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Comparative statement of the Inspection of Tobacco, at the different Warehouses in the city of Richmond, from the 1st October, 1860, to 1st December, 1861 and from the 1st October, 1861, to 1st December, 1861: Dec. 1, ' 60.Dec. 1, ' 61. Shockoe Warehouse1,7251,293 Public Warehouse1,226882 Seabrook's Warehouse656307 D. brell's Warehouse578162 Mayo's Warehouse776569 4,9603,213 8,219 Decrease1,767 Wm. Y, Sheppard, Prop'r Richmond Tobacco Exchange. Richmond, Dec. 1, 1861.
fifty-seven thousand and sixty-five dollars and eighty cents. For the first quarter of the financial year ending on the 30th of September, 1861, the receipts from all sources, including the balance of July 1, were one hundred and two millions five hundred and thirty-two thousand five hundred and nine dollars and twenty-seven cents, and the express ninety-eight millions two hundred and thirty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and nine cents, leaving a balance on the 1st of October 1861, of four millions two hundred and ninety-two thousand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and eighteen cents. The Estimates for the Forthcoming year, &C. Estimates for the remaining three-quarters of the year and for the financial year of 1863, together with his views of the ways and means for meeting the demands contemplated by them, will be submitted to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury. It is gratifying to know that the expenses made necessary by the rebell
ing Sept. 30th, 1860, including the balance on hand at the commencement of that year, amounted to $4,822,634.36. There was expended that year the sum of $1,895,002.23; leaving a balance in the treasury on the 1st October, 1860, of $4,632.13. The receipts for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30th, 1861, including the balance on hand at the commencement of that year, amounted to $1,775,091.72. There was disbursed during the same period the sum of $1,766,871.29; leaving a balance on hand 1st October, 1861, of $8,220.43. The investments of the fund in stocks loans, &c., other than subscriptions and appropriations to internal improvements, amount in the aggregate to $5,108,483.33. The amount of bonds of prations, the payment of the interest and the principal of which is guaranteed by the Commonwealth, is $2, The amount heretofore reported was $3,898,500. Since the last regular session of the Legislature, under an act passed 23d March, 1860, $1,862,665 of the guaranteed bonds of t
percussion fuses, Sept. 19, 1861. R. W. Habersham, Beaufort, S. C., sabrelance, August 6, 1861 Phidello Hall, Springfield, Texas, automatic breech-loading gun, August 10, 1861. Arthur E. Hall, South Quay, Va., camp bedstead, October 1, 1861. Afred G. Hearn, Arkadelphia, Ark., machine for measuring distances, Sept. 1, 1861. R. C. Howe, Richmond, Va., camp chest and bedstead combined, Oct. 29, 1861. J. L. Jones, Tally Ho, N. C., carriage wheels, Aug. 26, 1861. Nov. 21, 1861. George B. Sloat, Richmond, Va., sewing machine stand, (design) Aug. 5, 1861. George B. Sloat, Richmond, Va., work box for sewing machine, (design) Aug. 5, 1861. John R. Spilman, Warrenton, Va., paper cartridges, Oct. 1, 1861. John R. Spilman, Warrenton, Va., device for making cartridges, Oct. 2, 1861. B. B. and W. H. Stephens, Dallas, La., corn and cotton stalk cutter and puller, Nov. 27, 1861. J. D. Stewart, Jackson, Miss., sash fasteners, Aug. 21,
South-side railroad. The President of this line of improvement, Mr. Thomas H. Campbell, has transmitted to the stockholders the 13th report of the operations of the road, commending October 1st, 1861 and ending September 30th, 1862. From this report it appears that the receipts during the year were — from passengers, $243,277.06; from freight, $266,978.88; for mail service, $14,357,95; for express freight, $14, making a total of $579,958.38. The expenses of conducting the business of thent of the earnings, leaving the net earnings $342,693.26. A comparison of the years 1860-'61 and 1861-'62, shows an increase in the gross earnings of 1861-'62 of $222,434.20 and of net earnings $184,511.93. During the fiscal year, from October 1st, 1861, to October 1st, 1862, the company paid of 8 per cent $15.250; of 6 per cent. bonds, due January 1862, $60,900; of interest to the State of Virginia, accruing during the present year, $56,000; and of arrears of interest due to the State on
never assent to an adjustment which will take from her one square foot of her territory. Finances of the State. The balance in the Treasury on the 1st of October, 1861, was $138,214.84 and the amount received from October 1, 1861 to September 30, 1862. was 954 12, making $9,093,047.96. The amount of warrants issued upon October 1, 1861 to September 30, 1862. was 954 12, making $9,093,047.96. The amount of warrants issued upon the Treasury from October 1, 1861, to September 30, 1862, was $8,658, $46.45, leaving a balance in the Treasury October 1, 1862 of $4 4,201.51. This balance, with the estimated receipts up to September 30, 1863. which are estimated at $17,324,446.63 will make $17,758,618.14 From this deduct the estimated expenditures for 1861, $17October 1, 1861, to September 30, 1862, was $8,658, $46.45, leaving a balance in the Treasury October 1, 1862 of $4 4,201.51. This balance, with the estimated receipts up to September 30, 1863. which are estimated at $17,324,446.63 will make $17,758,618.14 From this deduct the estimated expenditures for 1861, $17,691,763.49, and there will be a the Treasury on September 30, 1863. of $66,884.65 Of interest hearing Treasury notes there were in circulation December, 1862. $1,493.340. The of these notes in 1861 reached $5,025,960 and $5,510,620 have been redeemed. Of non-interest bearing Treasury notes there are $3,045,147 now in circu
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