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Lowell (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ian difficulty in obtaining horses Decides to dislodge Confederate forces at Bethel order for detail of the movement gross mismanagement of plans Union troops fire upon each other in front of the breastworks orders disobeyed and attack given up enemy's condition investigated battle of Bull Run General Wool sent to Fortress Monroe attack on the forts at Hatteras their surrender midnight ride to Washington telling welcome news to the President a Waltz en Dishabille goes home to Lowell the battle of Bull Run critically considered On the day after my arrival at the fort, May 23, three negroes were reported coming in a boat from Sewall's Point, where the enemy was building a battery. Thinking that some information as to that work might be got from them, I had them before me. I learned that they were employed on the battery on the Point, which as yet was a trifling affair. There were only two guns there, though the work was laid out to be much. larger and to be heavily
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ory's three negroes before Gen. Butler at Fortress Monroe. take the negative. At any rate, Haggerts incidentally in a newspaper letter from Fortress Monroe of the same date of the Mallory incident:d have found a letter written that day at Fortress Monroe, after I had my interview with Major Caremy brother should be sent on after him to Fortress Monroe; but he was not an old campaigner, and dir in the following correspondence:-- Fortress Monroe, August 8, 1861. Col. Thomas A. Scott, Asin this department, exclusive of those at Fortress Monroe. His present command at Camps Butler a headquarters Department of Virginia, Fortress Monroe, Va., August 25, 1861. Special Order No. is attained the detachment will return to Fortress Monroe. Captain Tallmadge, chief quartermastejt.-Gen. Armed with the order we left Fortress Monroe at one o'clock on Monday, August 26. Therom me; and so I steamed night and day to Fortress Monroe. Reporting to General Wool, I got leav[13 more...]
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ht or early dawn attack, where there will be little marksman duty to perform. Most of the work will be done with the bayonet, and they are already handy with the old ones. There was a small negro church called Little Bethel which stood in advance of Great Bethel a short distance. That was in no way fortified, and sheltered a few men. I could not go with the command myself and it was not proper that I should; but I selected as commander my officer next in rank, General Pierce, of Massachusetts. I very much wished to devolve the command on Colonel Phelps as certainly the more competent officer, but there were unfortunately one or two colonels outranking him that were no more qualified than General Pierce, and I did not like to do these officers an apparent injustice. Besides I did not deem the enterprise at all difficult. Newport News was nearer Bethel, and my proposition was that the regiment there should start later than the two regiments from Camp Hamilton, and that at
Clark (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
rieved at all; that I would beat Scott at his own game, as indeed I was already prepared to do; that he had sent Wool down without any instructions; that Wool could not go anywhere or do anything; that Wool did not like Scott any better than Scott did me; that Wool wanted all the work done by some one else while he had a nice place in the camp, and I wanted to do all the work I could do and have somebody else take the responsibility. I had been watching the building of Fort Hatteras and Fort Clark. I had had some loyal North Carolinians for many weeks in the forts at work, and I proposed, as soon as I could, to take the forts, for they were very important. But it would be of no more use for me to ask Scott for any troops with which to do it than it would be to attempt to fly. No, he would not even let me take the troops I had or any part of them. Therefore, as soon as General Wool got fairly in his saddle, I explained to him these matters about the forts at Hatteras, and the gr
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
and carrying a musket. His father was a warm friend of mine and I took his son in my charge when I first started, using him as a sort of private secretary to take care of my papers and copy some of them. I afterwards appointed. him a lieutenant when I raised my troops for the New Orleans expedition. He went down there with me, became a very efficient officer, distinguished for bravery and dash, and in two years was made a brigadier-general for his defence of one of the forts on the Mississippi River against a very superior force of the enemy. He was avery level-headed gentleman in every particular. I think I left him in the Department of the Gulf as a lieutenant-colonel. There his promotions were got under other commanders. Yet in the evening of that day at Great Bethel, after I had spent several hours hearing all sorts of stories, he came into my office and said:-- General, do you want me to tell you anything of the fight up at Great Bethel? Yes, I do, said I; I have he
