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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 7 (search)
Roster of troops. for revised roster see Addenda.—Ed. Federal army of the Potomac (July, 1863). commander-in-chief, Major-General George G. Meade. Brigadier-general Patrick, provost-guard. Benham, engineer brigade. Tyler, artillery reserve. 1st brigade, Major McGilvery. 2d brigade—— ——. 3d brigade—— ——. 150 cannon. First corps. Major-General J. F. Reynolds. 1st division, Major-general Wadsworth. 1st brigade, Meredith, 19th Ind., 24th Mich., 2d, 6th, 7th Wis. (Iron brigade). 2d brigade Cutler, 56th Pa., 14th, 76th, 95th, 147th N. Y. 2d division, Brigadier-general Robinson. 1st brigade, Paul, 94th, 104th N. Y., 107th Pa., 16th Me. 2d brigade Baxter, 83d N. Y., 2d Mass., 88th, 90th Pa. 3d division, Major-general Doubleday. 1st brigade, Rowley, 20th N. Y., 121st, 142d Pa. 2d brigade Stone, 142d, 149th, 150th Pa. (Bucktails). 3d brigade Stannard, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Vt. Corps artillery, 28 cannon. Second co
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
tillery. Captain Thomas E. Jackson's battery appears on return for July 31, 1863, as in the cavalry division, but it is not mentioned in reports of the campaign. Major R. F. Beckham. Breathed's Maryland Battery. Chew's Virginia Battery. Griffin's 2d Maryland Battery. Hart's South Carolina Bat. (Washington Art.). McGregor's Virginia Battery. Moorman's Virginia Battery. Itinerary of the army of the Potomac and Co-operating forces in the Gettysburg campaign, June and July, 1863. Compiled under the direction of Brigadier-general Richard C. Drum, Adjutant-general U. S. Army, by Joseph W. Kirkley, of the Adjutant-general's Office. June 5. the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major-general Joseph Hooker, was posted on the north bank of the Rappahannock River, confronting the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, under General R. E. Lee, mainly concentrated about the town of Fredericksburg, on the south bank of the river. The several corps of the Army of t
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
alla riva Si volge alla acqua perigliosa, e guata; Cosi l'animo mio, cha ancor fuggiva, Si volse 'ndietro a rimirar lo passo Che no lascio giammai persona viva. . . . . As he, who, with distressful breath, Forth issued from the sea upon the shore, Turns to the water perilous and gazes; So did my soul that still was fleeing onward, Turn itself back to re-behold the pass Which never yet a living person left. Longfellow's Translation. The people of the Northern States in the early days of July, 1863, could thus cast a long retrospective look at the experiences which they had just encountered, like the shipwrecked voyager who, landing upon the shore, turns to glance at the angry billows which break impotent at his feet. The events which closely followed the twofold victory at Gettysburg and Vicksburg enabled the North to take in the whole extent of the misfortunes that would have befallen them if Lee had planted his flag upon the slopes of Cemetery Hill and Johnston had succeeded in
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
. Hambrick. 7th AlabamaCol. J. C. Malone. 51st AlabamaCapt. M. L. Kirkpatrick. Second Brigade 1st GeorgiaCol.—. J. J. Morrison was colonel in October, 1863. 2d GeorgiaLieut.-col. F. M. Ison. 3d GeorgiaLieut.-col. R. Thompson. 4th GeorgiaCol. J. W. Avery. 6th GeorgiaCol. John R. Hart. F. C. Armstrong's division. First Brigade. 4th TennesseeLieut.-col. P. F. Anderson. 5th TennesseeCol. George W. McKenzie. 8th TennesseeCol.—. G. G. Dibrell was colonel in July, 1863. 9th [19th?] TennesseeCol. J. B. Biffle. 10th TennesseeCol. N. N. Cox. Second Brigade. 1st Kentucky BattalionLieut.-col. E. F. Clay. 2d Kentucky BattalionMaj. Tenney. 6th Confederate BattalionMaj. A. L. McAfee. 27th Virginia BattalionMaj. S. P. McConnell. J. H. Kelly's division. First Brigade. 1st ConfederateCapt. C. H. Conner. 3d ConfederateCol. W. N. Estes. 8th ConfederateLieut.-col. John S. Prather. 10th ConfederateCol. Chas. T. Goode. Second Brig
ury notes, which must sink to depreciated money. The remaining fifty millions the Secretary of the Treasury has been unable to negotiate. There is now a floating debt, audited and unaudited, of one hundred and thirty millions. The daily expenses of the Government are now about two millions. To carry us on till the next meeting of Congress will take six hundred millions more, making about seven hundred millions to be provided for. But as this Congress must provide for appropriations to July, 1863. seven months more must be added to these expenses. That would require four hundred and twenty millions, which, added to the amount before estimated, makes eleven hundred millions. If the first seven hundred millions is forced on the market. I have no doubt that the bonds would sell as low as sixty per cent, as in the last year; and even then, it would be found impossible to find payment in coin. But a large part must be accepted in the depreciated notes of non-specie paying banks. If
