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Runaway.--$100 reward --Ran away from my house, on Wednesday, May 4th, a negro any named Jim, about 26 years old, yellow complexion, 6 feet high, and has a down cast look when spoken to He is well acquainted in Hanover and Louisa, and may be lurking about in come of the upper counties. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to the. W. M. K. [my 11--2t]
Runaway--$100 reward --Ran away from my house, on Wednesday, May 4th, a negro boy, named Jim, about 28 years old, yellow complexion, 6 feet high, and has a down cast look when spoken to. He is well acquainted in Hanover and Louisa, and may be lurking about in some of the upper counties. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me. Wm. K. Sledd. [my 1t--2 +]
Diary of the great campaign in Virginia. [From an Army Correspondent of the Charleston Courier.] Wednesday, May 4 --Yankees crossed the Rappahannock, entrenched, and were driven from their entrenchments with a loss of fifteen hundred prisoners. Thursday, May 5--Battle from dawn to 8 A M. 3,000 Yankee prisoners. Later engagement from twelve till night; Ewell against 5th army corps (Sykes's). Place, Parker's Store, on plank road, eight miles from Chancellorsville. Result, three corps and two divisions of Yankees repulsed--Generals Jems and Stafford killed. Pegram wounded. Friday, May 6.--Place, near Wilderness. Yankee right and left wings turned. Longstreet wounded; Jeanings and Jenkins killed; also, Wadsworth, on Federal side. The Yankees pushed back to Chancellorsville. Saturday, May 7.--Place, Germania Ford road. Gen Gordon, of Ga, turned enemy's right, and captured Gens Seymour and Shuler. Enemy abandoned Germania road and removed pontoons to Eley's fo
The Daily Dispatch: June 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Circular from Minister de L'huys on the Monroe Doctrine. (search)
Circular from Minister de L'huys on the Monroe Doctrine. The following is a circular from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs to the French Agents in foreign ports, (dated May 4,) upon the subject of the recent Monroe Doctrine resolution of the Yankee Congress: Gentlemen: The recent vote of the House of Representatives at Washington, on the subject of Mexico, has given rise to certain interpretations which it will be as well to rectify. The idea has arisen that this vote might induce the United States to adopt towards us a new attitude, of such a nature as to affect the cordial feelings existing between the two countries, or, at any rate, to complicate the Mexican question by embarrassments arising from without. We need only, however, observe the circumstances under which the manifestation alluded to took place to understand that the vote is very far from possessing the importance imputed to it. It is doubtless the reflection of the feeling so carefully fostered by th
... 38 39 40 41 42 43