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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Feb. 3, to March 6, 1864 [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, July 27, 1904.] (search)
Sherman's expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Feb. 3, to March 6, 1864 [from the New Orleans, la., Picayune, July 27, 1904.] By Gen. Stephen D. Lee. In July, 1863, the Confederacy was cut in two by the capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, including the Confederate garrison, composing the army of General Pemberton, which had been used to keep the Mississippi river closed to navigation, and to preserve communication between the States of the Confederacy on the east and west of the great river. At the close of the Vicksburg campaign, the river and its tributaries were almost in full and complete control of the Federal government, being protected so thoroughly from Cairo to New Orleans by the fleet of Admiral Porter, composed of heavy and light gunboats, that it was difficult for even an individual to get across. It was essentially free from annoyances, even of field batteries and riflemen on either bank. About the time of the surrender of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, General J
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
orses, the pick of the country, and ever since the Civil War, in that part of West Virginia the Imboden raid has been regarded the greatest calamity that ever befell their country. Results of the raid. The results of the Imboden raid, from a military standpoint were, to supply the meat rations of General Lee's Army, and on the strength supplied by some of those cattle the raid was made into Pennsylvania one month later, when the great battle of Gettysburg was fought the first week of July, 1863. The war records show another result was, General Benjamin S. Roberts was relieved of his command in Western Virginia, and General William Woods Averill was appointed in his place. The government at Washington was greatly displeased with General Roberts, principally because he had allowed all that valuable property to be captured and taken within the Confederate lines. Another result of the Imboden raid was the assembling in West Virginia of what was known as the Eighth Army Corps, unde
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
Aunt Lou, who hurried the children to a safe hiding place. When Dahlgren knocked at the doors of Sabot Hill, Mrs. Seddon came forward with that high, womanly spirit which characterized so many patriotic Southern women when all the men were absent at the front and their homes were in danger of the enemy's torch. The intrepid young officer, standing upon a wooden leg, and leaning upon a crutch (his leg had been amputated by reason of a wound in the ankle, received at Hagerstown, Md., in July, 1863), introduced himself as Colonel Dahlgren. Mrs. Seddon asked him if he was related to Admiral John A. Dahlgren. When the response came that he was a son of the admiral, the wife of the Confederate Secretary of War replied, Your father was an old beau of mine in my girlhood days when I was a schoolmate of your mother's in Philadelphia. This seemed to touch a tender chord, and the Colonel at once doffed his hat and promised Mrs. Seddon protection and immunity from harm for herself and prop
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarkable record of the Haskells of South Carolina. (search)
as Langdon Cheves Haskell, who served on the staff of General Maxey Gregg, later on the staff of General A. P. Hill, and surrendered at Appomattox as captain on the staff of Fighting Dick Anderson, of his own State. He married Miss Ella Wardlaw, of Abbeville, dying in 1886, and leaving three sons and one daughter, all adults. Charles Thompson Haskell was the second son, a captain in the First Carolina Regulars, and was killed on Morris Island when Gilmore landed to attack Charleston in July, 1863. He, happily, left no widow. The next was William Thompson Haskell. He was captain of Company H, First South Carolina volunteers, and died at the charge of that corps at Gettysburg while commanding under A. P. Hill. Alexander Cheves Haskell lived through the day of Appomattox. He was colonel of the Seventh South Carolina Cavalry, of ruddy record, and still lives at Columbia. His first marriage was one of the most touching romances of the war. Miss Rebecca Singleton was a dainty
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
, Third Arkansas and First Georgia Regiments, Infantry; brigade March, 1862, composed of Tenth, Twenty-third and Thirty-seventh Virginia Regiments, Infantry, Army of the Valley, August, 1862, brigade composed of Tenth, Twenty-third and Thirty-seventh Virginia and Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth Alabama Regiments, Infantry; August 9, 1862, to January, 1863, commanding division composed of Stonewall Brigade and brigades of Campbell and Stark; March, 1863, commanding District of Savannah, Ga.; July, 1863, commanding defenses and troops on Morris Island, S. C.; August, 1863, commanding at James Island, S. C.; February, 1864, commanding divisions in Florida composed of the brigades of Finegan, Colquitt, Wise and Page; May, 1864, commanding Seventh Military District, South Carolina; December, 1864, commanding District of South Carolina; January, 1865, commanding division composed of brigades of Elliott, Rhett and Anderson. James Barbour Terrill, major, Thirteenth Virginia Infantry, ——, 186
