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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.). Search the whole document.

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March 5th (search for this): chapter 4
seeing the Federal government in jeopardy, the border States simply desired to keep up their relations with it, in order to be the better able to profit by its weakness, to intimidate it, and to make it subservient to their demands. At a time when great political passions are struggling for the mastery, such a role is always dangerous for those who attempt to play it. Mr. Lincoln had gone to work without allowing himself to be discouraged by the difficulties of the situation. On the 5th of March he formed his Cabinet, assigning the highest position, that of Secretary of State, or minister of foreign relations, to Mr. Seward, the most influential man in the Republican party. Possessing great mental acuteness, large experience of men and public affairs, a perseverance equal to any trial, and rare vigor of body and mind, in spite of his sickly appearance, Mr. Seward concealed under the gloss of the lawyer a truly political acumen and sincere patriotism. Mr. Davis's government wa
March 6th (search for this): chapter 4
enders of the Constitution. Whether by accident or intentionally, the Confederates selected the 4th of March to adopt a new flag, and on the day when Mr. Lincoln entered upon the discharge of his functions, the Stars and Bars, as the banner of the rebellion was called, were audaciously displayed in seven States. At the same time, more effective measures were taken to convince the North that those States were fully determined not to recognize the authority of the new President. On the 6th of March the Montgomery Congress ordered a levy of one hundred thousand men, as we have already stated, and on the 11th it adopted the project of a Constitution which had been submitted to it. Nothing more was wanting to put this Constitution in force but the ratification by the people of each State. Out of the seven rebel States, one alone (Texas) had called for an expression of public sentiment upon the ordinance of secession voted by her convention, before having it promulgated; but the sepa
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