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
was attempted to be commanded by a slight fortification some half a cannon-shot distance beyond. Col. D. H. Hill, of North Carolina, held it with five hundred men. Our negro scouts reported them two thousand in number, and they really thought there thousand men, in conjunction with the navy, we could do much on this coast to bring back from Virginia the troops of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; but the arrangements should be left to Commodore Stringham and myself. I do not think lowed to go out with side arms and the men without arms to retire. S. Barron, Commanding Naval Defences Virginia and North Carolina. A verbal communication also was sent by Barron stating that he had 615 men in the fort and one thousand more witly what we did do, and with a very small force — less than one thousand men. By so doing we controlled the whole coast of North and South Carolina in the sounds, and held the water communication from Norfolk to Beaufort, South Carolina. Burnside's
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
me nobody else had done anything except to get soundly thrashed at Bull Run. Therefore I asked the President, as I had not been home since I ousand men, when there were really but eight hundred. And so at Bull Run. The entire Union force, sick and well, was 35,732 men; whereas tithout difficulty if they had chosen to come. Again, Bethel and Bull Run are alike in another thing: In Bethel our people retreated becausehey thought they saw large numbers of reinforcements coming up. At Bull Run our troops retreated in disorder and gave way because they saw thehe battle as a surprise reinforcement was the cause of the loss of Bull Run. Now, the reports on both sides show that Johnston evaded Patteder sent him on the 17th, and that he and all his army got down to Bull Run on the night of the 19th, and were in front of McDowell on the 20tt, so that slavery might be wiped out. Because if we had beaten at Bull Run, I have no doubt the whole contest would have been patched up and
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
? asked Major Carey. With the exception of an interruption at Baltimore, which has now been disposed of, travel of peaceable citizens thr Washington to get authority to buy some. He got it, and went to Baltimore and bought one hundred and twenty-five very good horses. Meanwhihe 24th of July that all my effective forces should be removed to Baltimore together with Colonel Baker. They had become so frightened at Washington that they supposed the secessionists of Baltimore would rise, while there was no more danger of it than there was of an outbreak at re never was at any time during the war so much of an outbreak at Baltimore as there was at Boston when the draft riots occurred; and that Boo do with up to that time, or, indeed, the army either, except at Baltimore and Annapolis. The President shook me very warmly by the hand, aortress Monroe; and by taking Hatteras I had atoned for capturing Baltimore and wiped out Big Bethel, all in a campaign of four months and fi
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
have stated to some officers with what readiness new volunteers go into action if called upon to act at once, I have had occasional doubt expressed, the doubters agreeing that they knew nothing on the subject. This has led me to examine the matter with considerable care, and I am confirmed in my opinion by the action of raw troops in several instances from my personal knowledge. But I think one of the very best illustrations I can give of the action of raw troops is in the case of a single Maine regiment, the First Maine Heavy Artillery, afterwards Eighteenth Maine. The regiment was raised and sent to Washington to guard the forts. It had never been in the field, nor heard a hostile shot. It was moved forward as fast as possible and joined Grant's army the night before the battle of Spottsylvania Court House. It went in eighteen hundred strong, and when it came out it was with a loss of four hundred and eighty-one killed and wounded, twelve of whom were officers, and five missin
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
d put to work in the service of the government. I promised to do what I could, and accordingly sent to you, next morning, a communication under flag of truce (the first I believe of the war), deeming that course advisable in view of the critical condition of affairs, and asked for a conference with you, which was promptly granted, 3.30 the same day and Mill Creek Bridge being named as the time and place of meeting. We met at the time and place appointed, and for several hours riding up Mill Creek to its head, and back again, via Buck Roe, by a slight detour to Fort Field Gate, we discussed many questions of great interest (to me at least), among them the return of fugitive slaves who had gone within your lines. I maintained the right of the master to reclaim them, as Virginia (so far as we knew) was a State of the Union; but you positively refused to surrender them (or any other property which might come into your possession), claiming that they were contraband of war ; and that a
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