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Jacob Weddle (search for this): chapter 26
George Crook. first division: Colonel Joseph Thoburn. first brigade: Colonel George D. Wells. Thirty-Fourth Massachusetts, Major Harrison W. Pratt. Fifth New York Heavy Artillery, Second Battalion, Major Caspar Urban. One Hundred and Sixteenth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas F. Wildes. One Hundred and Twenty-third Ohio, Captain John W. Chamberlin. Second brigade: Guarding trains, and not engaged in the battle. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert S. Northcott. First West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Weddle. Fourth West Virginia, Captain Benjamin D. Boswell. Twelfth West Virginia, Captain Erastus G. Bartlett. Third brigade: Colonel Thomas M. Harris. Twenty-third Illinois (battalion), Captain Samuel A. Simison. Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania (1), Lieutenant-Colonel John P. Linton Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania (2), Major Enoch D. Yutzy. Tenth West Virginia, Major Henry H. Withers. Eleventh West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel Van H. Bukey. Fifteenth West Virginia, Major John W. Holliday. Sec
Harvey Farabee (search for this): chapter 26
ant Gustavus Urban. Second division:[From Department of West Virginia.] Brigadier-General William W. Averell. first brigade: Colonel James N. Schoonmaker. Eighth Ohio (detachment), Colonel Alpheus S. Moore. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (1), Captain Ashbell Duncan. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (2), Captain William W. Miles. Twenty-second Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew J. Greenfield. Second brigade: Colonel Henry Capehart. First New York, Major Timothy Quinn. First West Virginia, Major Harvey Farabee. Second West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Hoffman. Third West Virginia, Major John S. Witcher. artillery: Fifth United States, Battery L, Lieutenant Gulian V. Weir. Third division: Brigadier-General James H. Wilson. first brigade: (1) Brigadier-General John B. Mcintosh. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel George A. Purington. First Connecticut, Major George O. Marcy. Third New Jersey, Major William P. Robeson, Jr. Second New York, Captain Walter C. Hull. Fifth New York, Major
August Hourand (search for this): chapter 26
cavalry: Brigadier-General Alfred T. A. Torbert. escort: First Rhode Island, Major William H. Turner, Jr. first division: Brigadier-General Wesley Merritt. first brigade: Brigadier-General George A. Custer. First Michigan, Colonel Peter Stagg. Fifth Michigan, Major Smith H. Hastings. Sixth Michigan, Colonel James H. Kidd. Seventh Michigan, Major Melvin Brewer. Twenty-fifth New York, Major Charles J. Seymour. Second brigade: Colonel Thomas C. Devin. Fourth New York (1), Major August Hourand. Fourth New York (2), Major Edward Schwartz. Sixth New York, Major William E. Beardsley. Ninth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel George S. Nichols. Nineteenth New York (First Dragoons), Colonel Alfred Gibbs. Seventeenth Pennsylvania, Major Coe Durland. reserve brigade: Colonel Charles R. Lowell, Jr. Second Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel Casper Crowninshield. Sixth Pennsylvania, At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged in the battle. Major Charles L. Leiper. First United States
Aaron W. Ebright (search for this): chapter 26
eventh Pennsylvania, Colonel John W. Schall. Tenth Vermont (1), Major Edwin Dillingham. Tenth Vermont (2), Captain Lucius T. Hunt. Second brigade: Colonel J. Warren Keifer. Sixth Maryland (1), Colonel John W. Horn. Sixth Maryland (2), Captain Clifton K. Prentiss. Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, Major Charles Burgess. One Hundred and Tenth Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Otho H. Binkley. One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio, Colonel Wm. H. Ball. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron W. Ebright. One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio (2), Captain George W. Hoge. Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania, Lieutenant John F. Young. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (1), Colonel Matthew R. McClennan. One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Pennsylvania (2), Major Lewis A. May. artillery brigade: Colonel Charles H. Tompkins. Maine Light Artillery, Fifth Battery (E), Captain Greenleaf T. Stevens. Massachusetts Light Artillery, First Battery (A), Captain Wm. H. McCartney. New York Light Art
Joseph E. Hamblin (search for this): chapter 26
t brigade: Lieutenant-Colonel Edward L. Campbell. Fourth New Jersey, Captain Baldwin Hufty. Tenth New Jersey, Major Lambert Boeman. Fifteenth New Jersey, Captain William T. Cornish. Second brigade: (1) Brigadier-General Emory Upton. (2) Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Second Connecticut Heavy Artillery, Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie. Sixty-fifth New York (1), Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Sixty-fifth New York (2), Captain Henry C. Fisk. One Hundred and Twenty-first New York, Captain John D. P. Douw. NineColonel Joseph E. Hamblin. Sixty-fifth New York (2), Captain Henry C. Fisk. One Hundred and Twenty-first New York, Captain John D. P. Douw. Ninety-fifth and Ninety-Sixth Pennsylvania, Guarding trains, and not engaged in the battle. Captain Francis J Randall. Third brigade: (1) Colonel Oliver Edwards. (2) Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. Thirty-seventh Massachusetts, Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Montague. Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Baynton J. Hickman. Eighty-second Pennsylvania, Colonel Isaac C. Bassett. One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Gideon Clark. Second Rhode Island (battalion), Captain E
