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ndergrowth, which covers the whole face of the ground, prevents the lines from seeing each other till very close, consequently many of the wounds are very severe. About a hundred may be set down as the day's losses along a front of three miles. May 27. The expectations of the day before were not destined to be realized, for operations on both sides were confined to a desultory artillery practice, fortifying and manoeuvring into better positions. McPherson was expected to have closed up theth planted which replied to the enemy's fire, and occasional shells were pitched into our camp all night, though the enemy has not attempted anything since upon the left. This affair, it will be remembered, occurred on the evening of the twenty-seventh of May. On the evening of the next day they made a similar attempt to turn our right flank, under McPherson. About half-past 4 in the afternoon, after having vigorously shelled our position for three-quarters of an hour, they made a simultaneo
is halted, and the extreme rear is hurried to the front, which is thus kept constantly fresh. Night put an end to the firing, but all night trains and ambulances and artillery were rumbling to and fro, troops were marching into line, and everything gave promise of stern work on the morrow. But it did not come. The woods were thick, the fortifications had all to be built, the lines of troops were immensely long, winding off to the left and right into their places, and so the whole of May twenty-six passed away, and nothing was accomplished save getting into position. But this was much, far more than one who has not seen it with his own eyes can believe. A continuous front of many miles in extent, in dense forests, over creeks and hills and valleys, with only a few rugged and narrow parallel roads, out of which to deliver the huge masses of men and guns, is not the creation of an hour, nor of a day. But during the night a part of the Fourth corps had come up and gone in to the lef
May 17th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 24
der to his Provost Marshal-General, directing the immediate arrest of a spy, one Benjamin F. Taylor, his trial by drum-head court-martial, and execution. This order resulted in the withdrawal of Mr. Taylor, and the abrupt termination of his series of delicious letters. Our losses to date, foot up about eight hundred. The wounded have all been removed to Chattanooga, and are well cared for. We have lost a few prisoners and captured about twenty. Another account. Resacca, Ga., May 17, 1864. Notwithstanding the defiant boast of the haughty Georgians, while yet their valleys resounded with the war tocsin's first appeal, that her mountains should be slaughter pens for presumptuous invaders, and their rugged heights should smoke with the sacrifice of Federal troops, should their footsteps ever press her sod, one of the mightiest armies that ever trod the earth now sleeps upon her fairest fields, feeds from her granaries, lays waste her harvests, strolls through and occupies
o rebel brigades of infantry. The charge was led by Colonel La Grange, of the First Wisconsin cavalry, who, everybody agrees, is one of the bravest of the brave brigade commanders of cavalry. After frequent assaults upon the wall of rebel infantry, our cavalry was repulsed, Colonel La Grange captured, after two horses were shot under him, and a large portion of the command wounded or captured, including Captain Starr, of the Second Indiana, who escaped from his captors, and came in. Wednesday, May 11. Wednesday broke damp and chilly, but the rain cleared off before it had deluged the roads sufficiently to retard operations. The army was now in position — that is, in its first position. It coiled round the Chattanooga or Buzzard Roost Mountains like a huge snake, and was pushed so close to the enemy's intrenchments that a few yards, more or less, became a matter of infinite importance to life and limb. No movement is visible anywhere this afternoon. The smoke drifts off laz
regiment, killed; Colonel Buckner, Seventy-ninth Illinois, wounded in the body; the gallant Major Boyd, Eighty-fourth Indiana, shot through both thighs; Captain Chamberlin and Lieutenant Hall, Sixty-fourth Ohio, slightly, and Lieutenant-Colonel Bullett, Third Kentucky, slightly. The Sixty-fourth was in the hottest of the desperate conflict for the possession of Rocky Face Ridge, and, led by the dauntless McIlvaine, it won the encomiums of all who witnessed its daring and intrepidity. Tuesday, May 10. The weather to-day was exceedingly unpropitious for active operations. Heavy showers of rain fell during the entire day, with short intermissions. But, notwithstanding this, the eagerness of our troops to advance was unabated, I might say increased, for at an early hour the news of General Grant's splendid victory over Lee spread from camp to camp, and along the whole line the shout of joy was carried until the valley rang with loud huzzas, to which frowning Rocky Face, that stern
May 16th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 24
