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W. T. Sherman 609 21 Browse Search
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August 14th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 117
under of the cannon reverberates ever and anon among the hills. Have you moonlight away up in Ohio? We have as yet received no intelligence of the arrival from Richmond of any reinforcements for Hood. The rebel authorities are trying to keep up the spirits of their men by promising them that Kirby Smith will soon come to their assistance. It will be a burning shame to those who have the conduct of our military and naval affairs if these promises are ever verified. before Atlanta, August 14, 1864. Last night Logan's skirmishers attacked the rebels in their line of earthworks, and in a very brief space of time carried them, and captured a large number of prisoners, about one hundred and twenty-five in all. As usual, Logan lost in the skirmish but a very few men, wounded. The Fourteenth corps yesterday and last night got quite a number of deserters, among whom were a few commissioned officers; these, with Logan's captures, reduced Hood's army over two hundred in one night.
August 11th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 117
ange come over more than one town, and it makes one sad to see the work of destruction commenced upon so beautiful a town as Marietta. But it is inevitable, and a part of the retribution that follows the rebellion, as it withdraws doggedly to its original haunts. We have had rain, in greater or less amounts, every day for more than a week; and it has happily preserved the purity of the atmosphere and allayed the heat, and been a great blessing to the wounded and sick. near Atlanta, August 11, 1864. We have passed a sleepless night under the ceaseless roar of our artillery that has been firing into Atlanta. The din was the most terrific and unearthly that I have ever heard ; shots following each other in such rapid succession that it was impossible to count them. For nearly an hour at a time the discharge from our guns of various calibre was so rapid that one almost imagined that he was listening to a medley of thunders from the clouds. And, only think, every discharge carry
... 72 73 74 75 76 77