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Pinos (Zacatecas, Mexico) (search for this): narrative 798
Cape de Cruz to Isla de Pinos.IF you sayle from Cape de Cruz to seeke the Island of Pinos, you must stir away Westnorthwest. And note, that if in this course you hales, having sight of them, stir away Northwest, and so shall you finde the Island of Pinos. And if by seeing the sayde Islands called Caimanes you are amazed, you sh if it bee by day; if it bee by night, West and by South, till you see the Island of Pinos. The markes of Isla de Pinos.THE Island of Pinos stretIsland of Pinos stretcheth it selfe East and West, and it is full of homocks, and if you chance to see it at full sea, it will shewe like 3. Islands, as though there were divers soundes all see the trees before you shall discerne the point. Directions from the Isle of Pinos to Cape de Corrientes.IF you saile from the foresayde Isle of Pinos to CapeIsle of Pinos to Cape de Corrientes, stir away West and by North; and before you come to the sayd Cape upon the Northside of you, you shall see certaine mountaines all full of homocks, w
Fayal (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 798
e, then put your selfe in what heigth you will, and make your way as you will your selfe. But if you passe the chanell in the Summer time towards Spaine, stir away Eastnortheast, and you shall passe by the North side of Bermuda ; and when you have brought your selfe in 35. degrees, stirre East and by North untill you bring your selfe to 25. degrees and 1/2, and from thence stir away East for the Isle of Fayal or of Flores . Markes to know the Isle of Fayal. THE Island called Fayal upon the Southwest side, maketh an high hill or loafe like to the top of Brasilla in the Island of Terzera; and behinde that high Pike or loafe is an harbour called Puerto Pini, and upon the East side it maketh a little plaine Island; and upon the North side there standeth a rocke or Island by it selfe. And from this Island being one of the Azores , you may shape your course to which of the Islands you please, or to any other place which you know. Markes to know the Isle of F
Almeria (Spain) (search for this): narrative 798
homockes of white sand, the Westermost being bigger then that on the Northeast. And by and by you shall perceive the water to change white which commeth out of the river, and sounding you shall finde sande mixed with clay upon your lead; and looke upon the West side, and you shall see the Sierras or mountaines of S. Paul, which are two, and that on the North side is higher then the other. Markes of Almeria.IF you should chance to fall or come upon the plaines of Almeria , it is a lande full of many homocks, some with tuftes of trees on them, and some bare with white sand, and in 60. fathoms you shall have clay or oaze, and in 30. fathom to the landward sand. And from thence to Punta de hidalgo or Punta delgada the coast lyeth Northeast and Southwest. Soundings of Villa rica.IF you fall with Villa Rica in 30. fathoms, you shall finde clay or oaze, and in some places stones, and neere the lande you shall have sand: and upon the port of
Cayo (Belize) (search for this): narrative 798
. And if night should come on you at this Cayo Romano, enter not the chanell, because in the mid way is an Isle, flat, or Cayo , which lyeth North and South with Cayo Romana, and it is called Cayo de la Cruz: and at full sea you shall discerne a heCayo de la Cruz: and at full sea you shall discerne a heath, which this Cayo hath in the midst of it, which is like to a saile; but al night beare but your foresaile a glasse one way and another glasse the other way untill it be day, and then enter the chanell, and leave these Cayos, on the larbourd sCayo hath in the midst of it, which is like to a saile; but al night beare but your foresaile a glasse one way and another glasse the other way untill it be day, and then enter the chanell, and leave these Cayos, on the larbourd side of you. Note, that if you bee within sight of the Parcel, and see two litle Islands of white sand, that then you are on the cantell of the Parcel: and if you goe more a head coasting the Parcell, about fifteene leagues, you shall see three Islancourse you must keepe twentie foure leagues or thereabout. And from this Cayo de Cruz sixe or seven leagues lyeth another Cayo upon the Northeast and by North, which is great and white, and all even: But the point on the Southwest is smaller, and u
Saintes (Belgium) (search for this): narrative 798
from the North to the South of it, as if it were two Islands. Markes of the Isle of Matalina, or Martinino.THE Isle of Matalina is high and full of mountaines, having in the midst thereof 3. homocks: the middlemost homocke being highest sheweth like the great bowle of an hat. And upon the North side it appeareth like three little Islands. And in this Island there are warlike Indians like those of Dominica . Markes of the three small Islands called Islas de Los Santos, or the Islands of Saintes. Los Santos are 3. Islandes lying one close by another upon the South side of Guadalupe . For to goe with S. Juan de Puerto rico you must stirre away Northwest, untill you fall with the Isle of Saba. Markes to know the Isle of Saba. SABA is a litle Island, and round about it you shall see the bottome; but feare not, for there is no danger but that which you shall see; and round about it, it maketh as it were certaine heapes of white sand; and by the side thereof