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Affidavit of Supervisors of Co. C, 149th regiment. Pa. Vols. (search)
of which was that in August, 1883, he met me at Gettysburg, where we spent a week together, this being the first time either of us had been on the ground since July, 1863. Jack so persistently stuck to his story of a recapture, that I began to wonder whether it could have taken place during my temporary absence from the line, 1883, that our regiment never crossed the pike; third, this glorious hero was, like Kensill, wounded and off the field before the 500th crossed the pike. In July, 1863, Sergt. Major Lyon, a tentmate and intimate friend of mine, who was then in Philadelphia, having been wounded July 1st, at the request and dictation of an offico. In July, 1884, I wrote to Lyon, then in New York, in relation to the claim made by Kensill; he forwarded to me the original M. S., which he had written in July, 1863, this also I still have in my possession. Lyon died at the Home of Incurables in Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1898; while he was an inmate of that institution, I f
t the beginning of the war, IV., 16-38; American, IV., 13 seq., 17 seq., 19; history of, from pre-revolutionary days to the end of the Civil War, IV., 18 seq.; reorganization of regular, by Congress in 1833 and 1836, IV., 22; regular, the first United States, short history of, IV., 23; Depot, Gilsboro, D. C., IV., 33; exceptionally effective in the Gettysburg campaign, June 1–July 4, 1863, IV., 32, 34; of the war, most conspicuous instances of (1864-1865), IV., 34; depot of, established in July, 1863, IV., 33, 35; in winter quarters, IV., 36, 37; difficulties of equipping, organizing and instructing, at outbreak of war, IV., 48; foraging by, usual means of obtaining supplies, IV., 49; its organization and equipment, IV., 39-70; poor slowing of, in first two years of the war, IV., 48; Northern and Southern, efficiency of, compared, IV., 50, 52; quarter-master, perpetual motion of, IV., 51; volunteer regiments, armament of, IV., 52, 56, 58; water, necessity of, one of the greatest obstac
-ninth Massachusetts Regiments, and his brother Eugene H. Freeman, who was an engineer in the transport service, sons of Mr. J. D. Freeman. Warren H. joined Company A, 13th Mass. Regiment, in Maryland, on the third day after leaving home on Dec. 1, 1861, and his first letter from the army is dated Dec. 21. He was then engaged in campaigning in Virginia. Received a corporal's warrant some weeks before April 13, 1863, was made prisoner at Gettysburg, Pa, first day of the series of battles July, 1863, and afterward paroled; promoted to sergeant, warrant dated July 1, 1864; transferred to Co. A, 39th Regt., and discharged Sept. 13, 1864, in the field, by reason of no vacancies existing in the regiment to which he was assigned. The letters of Eugene H. are confined to matters on the Potomac River and its neighborhood. 324. Charles C. Haskell, age 25, Co. I, Sixtieth Regiment Infantry (one hundred days), July 23, 1864, credited to Boston. Drowned July 29, 1864, Readville. Buried her
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
this call the Federal armies were supplied with men during the entire fall of 1862, which was marked by so many sanguinary battles, and the third session of the Thirty-seventh Congress, which opened on the 1st of December, 1862, found these new soldiers already trained by the experience they had gone through. This session belongs to a period we have not yet touched upon; its most important work in a military point of view, the conscription law above alluded to, was enacted in the month of July, 1863; consequently, we shall not speak of it until after the great events which caused the American people to accept such a burden. We shall now proceed to the consideration of another subject, and point out, without entering into long details, the financial measures adopted by Congress during the first two years, in order to meet the enormous expenses of the war; the limits of this work will not allow us to comment upon this interesting subject at length. At the time of the presidential
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
d of eighty thousand men. As we have done in regard to the Federal army in order to find out the amount of force really assembled on the battlefield, we will deduct the number of mounted men, which was increased by Jenkins' and Imboden's forces, and reduced in the same proportion, Twelve hundred cavalrymen lost in the battles of Fleetwood, Aldie, Upperville, and Hanover, two hundred maimed or sick. making about eleven thousand men; and we may conclude that during the first three days of July, 1863, Lee brought from sixty-eight to sixtynine thousand men and two hundred and fifty guns These figures relate to the guns actually on the battlefield, deducting those attached to Stuart's command on the one hand and to Pleasonton's on the other. against the eighty-two or eighty-four thousand Unionists with three hundred guns collected on this battlefield. Meade had, therefore, from eighteen to nineteen thousand men more than his adversary—a superiority of nearly one-fourth, which, unfort
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