Independent Ohio battery fired two hundred and twenty-seven rounds; battery F, Third Missouri artillery, fired five hundred and sixty rounds. Clem Landgraeber, Major and Chief of Artillery. Another account. in the field near Resacca, May 16, 1864. At the close of my last letter the grand army was in position, confronting the rebel army, which had been in occupation of Northern Georgia. The flanking movement had been well and skilfully made, a road secured for supplies and the movemd, and the battle which he made on the fifteenth, at different points, it could not have been less than forty thousand. Prisoners claim that it was sixty thousand. A Southern account. in the field near Calhoun, Ga., Monday afternoon, May 16, 1864. The army having settled down for a while, I avail myself of the opportunity offered to give a full account of the battle of Oostenaula, between the entire Yankee army and the divisions of Hindman, Stevenson, and Stewart, of Hood's corps —
with determined valor upon the heads of our columns as they were debouching into the plain, he might have inflicted upon us a heavy loss, and given us a world of trouble. But he was busy strengthening his defences at Resacca. All the operations of our army were covered with consummate skill by the cavalry, and it may be the enemy did not even know our infantry was through the gap, until a corps or two was in line of battle upon the eastern side. Early on the morning of Friday, the thirteenth of May, preparations were made to advance towards Resacca. General Kilpatrick galloped forth to beat up the enemy's pickets. While he and members of his staff were in advance of his men, he fell into an ambuscade laid by a small party of the enemy, and received a painful, although not dangerous wound. Both he and his staff escaped with some difficulty from the rebels. The command of General Kilpatrick's division now devolved upon Colonel Murray, Third Kentucky cavalry, heretofore commandi
May 13th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 24
Parson in person. Among the General officers holding commands, are Johnston, Hardee, Hood, Stevenson, Pat Cleburne and Gibson, Bates and Polk. Major Landgraeber's report. Report of the battalion of artillery of the First division, Fifteenth army corps, under command of Major C. Landgraeber, Second Missouri artillery and Chief of Artillery, of the part taken in the battle of Resacca, Georgia: The First division of the Fifteenth army corps marched on the morning of the thirteenth of May, 1864, from Snake Creek Gap, with a line of skirmishers in front, in the direction of Resacca. Battery F, Second regiment artillery, Missouri volunteers, the two twelve-pound field howitzers leading, marched behind the First brigade, and the Fourth Independent Ohio battery, the four Napoleon guns leading, behind the Second brigade. After a lively skirmish the enemy made a stand about one mile from Resacca, Georgia, having posted his artillery on a hill. I brought the howitzer section of
eral M. S. Hascall appointed in his place. The latter commander has steadily progressed in the confidence and esteem of the army since he came to the Department of the Ohio. I have just seen a copy of the Confederacy, published at Atlanta, May fifteen, which contains an editorial article copied from the Chicago Times of April thirty, giving the exact strength of General Steele's army in Louisiana, the position of his forces, and the exact distance of his army from his base of supplies; alsoills in front of them. After sundown the firing ceased. During the night I built a breastwork in the ravine on the right of the main road, for the two twelve-pounder howitzers which were brought to this point at five o'clock A. M. on the fifteenth of May. The twelve-pound Napoleon guns were also brought forward to the position held the day previous by the howitzers of battery F, Second Missouri artillery. The two twenty-pound Parrott guns, of the Fourth Ohio battery, I brought forward to t
May 12th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 24
Doc. 8. Sherman in Georgia. Tunnell Hill, Georgia, Thursday Afternoon, May 12, 1864. General Sherman's grand campaign has reached that point where great events may be looked for at any moment. It is two weeks to-day since he left Nashville, his army then stretching from Decatur to beyond Knoxville, occupying the same lines held during the winter. His arrival at Chattanooga gave every division of the army a mysterious impulse, and, at the moment that Thomas gathered his legions into hand for an active movement, the corps on the flanks showed signs of life, and, by rapid strides, converged towards the centre of operations. Veteran regiments poured in from the North. Out-laying detachments were thrown together, and troops guarding important points were reduced to exact fighting weight. In less than ten days a tremendous concentration of troops has taken place, and to-day an immense army — a larger number of effective men than moved upon Corinth, after the battle of Shiloh-
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