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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
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A bride worth having. --The Rockingham (Va.) Register publishes the marriage of Miss Lucy F. Roller, the daughter of a wealthy farmer in that county, and adds: She was what we would call "an independent girl," sure enough. Her bridal out fit was all made with her own hands, from her beautiful and elegant straw hat down to the handsome garters upon her feet! Her own delicate hands spun and wove the material of which her wedding dress and travelling cloak were made; so that she had nothing upon her person when she was married which was not made by herself! Nor was she compelled by necessity or poverty to make this exhibition of her independence. She did it for the purpose of showing to the world how independent Southern girls are.
Not hung. --We noticed the fact last week that Wm. E. Coffman, of Rockingham, had been tried by Court-Martial in the command of General Imboden, for the offence of assisting and piloting deserters to the lines of the enemy, and that he was sentenced to be hung on Friday last. Mr. Coffman, after the trial, was sent from Rockingham, where the trial occurred, to this place for execution. His counsel sued out for him a writ of habeas corpus; but we are informed that Gen. Imboden, refusing to respect the writ of habeas corpus, ordered him to be hung, whereupon his counsel telegraphed the fact to the President, who ordered the prisoner to be handed over to the civil authorities. He will accordingly be tried before Judge Allen. Mr. Coffman being a citizen, and not a soldier, the military authorities have no jurisdiction over him.--Staunton (Va.) Spectator.
Murder --The Rev John Elaine, of Rockingham co, Va a Tunker greater of considerable prominence, and a man of great it fluence with and in his church, was shot and killed near his residence on Wednesday morning of last week M had gone to a neighbor's, in the direction of Turley town, we learn to clean a closer, and was on his return when the tragedy occurred. He was shot in the groin and breast with four balls, and is supposed to have been inctantly killed. He has a money and his watch on his person when he was killed. Those were not disturbed by the party by whom he was slain.
The Crops in the Valley. --Our farmers are beginning to cut their magnificent harvests of wheat and rye. The crop is a splendid one--the largest and finest we have had in the Valley since the war commenced. The harvest fields all give assurance that the Confederates are not to be "starved out" anyhow. The God of the harvest is certainly on our side, if we do not misinterpret the eloquent voices of the groaning wheat fields. --Rockingham (Va.) Register.
ion of Fayetteville is taken from the Biblical Recorder: When General Sherman started on his raid from Savannah, it was generally believed in military circles that he would follow the course of the railroad from Columbia to Charlotte. Preparations were made to check him before he reached the latter place. On arriving at Chester, he turned his column to the right, captured Camden, and moved on the main road to Cheraw. General Hardee was compelled to evacuate the town and retreat to Rockingham. He was then ordered by General Johnston to fall back upon Fayetteville. On reaching the vicinity, on Wednesday, the 8th, he took a position six miles from town, where he was reinforced by the command of Lieutenant-General Hampton. It was believed that a stand would be made and the place defended. It did seem that the splendid arsenal, the seven cotton and three oil factories, etc., made it a place of sufficient importance to the Government to make a more determined defence. On Thursd
the people by their recent vote. The subject of amending the vagrant laws so as to suit the present condition of things was introduced by Mr. Garnett, of Essex, and referred. Petitions were presented touching the case of Berkeley and Jefferson counties, now claimed by the Governor, Boreman, of West Virginia as belonging to that State, but which protest that they are a part of Old Virginia. The subject was referred to the Judiciary Committee by a proposition from Mr. Woodson, of Rockingham, for repealing the law ceding those counties to West Virginia. No other business was transacted. Tuesday, December 5. --In the Senate, a bill was introduced amending the third article of the Constitution — the same as that introduced by Mr. Grattan, in the House, Monday. Mr. Robinson reported a bill to incorporate the Norfolk City railroad. A bill was unanimously passed rescinding the acts of 13th of May, 1862, and 31st of January, 1863, consenting to the transfer from th
The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1865., [Electronic resource], Police for Manchester and Chesterfield. (search)
Sales of timber Land. --The Rockingham and Augusta, Virginia, land market is very lively. Within the last few days there have been sold to a party of capitalists, from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, a tract of eight thousand acres of timber land, belonging to D. Cupp; another, of four thousand acres, belonging to Click and others; another, of fourteen hundred acres, belonging to Almond & Co. The prices have not yet transpired.
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