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advanced. Very Latest Per the Moravian, Via Greencastle. London, December 30. --The English journals continue to comment upon the Canadian difficulty, which has caused a slight depression in Canadian funds. The papers generally discountenance the idea of the English Government being driven into unfriendly relations with the United States. The Times shows that the rebels could desire nothing better for their cause than such a result. Suspension was announced of three sugar refining houses in Glasgow, viz: John Reid, Jr., & Co.; Baird & Patterson; and Baird, Nelson &Co., for about £80,000 each. Satterthwaite's Circular says: "In consequence of the holiday season, very few transactions took place in American securities until the 28th, when, on the receipt of news of important victories, an active demand sprung up for five-twenty bonds, which rapidly rose to 44 3-4, closing at 44 1-2. Illinois and Erie show and advance of one dollar per share in the week. "
"Resolved, That the Senate has received, with deep sensibility, the message from the House of Representatives announcing the death of the Hon. Simpson H. Morgan, late a Representative from Texas. "Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to communicate a copy of the foregoing resolution. "Resolved, That, in token of respect for the memory of the deceased, the Senate do now adjourn." House of Representatives. The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Patterson, of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Cluskey, of Tennessee, by leave, introduced the following: "Resolved, That the Committee on Elections inquire and report upon the expediency of declaring vacant the seats of members who have absented themselves from the sessions of Congress without leave, and who have announced their intention not to return to their duties." Adopted. The House took up for consideration the bill to provide for the laying of an export duty of five cents in s
efore them providing for the consolidation of companies, etc., it will be with very radical modifications. The bill, as adopted, will probably be a compromise between the House bill and the bill proposed as an amendment by the Senate Military Committee. When passed, we shall publish it in full. The present shape of either bill would fail to give an idea of what will be the result of the Senate's deliberations. House of Representatives. The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Patterson, of the Episcopal Church. The House took up the bill to provide for laying a specie export duty on cotton and tobacco. The question was, on the motion of Mr. Marshall, of Kentucky, to recommit the bill, with instructions to report a bill seizing all the cotton and tobacco in the country on Government account. It was adopted. Yeas, 43; nays, 31. Mr. Miles, from the Military Committee, reported back the Senate joint resolutions of thanks to General Stand Watie and Colone
, after a debate and discussion of several hours, was agreed to. Mr. Garland moved that the further consideration of the bill be postponed till Monday next. Pending this motion, the Senate, on motion, by Mr. Henry, adjourned. Note.--The Senate's agreeing to this amendment must not be understood as passing the bill. The House consolidation bill, as amended (by this substitute), has yet to be considered and passed. House of Representatives. The House met at 11 o'clock. Mr. Patterson, of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Logan, of North Carolina, offered a resolution to allow agents of the tax in kind rations in addition to pay and allowances. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. J. M. Leach, of North Carolina, offered the following: "Resolved, That the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is one of the great bulwarks of Freedom, and ought not to be suspended exception extreme cases, where the public safety imperatively demands it: That the peo
hailed with joy by the army and receive the approval of the country." Mr. Maxwell, of Florida, desired to say that he had voted against this resolution for reasons which were understood by Senators, and which had no reference to its merits. These reasons having been removed in the course of the proceedings, he would now vote for the resolution did the opportunity offer. On motion, the Senate adjourned. House of Representatives. The House met at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Patterson, of the Episcopal Church. The Chair laid before the House a Senate bill extending the jurisdiction of the tax collector of the Mississippi or Eastern District of Louisiana. The House passed the bill. Mr. J. M. Smith, of North Carolina, reported from the Military Committee the following bill: "The Congress of the Confederate States do enact, That the non- commissioned officer, musician or private who has lost, or may hereafter lose, in the line of his duty in the militar