Erastus D. Holt (search for this): chapter 26
ant-Colonel Amasa S. Tracy. Superintended a portion of the line. Second Vermont, Major Enoch E. Johnson. Third and Fourth Vermont, Major Horace W. Floyd. Fifth Vermont, Captain Addison Brown, Jr. Sixth Vermont, Captain Martin W. Davis. Eleventh Vermont (First Heavy Artillery), Major Aldace F. Walker. Third brigade: Brigadier-General Daniel D. Bidwell. Seventh Maine, Major Stephen C. Fletcher. Forty-third New York, Major Charles A. Milliken. Forty-ninth New York (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel Erastus D. Holt. Seventy-seventh New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Winsor B. French. One Hundred and Twenty-second New York, Major Jabez M. Brower. Sixty-first Pennsylvania (battalion) (1), Captain Charles S. Greene. Sixty-first Pennsylvania (battalion) (2), Captain David J. Taylor. Third division: Brigadier-General James B. Ricketts. first brigade: Colonel William Emerson. Fourteenth New Jersey (1), Major Peter Vredenburgh. Fourteenth New Jersey (2), Captain Jacob J. Janeway. One Hundred and
Terence Reilly (search for this): chapter 26
Taylor. Second United States, Batteries B and L, Captain Charles H. Peirce. Second United States, Battery D, Lieutenant Edward B. Williston. Second United States, Battery M,[At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged In the battle.] Lieutenant Carle A. Woodruff. Third United States, Batteries C, F, and K,[At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged In the battle.] Captain Dunbar R. Ransom. Fourth United States, Batteries C and E,[At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged In the battle.] Lieutenant Terence Reilly. moved at 3 o'clock that morning. The plan was for Torbert to advance with Merritt's division of cavalry from Summit Point, carry the crossings of the Opequon at Stevens's and Lock's fords, and form a junction near Stephenson's depot, with Averell, who was to move south from Darksville by the Valley pike. Meanwhile, Wilson was to strike up the Berryville pike, carry the Berryville crossing of the Opequon, charge through the gorge or cafion on the road west of the stream, an
Alpheus S. Moore (search for this): chapter 26
ninshield. Sixth Pennsylvania, At Pleasant Valley, Md., and not engaged in the battle. Major Charles L. Leiper. First United States, Captain Eugene M. Baker. Second United States (1), Captain Theophilus F. Rodenbough. Second United States (2), Captain Robert S. Smith Fifth United States, Lieutenant Gustavus Urban. Second division:[From Department of West Virginia.] Brigadier-General William W. Averell. first brigade: Colonel James N. Schoonmaker. Eighth Ohio (detachment), Colonel Alpheus S. Moore. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (1), Captain Ashbell Duncan. Fourteenth Pennsylvania (2), Captain William W. Miles. Twenty-second Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew J. Greenfield. Second brigade: Colonel Henry Capehart. First New York, Major Timothy Quinn. First West Virginia, Major Harvey Farabee. Second West Virginia, Lieutenant-Colonel John J. Hoffman. Third West Virginia, Major John S. Witcher. artillery: Fifth United States, Battery L, Lieutenant Gulian V. Weir. Third div
Addison Brown (search for this): chapter 26
o. B. Hamilton. Ninety-third Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel John S. Long. Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel John B. Kohler. One Hundred and Second Pennsylvania, Major James H. Coleman. One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Pennsylvania, Major Robert Mullroe. Second brigade: Colonel James M. Warner. Lieutenant-Colonel Amasa S. Tracy. Superintended a portion of the line. Second Vermont, Major Enoch E. Johnson. Third and Fourth Vermont, Major Horace W. Floyd. Fifth Vermont, Captain Addison Brown, Jr. Sixth Vermont, Captain Martin W. Davis. Eleventh Vermont (First Heavy Artillery), Major Aldace F. Walker. Third brigade: Brigadier-General Daniel D. Bidwell. Seventh Maine, Major Stephen C. Fletcher. Forty-third New York, Major Charles A. Milliken. Forty-ninth New York (battalion), Lieutenant-Colonel Erastus D. Holt. Seventy-seventh New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Winsor B. French. One Hundred and Twenty-second New York, Major Jabez M. Brower. Sixty-first Pennsylvania (battalion) (1
A. Lincoln (search for this): chapter 26
neral Rodes being of the killed, while Generals Fitzhugh Lee and York were severely wounded. We captured five pieces of artillery and nine battle-flags. The restoration of the lower valley — from the Potomac to Strasburg — to the control of the Union forces caused great rejoicing in the North, and relieved the Administration from further solicitude for the safety of the Maryland and Pennsylvania borders. The President's appreciation of the victory was expressed in a despatch so like Mr. Lincoln that I give a fac-simile of it to the reader. This he supplemented by promoting me to the grade of brigadier-general in the regular army, and assigning me to the permanent command of the Middle Military Department, and following that came warm congratulations from Mr. Stanton and from Generals Grant, Sherman, and Meade. The battle was not fought out on the plan in accordance with which marching orders were issued to my troops, for I then hoped to take Early in detail, and with Crook'
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