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ty of officers, among whom were General Schofield, Palmer, Thomas, Elliott, and Whipple, were standing in the open field to which I have refee struggle, should any come, I accompanied Lieutenant Shaw, of General Elliott's staff, towards the left. On the way we meet General Stanleyevisit the field in dreams Lieutenant Shaw, on the staff of General Elliott, Chief of Cavalry of the Department of the Cumberland, was verceased, and just as the sun was about to go down, Sherman, Thomas, Elliott, and other Generals came up to the summit of the height, and throuiscovered in time and prevented. To Lieutenant W. L. Shaw, of General Elliott's staff, the honor of the discovery belongs. From a hill uponnd him stood a large amount of rank-Thomas, Hooker, Palmer, Logan, Elliott, Sickles, Butterfield, and a small host of Major and Brigadier Gen was made between Schofield and the three infantry divisions under Elliott, commanded by Murray (Kilpatrick's division), Garrard, and Ed. McC
Frank A. Hall (search for this): chapter 24
el McIlvaine of the Sixty-fourth Ohio, and Lieutenant Ehler, same regiment, killed; Colonel Buckner, Seventy-ninth Illinois, wounded in the body; the gallant Major Boyd, Eighty-fourth Indiana, shot through both thighs; Captain Chamberlin and Lieutenant Hall, Sixty-fourth Ohio, slightly, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bullett, Third Kentucky, slightly. The Sixty-fourth was in the hottest of the desperate conflict for the possession of Rocky Face Ridge, and, led by the dauntless McIlvaine, it won the enthough not dangerously, of Company C, and Lewis Huddleston, slightly. They are all doing well. These are all the casualties in our brigade so far as I can learn. The enemy did not accomplish all this mischief with impunity. The gallant Lieutenant Hall emptied one saddle, and the brave Lieutenant Harris another. Lieutenant Harris also disabled one of the rebels by a blow on his head with a saber, and captured him. There was also a rebel Sergeant-Major taken prisoner. Whether the enemy su
Sixteeenth Illinois (search for this): chapter 24
ed moving to the attack in column, by regiments. From the hill, where Generals McPherson and Logan stood, the attacking column looked formidable. The whole force of the two brigades was deployed in front. The rebel column would strike in a few minutes. If it broke our line the position was gone and the brigades lost. Logan hurried along the front. It seemed but an instant when the whole rebel force made its assault upon the right of Giles A. Smith's brigade. The One Hundred and Sixteeenth Illinois, which was deployed as skirmishers, fell back, forming on the right and left of the Fifty-seventh Ohio. Colonel Froman had been wounded in crossing the creek. The rebel column, a portion of Hardee's corps, came boldly and steadily on. Colonel Rice reserved his fire until the rebels were within sixty yards, when he delivered a terrible fire straight in their faces. At the same time the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois and the right of General Wood's brigade changed front a little to
Chamberlin (search for this): chapter 24
fight. The loss of Newton's division (chiefly in Harker's brigade) on Rocky Face Ridge, was, up to last evening, one field and one line officer and fifteen men killed, and three line officers and thirty men wounded. Our casualties, I have just learned, include Colonel McIlvaine of the Sixty-fourth Ohio, and Lieutenant Ehler, same regiment, killed; Colonel Buckner, Seventy-ninth Illinois, wounded in the body; the gallant Major Boyd, Eighty-fourth Indiana, shot through both thighs; Captain Chamberlin and Lieutenant Hall, Sixty-fourth Ohio, slightly, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bullett, Third Kentucky, slightly. The Sixty-fourth was in the hottest of the desperate conflict for the possession of Rocky Face Ridge, and, led by the dauntless McIlvaine, it won the encomiums of all who witnessed its daring and intrepidity. Tuesday, May 10. The weather to-day was exceedingly unpropitious for active operations. Heavy showers of rain fell during the entire day, with short intermissions. Bu
James Kallaher (search for this): chapter 24
k and hotly pursued by a heavy line of the enemy across the open field, nobly contesting the ground, as they retreated before a superior force; and to increase the difficulty, our brave fellows had to file away to the right to get round said breastworks and rifle-pits. The Eleventh Kentucky cavalry had five killed on the spot, one mortally wounded, who died the ensuing night, one slightly, and two badly, though not dangerously, wounded. The names of the killed are E. Colvin, Company D; James Kallaher, Company B; Alex. Knight, Company I; Samuel Kidwell, Company D; John Smithy, Company H, and John Martin, mortally wounded and since died, of Company K. Brave fellows, they died in a noble cause. All honor to their memories. They are buried near the hospital in the vicinity of Kingston. Boards, with their names rudely carved upon them, mark the places where they sleep their last sleep. Samson Braydon, of the Sixth Tennessee infantry, a wagoner, was also mortally wounded, and died on
