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until the Yankee army passed Lancaster Courthouse, was with the enemy in their march through Columbia and Winnsboro', and gives the Charlotte (North Carolina) Democrat an interesting account of their conduct in those places and on the line of march: There was no regular battle at Columbia — only slight skirmishing on the part of our cavalry. The enemy commenced marching into the city on Friday, the 17th, and very soon after the city was in flames. The conflagration extended from the capitol, on both sides of Main street, to Cotton Town, consuming about eighty squares of buildings. The old capitol, the Catholic convent, the court-house and jail, and the printing offices, were burnt, along with hundreds of other buildings. The new capitol, our informant thinks, was partially destroyed, though others say it was not injured because it would require a large amount of powder to blow it up. The South Carolina College buildings, and Lunatic Asylum escaped. It is said that the firin
lect Hon. Andy's speech to the assembled wisdom and virtue of the nation on the occasion of his being sworn in. We do not recollect any speech that seems to have created a like sensation except that of the red-nosed apostle of temperance, Rev. Mr. Stiggins, when he attended the "Ebenezer Branch" in a high state of inebriation, and invited several of the prominent friends of temperance to engage with him in single combat. The Army and Navy Gazette says that Mr. Johnson's "bearing at the capitol, 'trembling a little, probably, with excitement,' and his rather incoherent speech, 'which was scarcely audible on account of the noise in the galleries, ' have not escaped the reporters. And what is meant when, in public, a man utters platitudes, and makes those platitudes personal, and cannot help repeating those personal platitudes a great number of times, as if there were some magnetic attraction in the words — is very well known. We do not intend, of course, to intimate that high off
General Assembly of Virginia. The representative body of Virginia as she is, since her dismemberment by the withdrawal from her authority of the main part of her western territory, met in the capitol, in this city, on Monday last. We present a brief outline of its most important proceedings to the present time, in order that the Dispatch file may give a full history of the doings of the body. It has some most important subjects for deliberation, and its action upon them is regarded with very great anxiety. Monday, December 4. --In the Senate, upon the calling of the roll by Mr. R. F. Walker, Clerk of the last session, it appeared that there were twenty-four Senators present; absent, nine. In the absence of Lieutenant-Governor Leopold P. C. Cowper, on motion of Mr. Mercier, of Loudoun, Mr. Robinson, of Norfolk, was chosen Speaker pro tempore. Shelton C. Davis, for many years Clerk of the Senate, was again elected unanimously to that position upon his nomination b
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern representation — a Gleam of hope. (search)
We have not a doubt that the predominant feeling in the Northern heart to-day toward the South is a yearning for complete reconciliation. It would be a blessed influence upon the Southern people if they could truly know this. But they cannot know it, except through the words and actions of Northern Congressmen. Let those Representatives look well to it that they do not give occasion for a misconception of the real spirit of the North. They cannot long continue to keep the gates of the capitol barred against all Southern representation without producing upon the Southern mind a most mischievous impression, that the North means not to be reconciled, but to domineer and degrade. What harm can Southern representation do? Even supposing the worst, that it would be disaffected and factious, it would still form but a weak minority in either House; and even if it made an alliance with all the Democratic strength, the combined force would still be less than two-fifths of either bod
d to business. President's message. The special message transmitted yesterday by the President to Congress will gratify and reassure the whole country.--National Intelligencer. The late Hon. Thomas Corwin. The Postmaster-General will cause the remains of Mr. Corwin to be transmitted directly to Ohio, accompanied by some of his old intimate personal friends. The Ohio delegation, with other Congressmen, and others who were friends of the deceased, had a meeting to-day at the capitol concerning the subject of his demise, and funeral speeches were made by Chief Justice Chase, Senator Sherman, Davis, of Kentucky; Schenck, Secretary Seward and Johnson, of Maryland. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the funeral. Withdrawal of Provisional Governors. It is given out from an excellent quarter that in all of the Southern States where regular Governors have been elected, the Provisional Governors will be immediately withdrawn and their successors duly
r distribution throughout the Southern States. A caucus of Southern members. A caucus of all the Southern members now in the city was held evening before last, at which they resolved to go home and remain until after the 4th day of March, 1866. Privateers fitting out. It is reported that information has been received here of the fitting out of one, and probably two, Chilian privateers at New York. Mr. Botts and what he says. John M. Botts, of Virginia, visited the capitol this morning, and looked as hale and as hearty as when, more than twenty years ago, he slept in the same bed with John Tyler. He contends not only for the constitutionality, but for the necessity of the test oath which excludes the Southern members. [So says Mr. Forney. We should be pleased to learn that he has mistaken Mr. Bott's position.] Mr. Campbell's instructions. The Department of State has completed the instructions which it desires the Minister to Mexico to follow, and
ong remain so, time only could answer. But the people would risk it, and throwing off the "machinery of voting" and the dreaded hundred and fifty, betake themselves to their own affairs in a quiet and secure manner. They are in an excellent frame of mind to philosophize upon human government — to contrast the evils of the "one man power" and the rule of many men. Quite ready are they, no doubt, to try government in the retail way, having seen enough of its whole sale nature. Humanity in most phases in much more tolerable in homœpathic doses than in copious draughts. We look forward anxiously to the future Washington —— where there will be no voting--no electioneering — no bad speeches of corrupt politicians (except in the capitol)--and where the people will be quiet, orderly and well behaved — free from agitation and solicitation. They will enjoy the supreme felicity that many a persecuted voter has sighed for, from the bottom of his heart, viz.: (he) will have no vote
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