, during the last thirty years, there is already a marked advance in the grade of their intellectual work. At a late meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in Buffalo, New York, nearly every section offered among its scientific papers some contribution from a woman. In the section of Anthropology, the paper that excited most interest was that of Mrs. Nuttall Pinart on Mexican inscriptions, which is described as completely revolutionizing the method by which these important historical memorials have hitherto been interpreted. Dr. Brinton, who is on the whole the highest authority on this class of subjects, said that this paper was of epoch-making importance, and that its conclusions would probably be sustained. In the section of Chemistry, a paper was read by Miss Helen C. De S. Abbott on the composition of a bark from Honduras that presents ne
W. B. Rogers (search for this): chapter 56
o dyers. She also read a paper on the relation of the chemical constituents of plants to their forms and evolution, advancing the view that chemical considerations may yet have weight as a basis for botanical classification. In the section of Economic Science, Mrs. John Lucas, of New Jersey, entered a paper upon Silk Culture, but was not apparently present to read it. In the section of Mathematics and Astronomy, Miss Anna Winlock, of the Harvard Observatory, was associated by name with Prof. Rogers, of that institution, in presenting a paper on The limitations in the use of Taylor's theorem for the computation of the precessions of close polar stars. All this is very unlike anything that could have been reported twenty-five years ago; and though it is possible that no one of these ladies may have been a student at a woman's college, yet they stand nevertheless for that advance all along the line which the women's colleges represent. It must be remembered also that the new Americ
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