s lying one close by another upon the South side of Guadalupe . For to goe with S. Juan de Puerto rico you must stirre away Northwest, untill you fall with the Isle of Saba. Markes to know the Isle of Saba. SABA is a litle Island, and round about it you shall see the bottome; but feare not, for there is no dangeIsle of Saba. SABA is a litle Island, and round about it you shall see the bottome; but feare not, for there is no danger but that which you shall see; and round about it, it maketh as it were certaine heapes of white sand; and by the side thereof it sheweth like a Ship under saile: but follow that direction that I have given, and you shall see La virgin gorda. Markes to know the Isle called La virgin gorda. LA virgin gorda is an high IsSABA is a litle Island, and round about it you shall see the bottome; but feare not, for there is no danger but that which you shall see; and round about it, it maketh as it were certaine heapes of white sand; and by the side thereof it sheweth like a Ship under saile: but follow that direction that I have given, and you shall see La virgin gorda. Markes to know the Isle called La virgin gorda. LA virgin gorda is an high Island and round, and seeing it, you shall espie all the rest of the Virgines which lye East and West one from another, and are bare without any trees. You may goe about by them until you see the litle gray Island, which you shal see by it selfe by the Virgines; and comming neere to the sayd Island, over that you shall by and by rays
Santa Cruz (Morocco) (search for this): narrative 798
stirre away Southwest, seeking the sayde Port: and when you come to the entring within, you must stay till 10. of the clocke for the sea-turne. And know, that having the Loguilo at Southwest, then shall the Harbour be off you North and South. Directions from Monserate to Santa Cruz.HE that departeth from Monserate to Santa Cruz, must stirre away Westnorthwest : and by the same course you shall seaze upon S. Juan de Puerto rico. Markes to know the Isle of Santa Cruz. SANTA Cruz is an Island not very high, all full of homocks: and comming with it at full sea, it will shew like the Virgines : and upon the East side there are two homocks higher then all the rest. And by this course you may goe to the Isle of S. Juan de Peurto rico; and having found it, you may sayle along the South coast East and West, untill you come to Cabo Roxo. Markes to know Cape Roxo.CAPE Roxo is a low Cape and trayling to the sea-ward, having certaine heapes of broken
Cabo (Pernambuco, Brazil) (search for this): narrative 798
g to the sea-ward, having certaine heapes of broken ground thereon, which are like a homocke and at full sea the same sheweth like a litle Island from the land by it selfe, but comming neere unto it, it will make all a whole land. Directions from Cabo roxo to the Isle of Mona. IF you will seeke Mona from Cape roxo, you must stirre away West and by North. Markes of the Isle of Mona.THE Isle of Mona is a low, round, and smooth Island, lying lowe by the sea, and full of trees:on. Now followeth the course and direction to saile from Passage on the Northeast part of S. Juan de Puerto rico, unto Havana , by the North side of the Isle of Hispaniola, and by The old chanell.IF you depart from S. Juan de Puerto rico to seeke Cabo del Enganno, you must stirre away Westnorthwest, and so shall you see a round heape or loafe in the sea, which lieth on the Southwest side of the gulfe of Semana; and from thence it beginneth about the hill of the Cape del Enganno, & this is the
n de Ullua.IF you depart from Roca partida or The cloven rocke for Sant Juan de Ullua, you must stir away Westnorthwest, and so shall you fetch or fall with the point of Anton Mislardo: and if you happen to sound upon The sunken rocks called Cabezas anegadas, you shall have black sand and 17. fathom water, and you shall bee but a league from the land, and if you bee 2. leagues from the land, you shall have 34. fathoms. The course from Sant Juan de Ullua in the bay of Mexico to Spaine in Europe .IF you depart from S. Juan de Ullua to Havana , you must stir away Northeast until you bring your selfe in 25. degrees, and from thence you must stir away East from the little Islands called Las Tortugas, untill you have the sounding of them; and if you finde white sande very small, you shall bee East and West with them, and if your sounding bee shellie ground and periwinkles, or small shelles or skales, then shall you be Northeast and Southwest, and the shelles or skales must bee red, and
Flores (Portugal) (search for this): narrative 798
east, and you shall passe by the North side of Bermuda ; and when you have brought your selfe in 35. degrees, stirre East and by North untill you bring your selfe to 25. degrees and 1/2, and from thence stir away East for the Isle of Fayal or of Flores . Markes to know the Isle of Fayal. THE Island called Fayal upon the Southwest side, maketh an high hill or loafe like to the top of Brasilla in the Island of Terzera; and behinde that high Pike or loafe is an harbour called Pueor Island by it selfe. And from this Island being one of the Azores , you may shape your course to which of the Islands you please, or to any other place which you know. Markes to know the Isle of Flores.IF you happen to fall with Flores first, by this you shall know it: the Island lyeth Northeast and Southsouthwest, and the West ende thereof maketh a rocke or cliffe like the cliffe of Tiburon; and comming neere the lande, you shall see two little Islands neere the point of the
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