d to a fearful fire, the men left their guns, but not before they had lost thirty of their number in killed and wounded, and entered our line. No sooner did the Yankees perceive this than a fresh column of their troops was thrown rapidly forward, and uniting with that which had gone before, rushed on the abandoned guns with the hope of capturing them and carrying our line. Their anticipations were, however, foiled by the gallantry of the Third and Twentieth Tennessee, Colonels Walker and Saffel commanding. These noble men perceiving the intention of the I enemy, withheld their fire until the Yankee column had approached to almost an arm's length of the guns. when a volley, steady and accurate, was poured into the ranks of the foremost column. It broke and ran, having been fearfully cut up. The second column advanced over the bodies of their comrades, and endeavored to achieve what they failed to do. A second volley from the gallant Tennesseeans filled the ground with dead and wo
B. F. Scribner (search for this): chapter 24
determined to make a simultaneous advance this afternoon, and Colonel Scribner's brigade of Johnson's division, and Morgan's brigade of Davis of four or five guns, and they used them with good effect. Colonel Scribner's charge was characterized, as far as the troops are concernedce of commanders and the gratitude of the people. To say that Colonel Scribner himself bore his part unflinchingly, and evinced a clearness oright accompanied the brigade while charging, under command of Colonel Scribner, and was struck by a piece of shell in the head. There was un direct advance of ours upon Dalton; the fearless charge of Colonel B. F. Scribner across some open fields to the right of the gap, by which hnd musket balls flying thick as hail. Out of Wood's division, and Scribner's brigade of Johnson's division, which was supporting on the left,sist. The exact loss, so far as ascertained, of the division, and Scribner's brigade, which assisted on the left, was one thousand six hundre
give way. The enemy was firing shells and spherical case shot at our infantry and artillery, and after being hardly pressed by our skirmishers, had to withdraw their pieces. Our forces then took possession of the hills, and I posted three-inch Rodman guns of battery F, Second Missouri artillery, on a steep hill, about four hundred yards on the left of the main road, and opened fire with shells on the enemy's works, where he was busily engaged with working parties to finish his breastworks. Th Ohio opened on a piece of timber which was occupied by the enemy in force. Our skirmishers advanced then, and the Napoleons were obliged to cease firing, the left wing of our infantry having advanced in front of these pieces. The three-inch Rodman guns of battery F held their old position of the day before, and maintained a very annoying fire on the enemy. The twenty-pound Parrott guns of the Fourth Ohio battery did also very good execution during the day. In the afternoon all the artille
ng on the left, four hundred men fell in thirty minutes, when darkness happily intervened. Our lines had held their own stubbornly in the face of this terrible slaughter, but by ten in the evening were drawn back so that they could be supported by batteries which had in the meantime been planted. Here lay four hundred wounded and dead men in need of immediate care, and the ambulances and stretchers were three miles away, and the road between was very bad. Despite the best endeavors of Captain Tousley, Chief of Ambulance corps, who ordered up the whole corps at once, nearly a hundred men lay on the field all night. Those who could dragged themselves wearily along, with the aid of comrades, to the hospital. This number of wounded and killed were found on the field, and others may have been left in the retreat. Among the missing is Colonel Payne, of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio, who is either a prisoner or killed, and fallen into the hands of the rebels. Another painful l
Clem Landgraeber (search for this): chapter 24
ers holding commands, are Johnston, Hardee, Hood, Stevenson, Pat Cleburne and Gibson, Bates and Polk. Major Landgraeber's report. Report of the battalion of artillery of the First division, Fifteenth army corps, under command of Major C. Landgraeber, Second Missouri artillery and Chief of Artillery, of the part taken in the battle of Resacca, Georgia: The First division of the Fifteenth army corps marched on the morning of the thirteenth of May, 1864, from Snake Creek Gap, with a lite, battery F, Second Missouri artillery, and one man wounded; seven horses killed. The Fourth Independent Ohio battery fired two hundred and twenty-seven rounds; battery F, Third Missouri artillery, fired five hundred and sixty rounds. Clem Landgraeber, Major and Chief of Artillery. Another account. in the field near Resacca, May 16, 1864. At the close of my last letter the grand army was in position, confronting the rebel army, which had been in occupation of Northern Georgia
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