Ancona, of Pennsylvania; Ketchum, of New York; Blane, of Maine; Kitgraves, of Kentucky. On Naval Affairs.--Messrs. A. H. Rice, of Massachusetts, chairman; Griswold, of New York; Pike, of Maine; Kelly, of Pennsylvania; Brundage, of Connecticut; Eldridge, of Wisconsin; Phelps, of Maryland; Darling of New York; Libloud, of Ohio. On Foreign Affairs.--Messrs. Banks, of Massachusetts, chairman; Raymond, of New York; Orth, of Indiana; W. H. Randall, of Kentucky; Dawson, of Pennsylvania; Patterson, of New Hampshire; Newell, of New Jersey; Callum, of Illinois; Winfield, of New York. On Elections.--Messrs. Dawes, of Massachusetts, chairman; Schofield, of Pennsylvania; Upson, of Michigan; Marshall, of Illinois; Paine, of Wisconsin; Shellabarger, of Ohio; McClung, of Missouri; Radfield, of New York. On Ways and Means.--Messrs. Morrill, of Vermont, chairman; Hooper, of Massachusetts; Brooks, of New York; Garfield, of Ohio; Wentworth, of Illinois; Conkling, of New York; Moorhead
The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1865., [Electronic resource], Complexion of the standing committees — great Dissatisfaction. (search)
Foreign affairs, post-offices, elections and naval affairs. The Western States have the chairmanship of eighteen committees, with three Western members on the committee of ways and means. The pressure from the West on the Speaker was very great. The changes in the old committee of military affairs elicited the greatest surprise--Generals Garfield and Farnsworth being left off, and their places supplied with new members. The partial effect of the bill introduced into the House by Mr. Patterson, of New Hampshire, is to repeal the charter of the city of Washington. In view of the almost certainly of negro suffrage, and for other substantial reasons, a movement is on foot among some of the citizens to surrender the charter of the city to Congress. The bill introduced by Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, to facilitate commercial intercourse between the several States is in accordance with a paragraph in the annual message on that subject. It prohibits a per capita tax by a State on pa
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
ge is necessary or expedient in the present mode of selecting the Public Printer." The committee, in conclusion, recommend the adoption of the following resolution: "Resolved, That this House, the Senate concurring, will proceed to the election of a Public Printer at two o'clock to-day." Mr. Word made a minority report from the same committee in favor of letting the Public Printing out to the lowest bidder. The question was debated at great length, Messrs. Dunnington, Patterson and Word advocating the election of a Public Printer, and Messrs. Lee and Dickenson advocating the contract system. On motion, by Mr. Grattan, the reports of the committee were recommitted to them, with instructions to report a plan for letting out the public printing to the lowest bidder. By Mr. Word.--A resolution that it is the sense of this House that the public printing should be done by contract, and that provision should be at once made for procuring contracts to do the p
the earliest practicable period, if they deem it expedient, a proposition, to be submitted to the State and people of West Virginia, for the accomplishment of the purpose indicated in the first resolution." Mr. Woodson advocated his resolutions. Mr. Garnett moved to lay the resolutions upon the table. The people of West Virginia had separated from us, and he was in favor of letting them go. His constituency were opposed to letting them come back, even if they so desired. Mr. Patterson was for letting West Virginia go. They had abandoned us when we needed their services, and we did not want them now. Mr. Wilson desired their return. He was for forgetting all that was disagreeable in the past, and hoped yet to see Virginia restored to her ancient prosperity and greatness. Mr. Herndon desired to see the ancient boundaries of the Old Dominion restored. He paid a handsome tribute to Virginia, the valor of her sons, and the virtue and patriotism of her daughters
chase arms for the State Guard was laid on the table, on motion of Mr. Gray, although opposed by Mr. Gilmer in an eloquent speech. House of Delegates. The Speaker announced the following as the Committee of Conference, on the part of the House, on Public Printing: Messrs. Waddell, Dunnington, Word, Leawell, Jones, Watkins, Merritt, Browning and Dickenson. Also, the following Select Committee on the Re-union of the State of Virginia: Messrs. Woodson, Robertson, Ellis, Garnett, Patterson, A. J. Clarke, Pendleton, Wall and Kellam. Mr. Joynes, from the Committee on Courts of Justice, reported back adversely the resolution relative to imposing fines on Justices of the Peace for not attending terms of their counts. Mr. Joynes, from the same, reported a number of bills, which were read a first and second time and ordered to be printed. suspended, and the bill staying the collection of debts for a limited period, reported from the Committee on Courts of Justice,
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