ed that if the Mayor ced their $2,500,000 exemption appropriation they would pass the bill over his veto. Archbishop Hughes made a speech at his residence on Saturday to a crowd of several hundred persons, in which he warned them not to engage in rioting, and abused England. The papers publish a list of 86 rioters who have been buried. The arrest of rioters has already commenced. The following is a special order from Gov. Seymour: Temporary Hdq'rs St Nicholas Hotel. New York City July 1863. Special Order, No. 17.--A sufficient force of the National Guard of the State having arrived in this city to enable the civil authorities to maintain the public peace and enforce order, the Commander-in Chief directs that the several citizen volunteer organizations formed under his authority for the emergency, be relieved from further duty. The persons in command of the several detachments of citizen volunteers to whom arms have been furnished, upon the order of the Governor, a
t abroad. In my last regular communication to you I embraced the occasion to refer to the condition of the finances of the State, and accompanied the reference with some suggestions as to the best mode of extinguishing our indebtedness. This portion of the message has been made the subject of comment in England, and imputations have been cast upon Virginia impugning her character for honor and integrity. The only specification is that her interest for July, 1862, and for January and July, 1863, remains unpaid. This is seized upon as a pretext for a violent and ill natured assault upon her and the institution of slavery by a leading British statesman.--This speech is made the pretext for an editorial assault by the London Times, which is in much the same vain. These gentlemen ought to know (if indeed they do not know) that, under the most serious embarrassments, the State paid two installments of interest since the war has been in progress; and assurances have doubtless bee
0 male slaves between the ages of 18 and 45 years, to be placed in the Confederate States Army in the capacity of teamsters, cooks for our soldiers, waiters in hospitals, laborers on fortifications, and in such other capacity as they can be profitably employed. Agreed to. Also, a resolution that the President be requested, if compatible with the public interest, to transmit to this House the report of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, covering his operations in Mississippi during the months of May, June, and July, 1863. Agreed to. Mr. Smith, of N. C., introduced a bill to amend the act to levy taxes for the common defence and for the support of the Government, which was referred to the Committee on Currency. The Speaker laid before the House the bill passed by the Senate to repeal the act authorizing the reception of substitutes in the army. After some discussion, the bill was referred to the Military Committee, and ordered to be printed. On motion, the House adjourned.
e army; and here again his command was eminently successful, whilst the remainder of our forces were beaten. He drove the enemy with heavy loss for four miles without check, defeating double his numbers, as was shown by captured papers, and stopped only when the men were exhausted and no reinforcements could be had to meet the fresh lines of the enemy. The attack and success of the left wing at Murfreesboro', under Gen. Hardee, was one of the most signal achievements of the war. In July, 1863, after the army had fallen back from Tullahoma to Chattanooga, Gen. Hardee was ordered to Mississippi, and was engaged in reassembling the Vicksburg and Port Hudson prisoners until about the first of November, when he was ordered back to the Army of Tennessee. General Longstreet having been sent to Knoxville, Hardee was placed in command of the left wing, resting upon Lookout Mountain, and held this position until the evening of the 23d November, when, the right wing being threatened, he w
Important Decision. --We alluded some weeks since to the application of William T. Brooking for a discharge from the service on a writ of habeas corpus. The petitioner volunteered in 1861, and served regularly in the army, was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, in July, 1863.--While in the service he was elected as a Justice of the Peace in the county of Orange, and regularly qualified as such. On this qualification he applied for a discharge from the service. This was refused him. He then applied for a writ of habeas corpusbefore Judge Meredith, of this city. It was agreed by the counsel of Brooking, (John H. Gilmer, Esq.,) and the counsel for the Confederate States Government,(Messrs. T. Neeson and T. P. August,) that the merits of the case should be considered and decided on an argument for the application. The argument on the application was then heard fully on all the legal points, and the learned Judge awarded the writ, and yesterday, in Court, discharged Brooki
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