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s passage. The rules were suspended and the bill taken up for consideration. After some discussion the bill was postponed until Monday next, and made the special order in the morning hour. Mr. Villere, of La., offered a resolution that the President be requested to furnish this House with a copy of the proceedings of the Court of Inquiry in the case of Gen. Mansfield Lovell. Mr. Welsh, of Miss., introduced a bill to more effectually enforce General Order No. 105, issued in July, 1863, in reference to officers and employees in the Commissary and Quartermaster's Department. Mr. Smith, of N. C., introduced a bill amendatory of the act to put an end to substitution, approved January 6th, 1864, so that the bill shall not apply to producers who, previous to January 1st, 1864, were engaged in raising subsistence for man. The bill was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Miles, of S. C., offered a resolution requesting the President to communicate to th
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia.--a Proclamation. (search)
Running the blockade at Wilmington A semi official statement relative to running the blockade at Wilmington, N. C., shows that from January, 1863, to the 23d of October in the same year--ten months--ninety vessels ran into Wilmington. During last August one ran in every other day, making fifteen in that month. In one day, the 11th of July, four ran in, and on the 19th of October last five came safely through the blockaders. At Charleston, during the six months ending in July, 1863, forty-three steamers ran in safely. These facts have been made public in Europe, though it is not at all likely that they will open the eyes of those who are determined not to see.
The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Re-enlisting for the War in General Lee's army. (search)
ew York Herald, of Tuesday last, the 26th inst. We give a summary of the news contained: Congressional. On Monday the proceedings were monopolized by Mr. Sumner's resolution for making Senator Bayard, of Delaware, take the oath. It was passed — ayes 27, noes 11. The Committee on the Judiciary were discharged from the consideration of the resolutions of Mr. Davis, and also from the consideration of the resolution to expel Mr. Davis. Mr. Sumner presented a bill to amend the act of July, 1863 prescribing an oath of office. This was referred. In the House of Representatives, on the same day, a resolution instructing the Military Committee to report a bill providing for an increase of pay to the soldiers of the army was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The bill reviving the grade of lieutenant general, to be bestowed upon major generals most distinguished for courage, energy, and skill, was reported back by the Military Committee, and its consideration postpo
The Daily Dispatch: February 2, 1864., [Electronic resource], The opening of 1864--foreign opinions. (search)
t some peculiarly audacious partisans of the Federal cause have lately set down to its credit. They say that the Confederacy now holds only one-half of the territory it claims. The answer is simply that this is utterly untrue. In the "claim," of course, are included Missouri and Kentucky, of which the Confederate Government never held possession, and of which the North will not keep possession when once it is defeated in its main object. Of the eleven States represented at Richmond in July, 1863, only one has been temporarily reduced under Federal rule, or rather occupied by Federal armies. Since the outbreak of the war the South has lost Tennessee and a fragment of Arkansas, a little portion of riverside territory in Louisiana, and isolated positions in Florida and the Carolinas. The Federal occupy posts in Mississippi, but that is all. Northern Virginia is simply a devastated battle field, of which the North cannot be said to have possession. For all practical purposes te
On Wednesday last pamphlet copies of the correspondence between the President and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, together with that of the Secretary of War and the Adjutant and Inspector General, during the months of May, June, and July, 1863, which was submitted in response to a resolution of the House adopted on the 11th of January, were distributed among the members. This correspondence is quite voluminous, embracing as it does over sixty pages, and covering all the letters and telegrams which passed between the Executive and Gen. Johnston, from the time the latter was assigned to the command of the army in Mississippi until the 31st of July, nearly one month after the fall of Vicksburg. In the early part of the correspondence, the President urged upon Gen. Johnston the necessity of making an effort for the relief of the garrison in Vicksburg, and on the 24th of May he sent him the annexed dispatch, which was in response to one from Gen. J., expressing confidence in Gen. Pemb
nder Fremont. He was a son of Admiral Dahlgren. Recounting his exploits, his biographer says: He took a prominent part at Chancellorsville, and was selected to run the gauntlet of rebel rifles between Falmouth and Kelley's, a distance of 25 miles, to communicate with Gen. Stoneman the morning his command reached that place, returning from the well known raid to the vicinity of Richmond and in rear of Lee's army. When the enemy made their second move into Maryland, in June and July, 1863, Captain Dahlgren was still doing duty at the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac. He solicited permission to take one hundred men and pass round the enemy and cutting his line of communications by destroying the pontoon bridges across the Potomac near Williamsport and Falling Water — Not fully appreciating the energy of the man, his project was considered too hazardous; but, finally, he was allowed to take ten men. With this small command he destroyed the enemy's pontoons, and return
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Italian conspiracy against Napoleon — official Accusation of Mazzini as the "Head of the Plot." (search)
een hundred francs with Greco. He next sent him one thousand francs from London, and again two thousand francs in bank notes. At the same time he collected arms. Greco received ten bombs, revolvers and poignards, through various Mazzinian agents, and particularly through a person named Mostet, of Genoa. Finally, Greco selected, with the approbation of Mazzini, the comrades who were to accompany him to France. He had already secured the assistance of Imperatori. Being at Milan in July, 1863, where he was known as possessing the confidence of Mazzini, he had a visit from Natale Imperatori, who had been one of Garibaldi's companions in the expedition of Marsala in 1859, and for that reason was in the receipt of the pension of "the Thousand." Imperatori announced himself as the originator of the plan to make an attempt on the life of the Emperor of the French. Greco and he met at Lugano in the month of September. Imperatori persisting in his determination, Greco requested him
arm of service, are to be exchanged or paroled in ten days from the time of their capture, if it be practicable to transfer them to their own lines in that time; if not, as soon thereafter as practicable. From the date of the cartel until July, 1863, the Confederate authorities held the excess of prisoners. During that interval, deliveries were made as fast as the Federal Government furnished transportation. Indeed, upon more than one occasion I urged the Federal authorities to send incrxcess. On the other hand, during the same time, the cartel was openly and notoriously violated by the Federal authorities. Officers and men were kept in cruel confinement, sometimes in irons or doomed cells, without charges or trial. In July, 1863, the enemy, for the first time since the adoption of the cartel, held the excess of prisoners. As soon as that fact was ascertained, whenever a delivery was made by the Federal authorities they demanded an equal number in return. I endeavored
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