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n was passed: Strike out all in the preamble having reference to Messrs. Hunter and Montague, and all after "resolved," and insert, "That the President be earnestly requested to grant a general pardon to all citizens of Virginia requiring Executive clemency under existing laws of the United States." Mr. Hurst, of Norfolk county, offered the following, which was laid upon the table: Whereas it is currently reported and generally believed that the celebrated Hudibrastic General B. F. Butler is about to take charge of this military department, with powers extraordinary; therefore. Resolved, That whatever money may remain in the State Treasury be immediately divided among the widows and orphans of deceased soldiers, and couriers be dispatched to the various counties, requesting the people to secrete or bury their plate. Mr. Clarke, of Campbell, offered a resolution, which was agreed to, that the Committee on Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the exp
ance relative to Mexican affairs will be published, as it is not deemed expedient to make it all public at present. It is announced in official circles that President Johnson is very urgent for the admission of the Tennessee delegates. In seems settled that there will be an exception in their case. The Republican Senatorial caucus was considerably divided on the question. Congress is not disposed to make an issue with the President if it can be avoided. The resignation of General B. F. Butler, which was tendered to the War Department a few days since, was promptly accepted to-day. This announcement creates much sensation here. The Speaker has been exceedingly busy since the adjournment on Wednesday in making up his committees. They are nearly The only controversy is on the of the Committee of Ways and Means., new committees raised by the last If Thaddeus Stevens is at the head Ways and Means, it is not unlikely Banks will be the chairman of branch of the re
The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1865., [Electronic resource], Reported resignation of Major-General Butler. (search)
Reported resignation of Major-General Butler. --It was rumored yesterday in usually well-informed circles that Major-General Benjamin F. Butler had sent in his resignation to the President, and that it had been accepted.-- National Intelligencer of Thursday.
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